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GitHub Acquisition – A Controversy that Made the Heads Turn!

Millennials, xennials, Generation X or Digital Generation, these titles given to the human generations
have almost fenced almost every aspect of life around the globe. Whatever the era maybe, human race
has always had a group that felt threatened by the growing interconnectivity and accessibility to
personal information on one-click functions.

As the human generation proceeds more deeply into digitalization, the dramatic illustration that has
been on media of the digitized world taking over the human clan seems to be drawing near. The titans
who played a key role in the digital transformation of our world over the years have and obviously will
hold a key influence on escalating the world towards a revolutionary phase. One of the names that
cannot be missed out here is that of Microsoft.

Microsoft with its enormous contribution to the digital world has had a history of critical acquisitions
and collaborations,that have resulted in provision of intelligent and remarkable multidimensional
solutions to the users.

One of the noticeable mentions would be the acquisition of GitHub that is the leading platform for the
software developers, which means that Microsoft now has access to a the world’s biggest code
repository where about 28 Million developers acquire, share and collaborate to shape the future. This
acquisition sent waves of concern within the tech community, not only concerning the competitors but
as a threat to the communities that uphold the notion that complete and absolute privacy need is being
threatened as such tech titans grow and bring every element of lifestyle into the digital mode.

A lot of these concerns are quite justified as now every eye looks to see what this tech giant is upto with
such a great resource and open source development community under its direct access. Optimists look
forward to a growth in the tech sector with new innovations and development take place to ease the
human operations. While the developers themselves are still in the process of recovering themselves,
fearful of the limitations that might occur on this platform where they previously has complete authority
to participate in open source projects and utilized the data.

Whatever the case, one thing is for sure that the strength of the developer community accumulated on
one platform can easily render many monetizing benefits to Microsoft itself.

While advantages are vivid for the developers outreach and ease in programming, this technology pact
might have a turning impact on the human operations with algorithms taking over everything. For some
critics, this acquisition bears the feeling of the AI penetrating into personal lives as a nightmare coming
true. This might give birth to a new form of strategically sound program to perform a directed task,
intelligent enough to read its deliverable and reach out.

With a vast amount of codes accessible, top of the line developers engaged, host of proven
development tools acquired and most of all, initiators of intelligence collectively responding to the call
of a project, this titan can easily trigger a boundary-less exposure to digital socialization and network
businesses, enterprises, electronic devices to a singular control platform.

But this was predictable, wasn’t it. The world we are to entering into, is supposed to be one where
everything is connected with technology driven functions that make this world a one-click environment.
The age of AI and Cloud control is upon us!

Open sourcing is bound to become the core strength of these titans, as they invite the tech savvy
community to define the future of our being, where any developer can plug into, extend and joins the

Microsoft’s global cloud infrastructure and services continue to gain influence and access through its
partner channels and direct sales, eventually becoming the one platform that offers outstanding
developmental tools and services to a wider audience; ensuring a new apex in development and
digitalizing the world as we have ever seen.

The one side of the coin exposed to us has always been the advantages and ease it ascertains to produce
while the other side may impact the novices in the manners no one knows about, where the privacy and
decisions merging up masses in technology can be at stake.

Lets’ wait and witness the revolution of technology entering and programming the minds and shape the

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