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It's all right. Just going through my questions. Sorry, guys. We got a water leak and give us a

minute. Coverage. Just give us a minute. Was good, man. Good. So I was just talking to okay,

give me 1 minute. Hey, Heidi. How are you? Yeah, one okay. My goodness.

I do the video outside. There's distractions. I do the video inside. There's distractions. Oh, my

God. Sorry, guys. It's frustrating. It's what happens when you live in a motel. It never stops.

Okay, anyway, right? Hey, everybody. So sorry about that. I tried to do it inside so we would

have no distractions, but we had a water leak last night, and the guy's here to look at it, and I

said to Mom, no, just wait until we finish. And she went and got him. Anyway, anyway, let's get

on with it. Okay, so q and A. All right, spiritual counselor. What is it?

Okay, so before I go on with some questions that I asked the alliance, my contact, who asked

me to actually talk about the spiritual counseling and to start taking interest of registration so

they know how many people are actually interested, I'm going to discuss what is a spiritual

counselor and why a spiritual counselor? Okay, so spiritual counselors are basically spiritualists

who have the higher knowledge from a higher perspective to assist people in their med bed

treatments, of getting healthy, going through their procedure, and remaining healthy with a

healthy mind, body, and soul moving forward after their treatment. So spiritual counselors, some

of them will be at med bed centers. Majority of them will be at Healing centers.


Okay? Some of them will be online. Some of them will be traveling to your place. It's basically

just like a counselor, but with the actual knowledge from the higher perspective. So all about

vibration. It's about mindset. It's not about just reliving your issues and your problems. Just

change the microphone there a bit. Okay, so it's all about actually getting healthy with a healthy

mind to begin with, because we know that the physical life is 90% mental and 10% physical. So

if you're mentally healthy, then you're going to be physically healthy, too. It all starts in the mind.

Now, spiritual counselors are the people who's going to help you get your mind healthy so that

you can get your body healthy, get your life healthy, and remain healthy following your

procedure and well into the future. Now, the spiritual counseling course is specifically for the

people who want to be spiritual counselors, okay? Now, it is a full time course. Full time. It's not

part time. It's not when I put the kids to bed, okay? This is full time. This must take priority
because this is your job. It's like you're going to medical school. This is what you don't go to

medical school. Just whenever I put the kids to bed, if there's an online learning session, you

attend the online learning session. Okay?


So I want to read to you, which was in the last video or the first video, the only other video about

this. And then I've asked several questions of my contact that I have to find. There they are.

Okay, so let me just read it, and then I will do the questions after because there's like three

pages of questions. Okay? I spent about an hour, which isn't long, an hour talking to him and is

very precise. Okay? And I tried to give all the questions if I was going to do the course that I

would ask. Okay, and then we'll go through your questions at the end. Okay, so there will be five

classes of spiritual counselor training. Class ABCD and E. Each class will be determined by

your level of spiritual mastery.


Class A is beginner, and class E being fully qualified spiritual counselor for each class, the

lessons will be tailored specifically for that class level. With class specific required activities, you

need to complete each class level to proceed to the next level. Okay? How long each class

takes will depend on your own development, all right? So it's up to you how long it takes you to

do the class. There's no class failure, only repeat until that particular level is desired and

integrated into your own life. Okay? So you not only need the knowledge, but you also have to

implement it. You also have to be walk your talk, not just talk talk, but you actually have to do it

yourself. Okay? So there's no faking this. There's no false light workers. It is when you learn

something mentally, you also have to do it physically, okay?

It's not like a lot of what we see in the spiritual communities where I send you love and light

while I'm stabbing you in the back with an axe. When you send someone love and light, you

actually need to send them love and light. Okay? Now, because this is vibrational, and we'll be

working with beings that are vibrational, there is no faking this. No faking, okay? It's really

important that you understand there is no faking this. If you are unable to implement it into your

own life, then you you you keep on repeating it until you do. Okay? Now, basic topics of

spirituality vibrational, frequency, consciousness on all levels. So multilevel consciousness,

basic spirituality, meditation, the mind, body and soul connection, and so on and so on and so
on. Okay?


So it's really important that you understand that when you are becoming a spiritual counselor,

it's not just talking to someone through their addictions or through their fears. You actually need

the whole package, the whole package, not just one or two things, and that'll get you through.

Okay? So to be a qualified spiritual counselor working in a healing center, you actually need the

whole thing, and you have to be what you preach, okay? For the most part, classes will be

online. Which one must attend at the time of the class. No, I'm busy. I'll watch it later. Okay, so

when you have a scheduled class, you actually need to be there for that class. Okay, so it's not

as I'll watch it later after dinner, or I got friends over, so I'll watch it later.

Okay, so some activities will be online, while others will be in person for a stay of up to six

weeks. Okay, so most of the training will be online, face to face via a secure website specifically

set up for this training, but you will have to go to certain places for actual in person activities. In

person training, they will be everywhere, and it will be in all languages. Okay, now, one thing

really important, I am not the one organizing this training. I'm not the one giving it, okay? It's not

me. Okay? This is the alliance doing this. It's not me. All right, I think I missed a page. Let me go

back. No, I'm good. Okay, so it's not me organizing this, all right?


I'm just taking the expressions of interest for registration, and I'm just explaining basically how it

will work, okay? A lot more information will be available later. Okay, so for people saying your

class, your training it's not my training, okay? I've nothing to do with it. I'm just giving the

information. I'm just a messenger. Okay, select it. Now, who will be the ones giving the classes?

Who's going to be the teachers, the trainers? Selected humans living on planet Earth, along

with other planetary beings and multidimensionals will be the mentors and guides for the

classes. Okay, so selected humans along with other beings. All right, once you are in Class D,

you are able to begin working as a spiritual counselor. So you're like, almost like the trainee,

okay, almost like the trainee. Like an apprenticeship kind of thing?

Class E is fully qualified as a spiritual counselor. However, they are furthering their education

into the higher dimensions and realms of consciousness. Level E are those who have obtained

a spiritual and conscious awareness to travel to other realms and civilization outside of Earth's
atmosphere. Okay, so Class E are like the I wouldn't call them masters, but you could use the

term masters if you wish, if you want a label. And I asked, what can we do for now? For now,

you must learn as much as possible about spirit, vibration, consciousness, et cetera, so as to be

as prepared to begin your training. You must not only learn, but practice what you preach. Okay?

Now that was what I read in the first video, which is what I received. Okay? Now, I have a ton of

other questions, okay?


So I'll just quickly go back through and see if there's any questions from you guys. Hello? Hello?

Oh, my God. I think I just packed my pants. Roxy heart attack. Holy crap. My house gone. Put

this off. Oh, my God. You see I don't have a safe place to do these videos, okay. I really don't.

Roxy. Oh, my God. My heart is going a million miles an hour. You see what happens when

you're focused? I'm better to not be focused. I don't get as many frights. Oh, boy. Okay. See,

my ears are welling up in tears. I scared myself. Okay, thank you for presenting this. This is total

bonus. I was asked €400 for Med bed in France.

Okay, stop buying into the money for Med beds. We have discussed this for so long. Med beds

are free. Registration. There is no registration. Stop it. Stop emailing people. If someone emails

you about a Med bed, tell them to just stop it. Okay? All right. Is there a procedure to apply for

having an education center in an office space, please? Okay, now, if you want to have an

education center, you can have an education center. If you want to have one of the centers that

the alliance uses, you will have to speak to the alliance about that after the redemption

appointments. Okay? It's after the redemption appointments. All right.


You'll get a phone number or a contact at the alliance that you'll be able to contact with

everything that you need, and they'll be able to guide you there. Okay, so that will be after the

redemption appointments. Okay, now my heart's calmed down a little bit. All right, let's see. Oh,

no. I lost my place. I don't usually use the computer. I usually just use the phone. Let me see.

Are you also considering setting up one of the spiritual counseling courses? If so, will it be in

NSE? No, I'm not. Pardon me? I'm not setting up a counseling course. Okay? This is the

alliance doing this.

This is not me. Okay. I got four projects to do, enormous projects. I'm not going to have any
time to do anything else. Okay, how will they determine our frequency level? Okay, so that will

come when you register. Okay. I don't know exactly about the registration process, but that is in

one of the questions a bit later. But that will not be it will probably be technology or a higher

dimensional being that will place you in a class. So you're not going to know what class you're in.

You could think that your class E when in fact your class C. Okay, so it won't be up to us

humans. It'll be up to quantum technology or other dimensional beings. Okay. If we want to start

a healing center, would it be best if we took this class?


Look, from my personal opinion, yes. Okay. If you want to have anything to do with a healing or

med bed center, I would do this course, this training. And again, that comes up in one of the

questions a bit later. Where will the training be? We don't know. Okay? We don't know. We

know it will be in many, many countries in many languages. When and where? I guess it'll start

after the redemption appointments. Exactly. When and where you'll be notified. Okay. You'll be

notified for that. So who knows if I want to take that class, just because I feel we are to have

that insight, but won't be working there. I will be the project manager. Okay.


So I don't know if it will be open to just everybody. I don't know. This course is specifically for

those people who want to work as spiritual counselors or work with Med beds, et cetera, et

cetera. Okay. I don't believe at this stage it's just open to every Tom, Dick and Harry or Sue,

Fran and Mary or anything else that you want to identify with. Okay. I think at the beginning, this

is just to get the centers up and running and to get the people trained and et cetera, et cetera.

Obviously will be opportunity later, but at the moment, my feeling this is not confirmed, just my

feeling is that it will be mainly for the people wanting to actually work. Okay.

All right, so here we go. Okay, here we go. Is the spiritual training required for all counselors,

Med Bed staff? Oh, wait a second. I worded that wrong. Is the spiritual training required? Okay.

Yes. For all counselors and med bed staff. Okay, so if you want to be a counselor and work one

to one with people, and if you want to work with the Med Beds yes, it is actually required. This

spiritual training will be part of your Med Bed training. So if you're not going to register for the

spiritual counseling, then that will be part of your training anyway. Okay? So whether you want

to register or not, you will still be doing this training. Okay. If you're just working with the Med
beds, is the training required for managers of centers? Oh, well, there you go. I got that wrong.

Yes, it is.


Okay. Is the training required for managers I wrote this down yesterday, and I still forgot. Is the

training required for managers of centers? Yes. With an explanation, Mark. Okay, there you go.

Will the training be run in many languages? Yes. You will be learning in your language. Okay.

Will the in person activities be in all countries? The in person training will be in most countries.

Everyone will have access. No one is left out. Okay. I lead a busy life. Is the course flexible?

Okay. This is something that many have asked in just a very few short hours. Okay? All right.

No, the course is not flexible. It is your responsibility to manage your time and organize your life.

This guy was very straightforward and quite blunt. He didn't pull any punches. All right?

So if it comes across as quite blunt and ugh, okay, this is exactly how he worded it. All righty?

Now, I have pets or children at home, so it may be difficult to go to the in person activities. What

do I do then? This has also been a common question. Organizing your life is part of your

journey. Think outside the box. Okay? I have a feeling that this guy is going to be one of the

trainers and is not going to take any crap. Okay? On a limited income, I may not be able to

afford to travel for training. Again, another question that has come up quite a lot. All right, this is

his answer. This is what the humanitarian okay, we're back again. Okay. All right. This is what

the humanitarian groups are for. Get organizing together, okay? So get your community



If you can't afford it to travel and you're not one of the humanitarians with funds or hired by a

manager or hired by a center yet, then get together and organize. Okay? This is what the

community is for. Will I have to pay for the training or registration? No, the training is entirely

free. You do not pay for training. You do not pay for registration. So watch scammers, okay?

They will take your money and say, oh, register the training. No, absolutely not. Okay? No

money is to be handed over for spiritual counselor training, okay? Do I have to pay for

accommodation, meals, et cetera, at the training center? Now, this is where it gets a little

complicated, okay? No accommodation is free.

Some centers may charge a small fee for some meals. Okay? Now, we know that replicators

are meant to come out with the med beds, okay? We know that. So there'll be food replicators.

So there should be no reason for a center to be charging for food because they're not paying for

food. They're not paying for the preparation or anything of the food. Now, in the center that I

plan, that I'm planning, I will have a cafe where we'll have freshly cooked pastries and cakes,

and you can have toast and whatnot that will be paid, okay, that will be charged just like a

regular cafe, except cheaper. Of course, when you have your meals, they will come straight

from the replicator. They will be completely free.

So if you have a guest with you that is not training or say you've come for healing or something

and you have a family member, okay, so the patient gets all the meals for free as well as their

relative. But the cafe, if you want to just sit down and have a fresh pastry or something, then

you will pay for that. Okay? When does training begin? Training will start shortly after funding

and the trainers and the centers are in place and ready to proceed. Okay, so training will start

after funding, once the trainers and the centers are in place and are actually ready to go. Okay,

so pretty straightforward.


Can training be done or started after my med bed procedure? Okay, another question that's

coming up quite a lot. Yes, but you must be formally registered okay, what is the registration

process? You'll be sent a detailed questionnaire to fill out, and upon returning the questionnaire,

you'll be placed in a class ABCD or E. This is based on several factors your knowledge,

experience and vibrational frequency. In some cases, an organizing member may call you for

more information. Okay, so really important. So it'll either be the quantum computer that places

you in a class, or it will be one of the higher dimensional beings that knows all about you and

knows all your stuff. How will the online learning take place?

The online classes will be given through a secure website specifically for the training purposes.

Okay, so once you register, you'll be given the website and told how to create your account.

And through that website you'll be given all your class details, all your schedule, everything

through that website. Okay? What if I can't make a class? Now? If you can't make a particular

online class or an in person class, you must notify the class coordinator before the class is due

to begin. Okay, now just I'm feeling sick today. I don't feel like it because I'm enjoying binge
watching some TV show is not a valid excuse. Remember, you're dealing with vibrational beings.


If you call up to cancel your class and say you're not going to come, and you say, I've got a

stomach bug, when in fact you're going to the pub to have a party with your mates, that's going

to be frowned upon. Okay, so this is personal responsibility. If I can't make the class, can I go

back and watch it later? Yes, you can. Okay. The classes will remain there permanently. Okay,

who are the trainers? Selected humans and other planetary beings. Can I do the training part

time now? This is something they're very strict on. No, this is full time. Commitment is a

requirement, okay? If you cannot commit to it because of life or anything, this is where personal

responsibility comes in. You have to figure out what is most important in your life.

Is it your lifestyle of luxury and just getting out of bed at midday and strolling around? Or is it

you actually want to better yourself and actually want to do this? Okay, if you have a full time job

already pardon me? I asked them this and they said this takes priority. This is not just

something you do in your spare time or whenever you feel like it, okay? This takes priority. If

you want to work as a spiritual counselor or with med beds, then you must give your full

commitment or nothing at all. Okay? It's not a part time thing. What if I fail a level? There is no

failure. You repeat until you get it doesn't matter how long it takes, you just keep on repeating it.

Okay, at which class can I work as a spiritual counselor? Class D. Okay, class D, you get to



You actually can work as a spiritual counselor, class E, you're fully qualified. Okay. So probably

if you're in Class D, then you'll be working at a med bed center, more than likely so that you can

be supervised by a Class E counselor. Okay. How long does each class level take? That is

entirely dependent on how quickly you learn and implement the knowledge. Okay. How long it

takes is totally up to you. All right. Can I teach once I become class e? Yes, class E will be

teaching as part of their ongoing training. Okay, so once you reach Class E or starting Class E,

you are the ones who will be training others.

Now, whether that be as part of the alliance training course or if you're given training online if

you're giving training online, it totally depends. Okay. All right, so Class E training pardon me,

will be part of your ongoing education. Okay. Now, one thing which I haven't been asked yet,
but it came up on one of my YouTube videos, and I have to say this, and it is controversial, and

I just had to ask, okay, because many people will ask, does Jesus agree with this kind of



Okay, now, I was surprised by this answer that he gave me, and it was very matter of fact. Okay?

There was no but this or but that. Okay, the the thing with these these beings, they do not worry

about your personal feelings, okay? They give it to it straight. They give facts, and then that's it.

How you deal with it is up to you. So does Jesus agree with this teaching? This teaching is

beyond the confines of religion, however, is in line with the Christ consciousness. I thought that

was a brilliant answer. I was surprised, but a brilliant answer. Okay, so this teaching is beyond

the confines of religion. However, it is in line with the Christ consciousness. So there you have it.

All right, so I will just go back through a few questions.

Let me see. My goodness. There are a lot of questions. Okay. I cannot read French. I'm sorry. I

read English. I did try and take French in year seven and eight in school. I think I got, like, three

words. Very slow learner when it comes to languages. Let me see. I'm just trying to get back to

where I was. Let me see. Okay. I am opening a healing clinic. My employees are not hired yet.

Will there be classes available later for new hires? Yes.

So these courses will be ongoing indefinitely. Okay. I believe you will be able to start at any time.

There's no cut off time. Okay. So once you register and you're placed in a class, you join that

class. Okay. And the way you go, these classes will be indefinitely. So not just for the next 510,

15 years, but actually continuing on and on and on and on and on until humanity, all of humanity,

the collective consciousness is at, like, minimal 5D frequency, 5D consciousness. So it could be

going on for another 300 years. All right, these classes will be continuous. Okay? How would

you do it if you have young kids?


I can't stay somewhere else without my kids for many personal reasons. Okay? I just answered

that before. Okay? What we have to understand and this is really hard for people that have busy

lives, have young kids, have pets, have everything is part of the journey through consciousness

and spirituality and into the higher dimensions is that you have to learn to manage your time.

You have to learn to organize your life. Okay? We have a great community of people. Use them.
Get involved. Start getting back to the community spirit. Not that long ago, it took a village or a

town to raise a child. And yet here we won't even talk to our neighbors. So start getting back

involved in the community.

So it's really, really important that you learn to manage your time. If you have a pet or a child at

home and you have to go away for a week, that's up to you to organize, okay? That's your

responsibility. It's not the Alliance's responsibility. It's not the trainer's responsibility to make sure

that you have someone to look after your pets and kids that's you it's the same as if you're

working and your company sends you overseas for a week on a trip. You have to make

arrangements for your child. This is exactly the same, okay? The alliance is not going to do

everything for you. This is totally up to you, okay? Another great question about children. I have

a special needs young son. Again, same thing. It's up to you to make arrangements, okay?

However you do that, think outside the box, okay?


Rather get rid of the box. Don't even have a box. There's so many great people in humanitarian

community and everything. Use them. Get to know each other. And I know in one civilization

that when one person goes to work that's got young kids, the next door neighbor looks after the

child or somebody else looks after that child. And then when they're at work, then you look after

their child. So work together, okay? Work together. It's a team effort. This is why we call it the

Collective, because it's a group. It's not just individuals, okay? It's everybody. Let's see the

humanitarians get very busy setting up their projects. After redemption appointment, it is not

possible to follow the training earlier. The training won't be earlier, okay?

Lynette the training will will start when it starts, when the alliance thinks it starts. If you're setting

up your humanitarian project again, it's your responsibility to manage your time and to make

sure that you are where you need to be when you need to be there. Okay? So I believe that the

online courses will be maximum 2 hours each time the online training maximum 2 hours each

time in many different time zones. It may be twice a week. So I'm sure 4 hours out of the week

you can take off from doing your project. All right? I'm pretty sure you can do that. Your project

doesn't have to go 24/7. Okay? It'd be good for you to take time off of your project, have a bit of

a break. All right?

So I'm pretty sure you'll be able to manage in healing Centers are the counselors for

professional and people going on med beds. Okay? So if you are working with people that is

going through their procedure. So if you're a counselor, if you're a dietitian, if you're a

physiotherapist, if you're a med bed tech, if you're a nurse, if you're a doctor, manager, anybody

who will deal with patients face to face, you will have your procedure during your training, if not

before. Okay? If you are a manager, you're dealing with people face to face, you will have your

procedure. If you are a project developer but not dealing with people, then that depends

whether you have funding or not. Okay?

Now, I have a list in my groups about the order in which people will go, and there's no live

streaming. Oh, here we go. Finally. We're back again. Sorry, guys. Yeah, video frozen internet

is probably somebody saying, no, we don't like this subject. Okay, here we go. All right, we're

back. So, yeah, if you are a spiritual counselor, you're not developing a project, you're not a

manager, you don't have funds, then yes. Going through the med bed procedure yourself is

actually required and will be part of your training. Okay. So you can't help people if you don't

know what they're going through. All right? Now, that's so important. You cannot help someone

go through a med bed procedure if you yourself don't know what the procedure is like. Okay.


You have to be the patient before you can be the one helping the patient. So that's actually a

requirement if you're scared to use the med bed but you want to be a spiritual counselor, guess

what? You got to get over your fear really quick. Okay? Yes. All right. I just planned for the

beginners. Yeah. A lot of people will be starting in the beginners. A lot of people will be starting

at the more experienced levels, too. Train us so we can train others? That is the idea. Would

the training be similar to the early mystery schools? I don't know what the mystery schools are,

so I can't answer that. Can I let someone know about this that hasn't known anything about the

program? You absolutely can. As long as they are planning to be a spiritual counselor in one of

the centers, go for it. The spiritual bar is high.

To be able to work in a center as a counselor, there may not be enough people ready to open

the centers. Will they start classes prior to. The redemption. Okay. Classes start after the

redemption when the trainers and the centers are ready. Now, I do believe I'll let you in on a

little secret. I don't know if this is true. I cannot confirm it. I have been told, and I do feel that
some of these education centers are already built, ready to go. Okay. That's what I feel. I have

been told. I cannot confirm it. So I'm saying it's gossip, but I feel some of them have already

been built for the people that are actually going to be running these centers. And once the

redemption happens, then these center managers, I guess you could say, will move straight in

and start pretty much within two, three weeks. Again, I cannot confirm that. Okay.


So for now, it's a rumor. Okay. Let me see. I was shown by galactic beings. Part of my mission

would be to work with the med beds as an operator. How do I approach this with regards to the

humanitarian projects? Many people that have projects will also be doing multiroles. Multiroles.

So you'll also be doing a med bed operator as well as managing a project. Okay. It's

multitasking. You can do one day as a manager, one day as a med bed operator, and one day

as an animal healing chamber operator. The next day is a gardener, next day is a cook. Okay.

It's up to you. Many roles. Okay. We're no longer going to be just an accountant or just a lawyer

or just a police officer or just a doctor. Okay. Many, many roles. Okay.

What a boring life just to do the same thing for your entire life. No, do many, many things. Let's

see. I'd like to do animal med beds. Beautiful. I'm really excited for everything that is coming,

excited for all of us and the new experiences that we're going to have. Life is beautiful. Love you

all. Yes, it is. I guess it's good to remember it. It is. After redemption, we'll be working with this

and not the nine to five jobs. Exactly. This will replace your nine to five job. Okay. Not work

alongside your nine to five job. All right? This spiritual counseling is your job. It is your job. Med

bed operators is your job. It's not an add on. It's not. You work it around your nine to five job.

Okay. It is your job. All right? So people saying, oh, I can't because I have a job.


Really? Do you love your job that much that you're going to work this around your job? Okay. All

right. So metaphysical counselors would be the best to start with. Yes. Okay. Now, regular

counselors that is trained in universities, if they don't have the spiritual aspect, the spiritual

knowledge, they will have to start from class A. They'll have to start from scratch, because the

university counselors only have half the story. They only address the issue that's in front of them.

They don't have the whole package, so they will have to start from scratch. Okay? So if you're

coming saying, oh, I've been a counselor for 30 years, it's like, yeah, but what do you know
about vibration? What do you actually know about higher consciousness?

Okay, so it's really important that counselors understand that they will not be walking straight

into a counseling job. They must be trained spiritually with that spiritual aspect, the higher

consciousness. Okay? Doesn't matter how many years you've been a counselor or a

psychotherapist or psychologist or psychiatrist or any the other IST, okay? Makes no difference.

If you don't have the spiritual knowledge and connection, then you start from scratch or you start

where you need to start. Okay? First time, I am not worried it will flow as it should. This is a

school college. It is not optional or arranged around us as we arrange for the adjustments for

the teachers. Is this not understood? That's right. So we've been through for so long. We have

everybody working around our schedule, okay? And your lifestyle takes preference. Okay?


So it's been really easy. I'll do my course while I'll listen to my course while I'm having dinner or

while I'm cooking or while I'm cleaning, while I'm in the car, I'll listen. There's no real 100%

commitment. Spiritual development and consciousness is the core of physical life. It's the basis

of physical life. So if you're not willing to take this seriously, then there is somebody else that is

willing to take it seriously. That can happen. Have your place. Okay? So if you're not committed

to developing yourself and helping others first, then you're not ready for this course, okay?

You're not ready. It's not a I'll just do it because it's a fun thing to do. You're either 100% fully

committed or you're not.

There there's no in between, okay? There's something that people need to understand. And as

for time, it's your responsibility to organize your time around this, regardless of what you got

going, regardless of your circumstances. This is where personal responsibility comes into it. All

right? Maybe those who are part of the RV will be able to help those who need to travel. Exactly.

Right. So there's another project for some people that may be thinking, what can I do as a

project? Assist those to get around that needs to get around but can't afford it or have difficulty.

Okay, where will the training centers be located? No idea. You will find that out to you

personally according to your class and your location. Okay, now remember, I'm not the one

giving these courses.


I'm just taking registration, interest of registration, and doing the emails. Okay? I'm not
organizing the course. I'm not giving the course. I'm just the messenger. I'm the in between

person, all right? So please don't say your training. I have nothing to do with it. It's not my

training at all. This is coming directly from the alliance. The alliance will be organizing this. It's a

full team that will be doing this, not just one person. In a world of abundance. Don't think we are

starving. Feed everyone anyway. I'll share. Yeah. Thank you, Jenny. All right. Just see if I can

find some more questions. I understand. I won't have an RV per se like other countries, so to

register, who would I contact for the training? Leon, why wouldn't you have an RV per se like

other countries?

The RV is all countries, not just selected. So yes, you will have the RV like all other countries.

Changing the world is a huge responsibility. That's right. Replay. This video will stay on my

YouTube channel. Unless my YouTube channel's kicked off. I've already got one strike, so I got

to be a bit more careful in what I say. Good old YouTube. Let me see. Of course it jumped. Why

did it jump that far? Sorry, guys. Trying to find where we were.


It totally jumped. Here we go. Here we are. Everyone will have to go to the bank and get their

new cards, monies, et cetera. You are evaluated there. And the RV comes during and after.

Kinda. Kinda. Will the accommodation for the participants be available at the training center? If

yes, for free? Yes, that was already discussed earlier. So the accommodation for the training,

the in person training will be free. Okay, I get it a lot, including me. Cannot comprehend. What

will it be? Bug. I just figure acceptance is key. Okay. There's a few misspellings there, so I can't

really understand it. But it is free. I'm already in a similar training modalities.

Will these be considered? There are many extraordinary techniques available at this time. So

again, you will be assessed according to your previous knowledge, experience, et cetera,

vibration. Okay, so it's not one class fits all. All learning is tailored to you specifically. Not to your

friend, not to your colleague, not to your partner, not to your child, but to you. Okay, let's see. In

line with Christ consciousness. Yes. Okay. That is what I so prefer. Straightforward, to the point,

teaching, explaining. Yeah. A lot of the galactics and other dimensional beings are very loving.

Holding your hand, walking you through, very caring and all of that.


What less people actually encounter is extremely straightforward. No bullshit, straight to the
punch. They don't mess around. Okay? And I prefer it this way because if I had my hand held

through this whole process, I would not be here. I would have checked out a long time ago.

Okay? Going straight to the point, giving me a kick up the backside, a slap over the cheeks, is

something that I've actually needed to get where I am today. Okay, so less people or fewer

people actually encounter the galactics that are straightforward? You ask a question, they give it

to you. They don't care about your feelings. It's like, well, here it is. Now you deal with it? How

are you going to deal with it? What are you going to do with it? Okay? That's your journey.

That's your learning.


When you go through the levels of spiritual development and into higher consciousness, when

you start meeting these people at a higher level, they are like this, okay? They give it to you

straight while you're still learning and still quite young, they do hold your hand, they walk you

through it, and then all of a sudden, it's like, well, here it is. Here it is. I'm not giving you the

answer you want. I'm giving you the answer you need, okay? I'm giving you the information you

need for now, not what you want, that will allow you to remain comfortable, but what you need,

okay? And this is where a lot of people go, oh, I don't like that. That must be dark. That must be

a negative entity. That must be a demon or something. No, it's not.

It is because you have moved up a level, and therefore, because you've moved up a level,

therefore you get it straight. You no longer need your handheld. You no longer need to be Molly

Coddled, okay? They give it to you straight. And this is something that I had to deal with a lot,

because I see everybody getting such beautiful, loving, empathetic messages and compassion

from these beings, and I get hit with a bus and I'm like, okay, radio. All right? So they are very

straightforward and very direct, regardless of your feelings about the information, okay? I'm sure

he knew some needed a real answer. Exactly, Jenny. Exactly. Pardon me, mum. Can I have a

water, please? Pardon me.


Let's see. Blindness. Treatment only. Treatment? Is this training required for treatment only?

Barbara, I have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry. Will we get a call or email when it

starts? Sorry, I missed the first 20 minutes. Okay. All right, hang on. 1 second. I can't open it. I

got it. 1 second, guys. Oh, my God. That's cold. Okay, what was I talking about? Okay, now, I've
given an email, okay? I'll give it to you again, and it will be in the description of this video at the

bottom. It will also be in the comments.

Now, I usually turn the comments off because people ask the same question a million times

over and they don't listen. That's why I turn the comments off. Not because of trolls or anything

like that. It's because people don't listen. They just go, I'll just ask and it's already there. So I

turn the comments off, which forces them to listen again instead of me answering 10,000 people

all the same question when it's right there in front of them. So it's going to be in the description

of the video. Now, the email to send your interest for registration, it's only an interest, okay, is

sky so SK y e. Spiritual Counselor training at Proton Me. Okay, now. People have been

messaging me saying, sky, the email doesn't work. The email does work. It is absolutely fine.


I have well over 300 emails already in less than 48 hours. People are just missing letters, okay?

When they give it to them and they copy and paste it, it works. Okay? So just be very mindful,

okay? SkySky. Spiritual counselor training at Proton Me. Okay, it works. Make sure you have

the correct spelling, which will be in the description of the video and in the comments. Pardon

me. Now, where was I? Okay, so if you send me an email of your interest, no life stories or

projects or anything like that, I don't have time to go through all that. I will just send you all


I will just send you a basic email back when registration opens, official registration. You will be

sent an email with the whole registration process. It will be a questionnaire detailed. It'd be

detailed questionnaire. And you fill that out, you send it back, and then you'll be resent the

website, your course details, your class, all of that. Okay? The no registration fee is free.

Everything's free. All right? How long until you receive that registration? Pack will depend on

funding. Okay? It all starts after funding. Nothing will start before funding because the centers

have to be ready and the teachers, the mentors, have to be ready also. Okay. Will NDA be

required. No.


An NDA is only regarding the funding and for some people, their med bed procedure. But no

NDA will be required for this course. This is gold. Thank you. And the alliance is the spiritual

counseling training set up in every country yet or only in Australia? There is no counseling
training set up anywhere. Okay? It will be set up in most countries. Okay. That should take

away the worry from most. We have lived with the lack of so long. We are moving up. Yes. Okay,

let's see. On BBS radio, Q says that no one will get funds. Instead, we'll be shown how to

manifest almost instantly your opinion. Bollocks. People have funds in their account, and so

believe what you wish. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe everything you read.

It's just someone's opinion. Lots and lots of misinformation out there. Take it or leave it. Get off

the emotional roller coaster. It's not worth it. Okay? If it's important, I'm sure we'll find a way.

Exactly. If it's important to you, then you'll make it work. Awesome. So I can focus on getting the

center build and then getting this class, right? Yeah. Again, time management. You need to

learn to manage your time. Okay? You need to get rid of what's no longer in your good for your

life. Okay? So do a full cleansing. Get rid of everything, including people that's not for your

highest benefit moving forward, and that'll free up your time. Simple. Okay, I know it sounds

simple. It's not. It is. Actually, it takes practice we can't even fathom.


When I try to realize what I want, I cannot even think big enough yet. I just keep pushing it out.

Yeah, just keep going. Humanitarians should start the childcare program. I do believe there are

a lot of humanitarians planning on children's programs and things like that. When the lady who

has a special needs son get an appointment for him in the Med bed, since she's a humanitarian.

Well, yeah, if she's a humanitarian, has projects and funding, then her son being a dependent,

will get Med bed treatment, no problem. Special needs will probably require more counseling

than regular for the child to return to how they should have been instead of poisoned. And we

won't go down that path.

Let me see. Just going through things that we've already discussed. Will there be new careers

suitable for seniors? You have med beds. Seniors will not be an issue unless you choose to be

a senior. Is there still a conference for those humanitarians who want to apply to have Medbeds

in their centers? Yes, that information has not changed. There's a three to five day conference

for the terrions who receive funding who would like Med beds in their projects. This is not just

for managers or people who want to work with Med beds. This is for the people who have the

funding to have Medbeds in their projects. The reason why is because the person with the

funding ultimately is responsible for the technology. Okay?


Because you're funding it, so you're responsible for it. So the three to five day conference is for

those people to make sure they understand what's actually involved, what's necessary to be

given, the dimensions for the rooms and all the actual details, security concerns, all of that.

That's what the conference is for. It's not just for managers, okay? A manager just manages the

place. The person funding, it needs all the actual details. Okay, let me see. Yeah, I know, guys.

It's been freezing a bit.

All right, I'll do a few more. Let me see. Now, I did read very quickly, as it just splashed across

the screen that someone said that they're a spiritual master. Now, this is my personal opinion. I

would be very am careful in saying that simply because we know that labels are a way to

describe something that we have or are attached to, okay? Which is very it is of low

consciousness, because when you go to the higher levels of consciousness, you know that you

are everything. So there's no need for labels.


When you tell someone you're a master, there is, and forgive me, I know people are going to go,

forgive me. When you say to someone, I'm a master, there is an attachment of ego there, okay?

So I just want to remind you this. When you go to, or rather when you register for the Spiritual

Counselor Training, if you're attached with that or any kind of label like that, these higher

dimensional beings, they will bring you down very quickly. I've seen it in person, okay? I've seen

it. Someone walks in and says, I'm this, I'm that, and spirit makes an absolute fool of them, okay?

They give them a really quick dose of humility really quick. So just be aware, we're not dealing

with just humans here, okay?

We're dealing with these other beings who will bring you back down to, if you're saying I'm a

spiritual master, they will probably put you in class A, okay, as a dose of humility, all right? So

just be very aware with how you use your ego. And I know many will say, but it's not ego related.

Any label is ego related. Once you move past that, you understand that you are everything.

There is no need for labels. So you're not an empath, you're not a spiritualist, you're not a

psychic, you're not a medium, you're not this, you're not that. You are everything. Everybody is

everything. It's just remember, the labels are just used to describe your level of ability, okay?

But it also does come from ego, all right? You can argue as much as you like, but that's how the

higher dimensional beings see it, okay? They don't even like to be called Pleiadians Arcturians.

They are beings. They are all that is. They are their energy. They're everything. Okay? Let's see,

just going through I can train and work for a bowl of oats and water, period. That's all. I'm ready

and what I want to do. I know there's others like me just trying to focus, have a proper

environment to keep learning. Yeah, I know. Okay. Of course it jumps.

Okay. I think I'm going to leave it there. Okay. It just keeps jumping. It keeps jumping. How can

we maintain our med bed facility operational when we are not charging for services? That is

what the humanitarian funds are for, okay? That's what the humanitarian funds are for. They are

to pay for staff. They are to continue operating. That's what the funds are for. That's why we

can't have the Med beds before funding, because who's going to pay for them? Okay, so that's

what the humanitarian funds are for, is to pay for the centers. Very, very simple. Where is a

video of these beds? At work. Alive and kicking. What you need to understand is that Med beds

are still technically military technology.


You're not going to find a video of these Med beds at work until they are made public. Okay?

Until they are made public, you're not going to find it because people have tried in the past to

talk about it, or not only talk about it, but show it. What happens, the evidence, and the person

disappears. Okay? Alive and kicking. Show you the video. Go to your nearest military base and

demand it, okay? Go to your military base and demand they show you. Good luck with that.

Okay, you need to understand they are still technically classified military technology.

There are no videos or photos of real military Med beds anywhere, and you won't find them until

they are made public because they are classified military technology. All right? Why am I

allowed to talk about it? Because there are some of us in the Truth community that has been

given the task of exposing truth so that we can help wake up humanity or not wake up, but allow

humanity to become more aware of what's actually going on. Okay? So it's really important to

know that the Med beds are absolutely real. They are still classified technology. Once they are

released to the public, then you will see videos of them. You will see them in action. You will

see photos, your testimonies.

You will see actual people results that were in a wheelchair that's now walking perfectly healthy.

All right? You will see it. Okay? So it will come. All right? Soroya come back. Is there any

chance to start the training prior to the RV, like, tomorrow? So do whatever you can now. Learn

about Spirit, learn about vibration, learn about okay. If I was to give advice on what you can do

now, I always give this advice to all my clients and all my students. Start doing readings. Yes,

psychic and mediumship readings. And the reason for that is because when you do readings,

you're not so much reading the other person.

You're developing your connection with spirit while getting feedback from the person you're

actually reading for, which gives you confirmation that you are receiving and interpreting the

messages correctly, the information correctly. Not one person on this planet needs a reading.

Not one. Every person needs to do readings to get the confirmation that they are interpreting

information not just from spirit or other dimensional beings, but from their higher self as well.

Correctly. Okay? Correctly. All right? So that's my advice. Do readings. Just go and do as many

readings as possible, okay? Tell them you're beginning. You're just learning, so there's no

expectation. All right, alive and kicking. Please stop trolling with the Med beds, okay?


I've already explained it is classified military technology. Do I know when medbeds are going to

become public? Six to eight months after funding. That's what's been said. I have a feeling it will

be sooner, like, three to four months, but it has been said six to eight months after. When is

funding? We don't know. We're still waiting. It could be today, it could be tomorrow. It could be a

month. We don't know. Who would have thought May 2? We're still going to be here waiting for

funding, okay? We don't know. So I'm not going to continue with Med beds, because that's not

what this video is about. I have a ton of videos about Med beds already, and I'm getting sick of

talking about it, just like you guys are getting sick of hearing about it. All right, so let me see.

I'm just going back through. All right, so if I am chosen this is from Laurie. Hopefully, if I am

chosen, my email notification doesn't go to my junk mail and I miss it. Laurie, check your junk

mail. Check it. It doesn't take much to check your junk mail. If it goes to your junk mail, then so

be it, okay? Check it. It's that simple. You're not going to miss it if you check it, okay? Really

easy. Okay. You cannot miss your junk mail if you check your junk mail, all right? Okay. They

said this three years ago, and Simon Park said he was in charge of them. No one's in charge of
them except the military department of the alliance, okay? That's who's in charge of them.


It's a group effort. No one person will be in charge of the Medbeds. Okay, so humanitarians the

military part of the alliance. It's a global effort. It's not a one person effort. Okay? So take what

you will from that menu, okay? Oh, it's all turning into Med beds, so I'm not going to continue

when it's all about Med beds, okay? So just know that. Use the correct email. Sky

Spiritualcounselertraining at proton me, okay? When you send me your email, don't send me

your project. Don't send me all these different questions and everything. It is literally because I

don't have time to read them. I really don't.

I'm just saying click, click, send, send, send a return email. That's it. Okay? I'm not reading any

questions or anything. All right? There's nearly 400 of them, so something like last time I looked,

there was nearly 100, and I'm getting through them slowly, all right? As much as I can. So once

the funding comes and the registration package I'll call it a registration package is available, it

will be sent to everyone who has emailed me, and then the whole registration process will start,

and you'll be given all your course details, everything, et cetera. Another thing. There are

scammers that will want to use this particular video and edit it, crop it, edit it and say, hey, hey.


Registration for spiritual counselor training is $350, $400, $1,000, $200, whatever is free, okay?

Run a mile with these scammers. It's totally free. No registration fee, no course fee, no nothing.

It's all free. Anyone who says otherwise is living in a jail cell or will be very soon. So ignore them.

They're not worth your time. Only email the email I've just given you, which will be in the

description of the video below. If anybody else is emailing you for spiritual counselor training, it's

a scam, okay? Any other email than what I've just given you is a scam. So forget about it. Just

delete and block. Don't even bother replying or reply and have some fun with them, which is

what I usually do, okay? Have troll them a little bit, make their life miserable so that they think

twice before continuing it.

That's what I normally do, okay? Or keep spamming them, having some fun with them,

depending what mood I'm in. Am I in a cheeky, noisy mood? Then I spam and troll them. If not,

I'm just like, whatever. Okay? So, yeah, check your junk email. I won't send you an email unless

you're having trouble sending me one, but nearly everybody who's had trouble sending an email
to me has misspelled it, all right? So check the spelling, make sure it's accurate, otherwise it'll

bounce straight back. And then you'll say, oh, I can't email you. Something wrong with you. No,

it's not okay. All right, so really important. All right, everyone have a great day and start learning.

Start doing readings, okay? Start actually doing some readings and work. Start learning, all right?


And just be careful using labels and anything that's coming from that place of ego, because the

Galactics and all will bring you straight back down, okay? They really will. I'm a spiritual coach.

I'm this, I'm that and these galactics go. Really? You say you're a spiritual coach? Okay, let's

see. And straight back down to class A you go, all right? So just be very aware. Very aware.

These guys do not mess around. They don't play into labels. They don't play into I'm this and I'm

that, okay? They call that beginner stuff. Beginner stuff. They say when I've asked them about it

before, and they go, oh, yeah, that's just beginners playing around with words, all right? So

they're not messing around. This is real.

This is not just a nice little development workshop out in the back room of somebody's house.

This is real stuff, all right? They're not messing around. They're not playing games, all right?

Okay, everyone take care and have a great day. Bye.

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