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As you may know, abortion is one of the most problematic situations that a woman
can experience, but, have you ever thought about the risks and the “benefits” that
abortion has?

First of all, abortion is a procedure to end the pregnancy, in a few words, a process
to end the evolution of the pregnancy. Abortions can only be carried out by or under
the care of an NHS hospital or a licensed clinic, and are usually available free of
charge on the NHS.

Secondly, some of the reasons why women decide to take the choice of abortion are
these ones: The pregnancy may be unplanned and the woman’s personal
circumstances might make it difficult or impossible to raise a child. These reasons
could include financial considerations, being in an abusive relationship, where
assault is involved, not being the right time, or the woman may not want to have a

At this point, I can imagine or suppose that many women sadly have two choices,
one of them is to take abortion, and on the other hand, wait for the results of the
pregnancy before it happens. Unfortunately, today there is a really limited
perspective of how to act during pregnancy, and many doctors don’t have other
options, so they decide to take the one of abortion.

Continuing with the topic, there are 2 different types of abortion that you could have
based on your stage of pregnancy. The earlier you talk to your doctor or clinic about
having an abortion, the more choices you will have. It obviously depends on the
choices and the system of the hospital, however, it can also depend on the choice
that the patient makes. The two options are the next ones: surgical abortion and
medical abortion.

In conclusion, this topic has a heavy impact on the womens that decide or take the
choice of abortion. In fact, the effects of abortion can be seen on the medical results,
and many times on the emotional impact that the medical problem has.

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