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Microservices Architecture

What are microservices and Why are they becoming popular

Design Principles for Building Microservices

Microservices Architecture in Practice

Best Practices

Communication Between Microservices

Service Discovery And Registration

API Gateway

Deployment and Scaling

What are microservices?

Microservices are a software architecture style in which a large application is broken
down into smaller, independently deployable services.
An architecture style refers to a set of guidelines, principles, and patterns for
designing and building software systems. It provides a framework for organizing and

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structuring the different components and modules of a system, as well as for specifying
how those components and modules interact with each other.
Different architecture styles have different characteristics and are suited to different
types of systems and use cases. Some examples of architecture styles include:

1. Monolithic Architecture: A traditional, all-in-one approach where all components

of the system are tightly integrated into a single codebase and deployable unit. It's
simple to develop and deploy, but can be challenging to scale and evolve over time.

2. Event-Driven Architecture: A style where the system is built around the concept of
events, with different components of the system reacting to and generating events.
It allows for greater scalability and flexibility, but can be difficult to debug and reason

3. Layered (N-Tier) Architecture: A style where the system is divided into several
layers, each with a specific responsibility. It allows for separation of concerns and
easier maintenance, but can lead to tight coupling between layers. For example,
Spring MVC architecture.

4. Serverless Architecture: A style where the system is built using serverless

computing services, such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions or OCI Functions. It
allows for scalability and cost-effectiveness, but can be challenging to develop, test
and debug.

5. Component-Based (Service-Oriented) Architecture: A style where the system is

built as a set of reusable, loosely coupled components. Each service provides a
business capability, and services can also communicate with each other across
platforms and languages. Developers use SOA to reuse services in different
systems or combine several independent services to perform complex tasks. It
allows for flexibility and code reuse, but can be complex to design and implement.

The choice of architecture style depends on the specific requirements of the system and
the desired trade-offs in terms of scalability, maintainability, and performance.

Each service is responsible for a specific business function and can be developed,
deployed, and scaled independently of the other services.

Microservices are typically built using modern technologies such as containers and
cloud-native infrastructure.

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Why are microservices becoming popular?
Microservices offer a number of benefits over traditional monolithic architectures -
● They allow for faster development and deployment, as each service can be developed
and deployed independently.
● They also make it easier to scale and manage an application, as each service can be
scaled independently.
● Additionally, microservices make it easier to implement new technologies and handle
changes in business requirements.
● Microservices also provide flexibility and allows for different teams to work on different
services independently and also promotes reuse of services.
● Microservices also provide fault isolation, as a failure in one service will not bring
down the entire system.

Design Principles for building Microservices

The key principles that should be considered when designing and building

1. Single Responsibility Principle

Each microservice should have a single responsibility and should only be

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responsible for one specific business function. This makes it easier to
understand, test, and maintain the service.

2. Loose Coupling
Microservices should be loosely coupled, meaning that they should have minimal
dependencies on other services. This allows for greater flexibility and makes it
easier to change or replace a service without affecting other services.

3. High Cohesion
Microservices should be highly cohesive, meaning that all the components within
a service should be closely related to the service's single responsibility. This
makes it easier to understand and maintain the service.

4. Autonomy
Microservices should be autonomous and able to function independently of
other services. This allows for faster development, deployment, and scaling of

5. Stateless
Microservices should be stateless, meaning that they should not maintain any state
information. This allows for greater scalability and fault tolerance.

6. Smart Endpoints and Dumb Pipes

Microservices should have "smart endpoints" and "dumb pipes" for communication.
The endpoints should contain business logic and functionality, while the pipes
should only be responsible for transporting data between services.

7. Monitoring and Logging

Microservices should be designed with monitoring and logging in mind, to make it
easier to identify and troubleshoot issues.

Microservices Architecture in Practice

Designing an e-commerce application using microservices architecture requires a
thorough understanding of the domain and the various business functions involved in an
e-commerce application. Here are the general steps you can take to design an e-
commerce application using microservices architecture:

1. Identify the core business functions: E-commerce applications typically include

functions such as product catalog management, shopping cart management,

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ordering, payment, and shipping. Identify the key business functions for your e-
commerce application and determine which functions would be best suited for
implementation as microservices.

2. Decompose the monolithic application: Break down the monolithic application

into smaller, independently deployable services. Each service should be responsible
for a specific business function and should have a well-defined API.

3. Design the communication between the microservices: Determine how the

microservices will communicate with each other. Microservices should communicate
over a lightweight protocol, such as HTTP or gRPC. Consider using an API
Gateway to handle tasks such as authentication, rate limiting, and request routing

4. Implement Service discovery and Registration: Use a service discovery and

registration mechanism to allow microservices to discover and communicate with
other services in the system.

5. Implement monitoring and logging: Implement monitoring and logging to make it

easier to identify and troubleshoot issues. Consider using tools such as Prometheus
and ELK stack (Elastic search, Logstash, Kibana).

6. Test and deploy the services: Test each service individually, and deploy them to a
production environment using containerization and orchestration tools like Docker
and Kubernetes.

7. Scalability: Scale up or down the services independently based on the traffic and
resource requirements.

Best Practices
Communication between microservices should be done over a lightweight protocol,
such as HTTP or gRPC.

Services should be designed to be fault-tolerant, to handle communication failures.

Fault tolerance is a way for microservices to handle the unavailability of a service by
using different stability patterns. There are many stability patterns which have been
used to achieve robustness and resilience including Circuit Breaker Pattern,
Timeout Pattern, and Retry Pattern etc.

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Services should be designed to handle high-throughput and low-latency

Services should be designed to handle different types of requests, such as query

and command requests. For example, CQRS i.e. Command Query Responsibility

Services should be designed to handle different types of data, such as text and
binary data.

Communication Between Microservices In a

Distributed System
Below are the different options and best practices for communicating between
microservices in a distributed system

1. Synchronous Communication
● Synchronous communication is when a service sends a request to another
service and waits for a response.
● This is the most common form of communication between microservices.
● Examples of synchronous communication include REST and gRPC.

2. Asynchronous Communication
● Asynchronous communication is when a service sends a request to another
service without waiting for a response.
● This can be useful for handling tasks that are time-consuming or can be
performed offline.
● Examples of asynchronous communication include message queues and event-
driven architectures.

3. API Gateway
● An API Gateway is a service that acts as an intermediary between the client and
the microservices.
● It can be used to handle tasks such as authentication, rate limiting, and request
● This can help to reduce the load on the microservices and simplify communication
between them. Examples of popular API gateways are Zuul Server and NGINX etc.

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4. Service Discovery and Registration
● Service Discovery and Registration is a mechanism that allows microservices to
discover and communicate with other services in the system.
● Examples of service discovery and registration include Netflix Eureka and Consul.

Communicating between the Microservices

Synchronous Communication
There are several ways to implement synchronous communication between
microservices, here
are some common methods:

1. REST (Representational State Transfer): REST is a widely used architecture style

for building web services. RESTful services can be implemented using HTTP and
the various HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. RESTful
services can be consumed using any programming language that can make HTTP

2. gRPC: gRPC is a high-performance, open-source framework for building remote

procedure call (RPC) APIs. It uses Protocol Buffers as the underlying data
serialization format and supports a variety of programming languages. gRPC
enables client and server applications to communicate transparently and make it
easier to build connected systems.

3. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): SOAP protocol is used for exchanging
structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks.
It uses XML as its message format, and can be carried over a variety of lower-level
protocols, including HTTP and SMTP.

4. JSON-RPC: JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol encoded in

JSON. It is a light-weight protocol involving a small number of data types and
commands. JSON-RPC allows for notifications (server to client) as well as for
multiple calls to be sent to the server which may be answered out of order.

Asynchronous Communication

Microservices Architecture 7
There are several ways to implement asynchronous communication between
here are some common methods:

1. Message Queues: Message queues are a way for microservices to send and
receive messages asynchronously. The sender sends a message to the queue and
the receiver retrieves it from the queue. Some popular message queue technologies
include RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka and Amazon SQS.

2. Event-Driven Architecture: In this approach, microservices communicate by

producing and consuming events, rather than by making direct requests to each
other. Microservices can publish events to a central event bus, and other
microservices can subscribe to those events. This allows for loosely coupled
communication, and can be useful for handling tasks that are time-consuming or
can be performed offline.

3. Webhooks: Webhooks are a way for one service to send a notification to another
service when a specific event occurs. For example, service A may send a webhook
to service B when a new order is placed. Service B can then process the order
asynchronously without having to repeatedly poll service A for new orders.

4. Pub/Sub pattern: Pub/Sub pattern is a messaging pattern where a service sends a

message to a topic, and other services subscribe to that topic to receive the
message. This allows for decoupled communication between services, and can
improve scalability and fault-tolerance.

API Gateways
It can handle tasks such as:

1. Routing: The API Gateway routes incoming requests to the appropriate

microservice based on the URL or other request information. This allows the client
to access different services and resources in the e-commerce application through a
single endpoint.

2. Authentication and Authorization: The API Gateway can handle tasks such as
authenticating the client and authorizing the request before forwarding it to the
microservice. This can include tasks such as verifying user credentials, checking
permissions, and enforcing security policies.

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3. Rate Limiting: The API Gateway can limit the number of requests that a client can
make in a given time period, to protect the microservices from excessive traffic.

4. Caching: The API Gateway can cache frequently requested data to reduce the load
on the microservices and improve performance. This can include data such as
product information, customer information, and order history.

5. Transformation: The API Gateway can transform requests and responses between
the client and the microservices to ensure compatibility. This can include tasks such
as converting data formats, encrypting or decrypting data, and compressing or
decompressing data.

6. Aggregation: The API Gateway can aggregate the responses from multiple
microservices to provide a single response to the client. This can include data such
as product catalog, shopping cart, order and payment details.

7. Monitoring and Logging: The API Gateway can collect and log data about
incoming requests and outgoing responses to help with debugging and
troubleshooting. This can include data such as request and response headers,
payloads, timestamps, and error messages.

Service Registry and Discovery

Service Registry and Discovery is a mechanism that allows microservices to discover
communicate with other services in a distributed system.

1. Service Registry: The service registry is a central repository where all the
microservices register themselves, providing information such as their name, IP
address, and port number. This information can be used by other microservices to
locate and communicate with the registered services.

2. Service Discovery: Service discovery is the process of locating a specific

microservice in the service registry. This can be done by querying the service
registry for a specific service by its name or by searching for all services of a certain

3. Load balancing: Once a microservice is located, the service discovery mechanism

can also be used to perform load balancing by redirecting incoming requests to the
service instance with the lowest load.

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4. Failure detection: The service registry and discovery mechanism can also be used
to detect when a service is no longer available and remove it from the registry. This
can be done by periodically sending heartbeats to the service and removing the
service from the registry if the heartbeat is not received.

5. Service Mesh: A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for

microservices application that makes communication between service instances
flexible, reliable, and fast. It makes it easy to manage service-to-service
communication inside a cluster. Service registry and discovery are important
components in a microservices architecture, as they allow for dynamic and flexible
communication between the microservices.

Deploying and scaling

The first step in deploying an ecommerce application with microservices architecture is
to define the various components that will make up the system. This includes things like
databases, API servers, web servers, and other services. After establishing what
components are needed for the application, it is important to determine how they will
interact with each other.
Once all of the components have been defined, they must be containerized. This means
creating a lightweight environment for running the application's components, which is
typically done through Docker or Kubernetes. After they are containerized and
configured, they can then be deployed to a cloud provider such as AWS, Google Cloud
Platform, or Microsoft Azure.

Once the components have been deployed, it is important to test the system to ensure
that it functions as intended. This includes verifying that all of the components are
communicating correctly, ensuring that there are no security vulnerabilities, and
validating performance metrics.
Once all of the tests have been passed, the system can then be released into
production. During this phase, it is important to make sure that the system is monitored
closely in order to ensure that it remains stable and secure. This can be done by
monitoring performance metrics, logging errors, and regularly applying security patches.

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