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Max Ashtu Molina     

Semana 7




M: Hello Paul. ¿What are you doing, now?

P: l'rn visiting sorne places around here.

M: Perfect, me too. Tell me, ¿Is there a movie theater next to the University?

P: No, there isn't but there is a rnovie theater on Palrn Street

M: Ohhh ...I see.

M: ¿Is there a bakery on Palrn Street?
P: Yes, there is. ¿Do you want to huy sorne bread?

M: Yes, 1 do. 1 wan to buy sorne bread and cheese.

M: Bu t, first 1 need to buy sorne rnasks and alcohol.

P: There are a lot of drugstores behind the university.

M: Great, you know every place.

M: ¿And, are there any hospitals on Benavides Avenue?

P: No, there aren't. There aren't any hospitals around the University.

P: Urnmm ...I need to send my father's letters.

M: ¿Is there a post office near here?

P: fortunately, yes, there is.

P: l t's opposite the Central police station.

P: But, 1 need sorne money. So, 1 need a bank.

M: Ohhh, There is a bank near here.

P: ¿Where is it?

M: There is a bank at 453 Carl Street.

M: Well, Pili 1 have to go home.

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