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Who could own a pet?

Pets can make wonderful companions, but they also have costs and
obligations. Some people contend that having pets is a privilege that
ought to be limited to those who can afford to care for them, while
others think everyone should be allowed to have pets if they so
On the one hand, having a pet means investing time, money, and effort
into giving the animal food, shelter, medical attention, and affection.
Some people are unable to cover these costs or may not have the time
or resources to adequately care for a pet. In certain situations, having a
pet may be viewed as reckless and possibly detrimental to both the pet
and the owner. 
On the other side, dogs can enrich people's lives and give them a
feeling of purpose. They can offer unwavering love and support along
with assistance with stress, anxiety, and despair. Some people find
solace and enjoyment in their dogs that they cannot find somewhere
Additionally, keeping pets can benefit local communities. Pet owners
frequently develop close relationships with other pet owners and take
part in neighborhood activities like dog walks and pet-friendly events.
Everyone may benefit from the sense of community and social
closeness that results from this. 
In conclusion, having a pet can be a wonderful and fulfilling experience,
but it also entails a lot of work. Before deciding to adopt a pet,
prospective pet owners should carefully weigh their financial, time, and
emotional resources. By doing this, people can make sure that they are
able to give their pet the care they need and take advantage of all the
advantages that pet ownership has to offer. 

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