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‘Clean clothes. New shoes. ‘You think highly of yourself, don’t you?” he sneered.*You think you're better than your father because he can’t read and write?” ‘The next day Pap tried to force the Judge to give him my money, but the Judge refused. Pap told Judge Thatcher that he would make the law force him. ‘The Judge and the Widow ‘went to court and tried to force the law to take me away from Pap and allow me to live with one of them. A new judge, who did not know Pap, had arrived said that a child must not be separated from his father. Pap would have authority over me, though I continued to live with the Widow. One day, catching me alone near the river, Pap kidnapped ‘me to a deserted log cabin. It was hidden in the trees that no ‘one could see it from the river. 1 didn’t like the beatings, but otherwise life with Pap wasn’t difficult. I never had to do any studying and we just spent most of the time fishing or just sitting and watching the river. —Ropa limpia y zapatos ‘nuevos. Te crees muy importante, (verdad? —se burlé—. Crees que vales mas que tu padre porque él no sabe leer ni escribir. A\dia siguiente, papa traté de obligar al juez Thatcher a que le diera mi dinero, pero el juez no ‘quiso hacerlo, Papa le dijo que iba ahacer que la ley lo obligara, El juez y la viuda fueron al tribunal y trataron de obligar @ que la ley le quitara mi custodia a paps y se a diera a uno de los dos. Pero habia un juez nuevo que no conocia a mi viejo, y dijo que no se debia separara un hijo de su padre. Papa tendria autoridad sobre mi, ‘aunque yo sequiria viviendo con la viuda. Un dia papa me encontré solo cerca del rfo, me secuestr6 y ‘me llevé a una cabafia de madera abandonada, Estaba oculta entre los drboles, de modo que nadie puciera verla desde el rio, No me ‘qustaba que me diera palizas pero, aparte de eso, no era dificil vivir ‘con pap. Con él no tenia que estudiar nunca y pasébamos casi todo el tiempo pescando,o tan solo mirando el ri.

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