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Unit 1 Theory review & Practical review: Answers

Theory review Student Book pp. 28-29

Answers to the Theory review questions for Unit 1 are given below.

Question 1
Mainframe Business executive
Small hand-held needing a powerful
computer electronic diary while
Desktop Computer having very
Student needing to be
fast processing capability
able to work as she
and supporting massive
moves around campus
storage facilities
PDA Computer where all
Large organisation such
components are within a
as a government
single unit, making it
Laptop General purpose
A family needs a
computer having
computer at home for a
separate monitor,
variety of uses
keyboard, etc.

Question 2
Hardware Software
Operating system 
Mouse 
Monitor 
Word processing program 

Question 3
Applications System
Operating system 
Database program 
Printer driver 
Disc formatter 
Graphics software 

Question 4
Volatile: memory that is not permanent, so contents cannot be saved – RAM.
Non-volatile: memory that preserves its contents, so data can be saved – ROM.
The start-up instructions (BIOS) will be ROM because they need to be saved.

Question 5
• Rana does not need to know how to load and start applications; she just selects
an icon.
• GUIs have been designed to be as simple to use as possible, so Rana will quickly
be able to start using the computer.

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• It is very easy to work within, manage and switch between multiple tasks: Rana
can be browsing the internet for information needed in a word processed document
she’s working on while having her email account open.

Question 6
Webpage advantages:
• Only one copy needs to be prepared and uploaded.
• The page is viewable by millions of people instantly.
Webpage disadvantages:
• Only people with an internet connection can view the page.
• It does not target local people, or bring the date to people’s attention.
Flyer advantages:
• A particular target audience can be reached.
• Proactive – alerts people to a specific event and date.
Flyer disadvantages:
• Will be more costly and take more time than creating a webpage.
• Will need distributing.

Question 7
Fingerprint recognition in the door handle and/or start button. Only recognised
fingerprints open the door and start the car without a key. Family members may have
prints recorded. Anyone else would need a key/remote control. Means that there is
no need for a key/remote by the owners.
Iris recognition in a camera scanning the eye of the person in the driver’s seat. Only
recognised people can drive, anyone else the engine is immobilised.
A projector could display images produced with thermal recognition techniques onto
the windscreen for use in the dark. This would allow drivers to be aware of
people/animals in close proximity to the road surface.

Practical review Student Book pp. 58-59

For assistance with checking answers to the Unit 1 Practical review questions, please
refer to the completed example on the Teacher Guide CD:
 IndochinaArticle.doc
 IndochinaArticle.pdf
Check email instructions have been followed correctly. You may wish to introduce
importing charts or ClipArt into the task.
Tip 1: When creating the two-column structure, it might be easier to format the
document by placing the cursor before the first paragraph and selecting Apply to:
This point forwards. Then select 0 pt before and after for the spacing. Choose ‘tight’
for the text wrapping options, which should help when positioning the image.
Tip 2: There are several spelling mistakes in the article that do not affect the task.
However, you might like to introduce proofreading and spelling and grammar checks
at some stage in the process of creating the document.

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