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Name: John-Li O.

Gabuyan Essential Skills for Teachers

Section: BSED SST 1.4 Sir Matthew Blay

1. What brought you to the decision that you should take teaching as your profession?  Tell us
what happened. 
-I always believe that in able for us to produce good, responsible and competent Filipinos, we
need to have teachers who are dedicated and aware of their roles as educators. I want to be
one of those teachers in the future because this is the only way that I can think of to serve my
country and to be of use to it. Another reason is that I really love the subject that I’m majoring
which is Social Studies. My love for the subject started when I was in grade 8 when my A.P
teacher always gives her students rewards when they got high grades in her subject. It made
me study more and that lit my love for my country and made me an aspiring A.P teacher in
the future.

2. Do you think teaching is a well-suited profession for you? How? 

-I would say that I am good at my major but because the question asks if it’s suited for me, I
would say that it’s 50/50. While I am confident that I can understand the concepts that I’m
studying right now, it’s going to be a challenge to teach it to my students especially when I
don’t have the patience that is expected that a teacher should possess. There are a lot of things
and techniques that I should learn so that I will become an effective educator in the future but
I believe that it’s not going to be easy. I would try my best to make this profession the most
suited profession for me.

3. How can you say that you will be a good teacher/educator someday?
-What makes me confident about being a good teacher in the future is that I will put an
emphasis on the importance of consideration. If I can easily teach my students concepts which
are hard to understand but cannot give any consideration to the circumstances that my
students might be facing, I would say that I am a failure as a teacher. Not every student has a
supportive family, not every one is being provided with their needs, that’s why I want to be a
teacher that can help them as long as it is within my capabilities.

4. Teaching takes a lot of heart and courage as you will face challenges each day, how do you
think you will cope with these?
-I will make sure that I will give myself the time that I deserve. Everyone needs to rest and to
breathe. If I feel that I am being bombarded with problems, I will not hesitate to step back and
address them as calmly as I could. My students need me and if I will show them a tired and
depressed face, I’m sure that it will affect them and my performance will surely plummet.
Word Count: 415

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