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Vongai Musarandega

English assignment
Essay writing: paragraphs
1. Write a paragraph to the following topic.
a. The mysterious parcel.

The front door burst open, and Mary marched in. her heels
clanked against the marble floor, and the sound echoed into
the kitchen. Wasting no time, she ran her nail along the tape
of the khaki box, ripping it open. She ripped through the wrap
rampantly, only stopping when the little black box came into
sight. She picked it up and examined it with the scrutiny. She
placed the device on the kitchen top and picked up a white
card at the bottom of the paragraph.
“Decode this,” she said sharply. I took the piece of paper,
and translated the simple lines of code inscribed on the white
sheet. Phantom Nirvana, it said. The name was very familiar.
“I remember him. Sold out half the community to the cops, all
for a couple of toys. Get started on restoring our website,
before the police identify suspicious activity. I’ll pay our
little friend a visit,” Mary said walking away. She slammed
the door shut, and I sighed. She was never good with doors.

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