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AUT0010.1177/1362361314556782AutismNorrelgen et al.

Original Article

Children with autism spectrum disorders 2015, Vol. 19(8) 934­–943

© The Author(s) 2014
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who do not develop phrase speech in the
DOI: 10.1177/1362361314556782

preschool years

Fritjof Norrelgen1,2, Elisabeth Fernell2,3, Mats Eriksson1,2,4, Åsa

Hedvall1,2, Clara Persson4, Maria Sjölin4, Christopher Gillberg2
and Liselotte Kjellmer1,2,4

There is uncertainty about the proportion of children with autism spectrum disorders who do not develop phrase
speech during the preschool years. The main purpose of this study was to examine this ratio in a population-based
community sample of children. The cohort consisted of 165 children (141 boys, 24 girls) with autism spectrum disorders
aged 4–6 years followed longitudinally over 2 years during which time they had received intervention at a specialized
autism center. In this study, data collected at the 2-year follow-up were used. Three categories of expressive language
were defined: nonverbal, minimally verbal, and phrase speech. Data from the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II were
used to classify expressive language. A secondary objective of the study was to analyze factors that might be linked to
verbal ability, namely, child age, cognitive level, autism subtype and severity of core autism symptoms, developmental
regression, epilepsy or other medical conditions, and intensity of intervention. The proportion of children who met
the criteria for nonverbal, minimally verbal, and phrase speech were 15%, 10%, and 75%, respectively. The single most
important factor linked to expressive language was the child’s cognitive level, and all children classified as being nonverbal
or minimally verbal had intellectual disability.

autism, intellectual disability, minimally verbal, nonverbal, preschool, Vineland

In recent years, the research community has highlighted 14%–20% of the studied children were still nonverbal at
the lack of knowledge about children with autism the age of 9 years. Additionally, 11%–14% of the children
spectrum disorders (ASD) who do not develop spoken lan- only had minimal speech using words but not three-word
guage, or only minimally so, during the preschool years phrases. The authors who reported these data themselves
(Kasari et al., 2013; Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013). argue that the results are not necessarily representative of
Estimates of the proportion of children with ASD who do the entire ASD population since their two-cohort sample
not acquire communicative spoken language before the also included a group that did not meet diagnostic criteria
age of 5 years vary considerably. A recurring estimation in for ASD. To the best of our knowledge, only one additional
the slightly older literature states that approximately 50% study published after Lord et al. (2004) has reported
of children with autism never develop functional speech
(Prizant, 1996; Rutter, 1978; Sigman and McGovern,
1Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
2005; Volkmar et al., 1994). Authors of more current arti- 2Universityof Gothenburg, Sweden
cles, however, claim that this figure likely has decreased 3Skaraborg Hospital, Sweden

considerably in recent years (Eigsti et al., 2011; Landa, 4Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

2007; Luyster et al., 2008; Tager-Flusberg et al., 2005;

Corresponding author:
Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013). All the mentioned arti- Fritjof Norrelgen, Department of Speech and Language Pathology,
cles refer back to (directly or indirectly) one seminal study Karolinska University Hospital, 17176 Stockholm, Sweden.
by Lord et al. (2004), which found that approximately Email:

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proportions of nonverbal or minimally verbal children from few or no words to include any child who does not
with ASD (Anderson et al., 2007). When scrutinized, the have enough language to be understood in communication
data reported by Anderson and colleagues seem to come with people who do not know the child well. More recently,
from the exact same two research cohorts as in Lord et al. the term “minimally verbal” has been used to describe
(2004), although presented in a slightly different way: these children (Kasari et al., 2013; NIH-Workshop, 2013;
expressive language level at the age of 9 years was pre- Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013). Kasari et al. (2013)
sented separately for children with autism, pervasive define the minimally verbal child with ASD as having “a
developmental disorder—not otherwise specified (PDD- very small repertoire of spoken words or fixed phrases that
NOS), and nonspectrum developmental disabilities. are used communicatively” (p. 480); however, the exact
Collapsing data for children with autism and PDD-NOS, number of words and/or fixed phrases may vary. In addi-
20% were found to be nonverbal (using no or few consist- tion, echolalic or stereotyped language may also be pre-
ent words) and an additional 19% only used minimal sent. Yet, the terms “nonverbal” and “minimally verbal”
amounts of speech (using words but not sentences). do seem to suggest two different states or degrees of
Several researchers have proposed possible causes for impaired speech, such that nonverbal individuals do not
the suggested decrease in number of children with ASD use any words at all, while “minimally verbal” individuals
who do not acquire spoken language: (1) Children with have a certain, although very small, amount of speech
ASD are diagnosed earlier today and thus gain access to (Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013).
earlier intervention, which in turn may result in more chil- Another way to classify the verbal ability of children
dren developing phrase speech (Goldstein, 2002); (2) with ASD was proposed by Tager-Flusberg et al. (2009)
intervention may be more efficient due to improved treat- who suggested the use of benchmark criteria to categorize
ment strategies, which may make a big difference for the child’s expressive language into different develop-
many children who might otherwise remain nonverbal/ mental levels using recommended assessment methods.
minimally verbal (Koegel and Koegel, 1995; Rogers and For example, a child must have reached an expressive
Vismara, 2008; Smith and Eikeseth, 2011); (3) the updated age equivalent of >15 months within the domains of
diagnostic criteria and broader definitions for ASD in the vocabulary and pragmatics before one can assume that it
revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental has left the first phase, “preverbal communication,” and
Disorders (3rd ed.; DSM-III-R; American Psychiatric moved into the second phase, “the first words,” and have
Association (APA), 1987) and then in the Diagnostic and reached an expressive age equivalent of >24 months
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV; within the domains of vocabulary, grammar, and prag-
APA, 1994) have led to an increased prevalence of ASD, matics before one can assume that the child has moved
including more verbal individuals (CDC, 2012). With the into the third phase of language development, that is,
total ASD population thus becoming larger, the propor- “combination of words.”
tions of nonverbal children as well as children with intel- Currently, it is not entirely clear why many children
lectual disability are assumed to decrease in the total with ASD remain nonverbal or minimally verbal even
group (Bryson et al., 1988; Kasari et al., 2013; Lord et al., after having received intervention (Kasari et al., 2013;
2004; Tager-Flusberg et al., 2005). With these three expla- Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013), but it has been sug-
nations in mind, it does not seem unreasonable that the gested that several factors probably interact and that these
proportion of nonverbal children in the total spectrum of factors may have different importance for different indi-
ASD would have declined in recent years. In addition, viduals (Tager-Flusberg et al., 2005). Numerous studies
although developing speech after the preschool years is have shown a positive relationship between general cogni-
considered rare for children with ASD, Pickett et al. tive ability and language development. Children in the
(2009) in their substantial review showed that it is not ASD population who have higher IQs generally exhibit
impossible. In the 64 published materials reviewed, they better language skills (Charman et al., 2003; Kjelgaard and
found a total of 167 individuals with ASD who developed Tager-Flusberg, 2001; Kjellmer et al., 2012a; Luyster
speech after the age of 5 years. et al., 2008, 2007), but the linguistic heterogeneity within
One crucial point when researching children with ASD the ASD population may not be entirely explained by dif-
who fail to develop spoken language is how the borders ferences in IQ (Chan et al., 2005; Kjelgaard and Tager-
between verbal and nonverbal children are defined. Flusberg, 2001; Thurm et al., 2007). Indeed, the majority
Noteworthy, studies have used different terms for, seem- of children with ASD who remain nonverbal at later pre-
ingly, the same phenomenon. Terms such as nonverbal, school age may show low cognitive ability, but some may
non-functional speech, little or no functional speech, and have worse language ability than would be expected from
lack of expressive language have been used (Lord et al., their nonverbal mental age (Lord et al., 2004). Children
2004; Sigman and McGovern, 2005; Thurm et al., 2007; with ASD and a medical/genetic condition, including epi-
Venter et al., 1992). Moreover, the criteria and borders lepsy, as well as children with ASD and a history of devel-
vary between studies, and nonverbal can mean anything opmental regression tend to have poorer cognitive and

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Table 1.  Number of children and mean age divided by gender Table 2.  Distribution and proportions of cohort by cognitive/
and age group. developmental quotient (IQ/DQ).

Gender Age Total IQ/DQ classification N

4 years 5 years 6 years ⩾70 81 (49.1%)

50–69 27 (16.4%)
Girls 24 (4:7) 0 0 24 (4:7) <50 52 (31.5%)
Boys 18 (4:8) 74 (5:6) 49 (6:4) 141 (5:8) <70a 5 (3.0%)
Total 42 (4:7) 74 (5:6) 49 (6:4) 165 (5:6) Total 165 (100%)
aThe assessment had been done by external psychologist and detailed

adaptive outcomes (Bernabei et al., 2007; Eriksson et al., data regarding the cognitive level were not available.
2013), which likely includes poorer language outcomes.
With regard to the relationship between language and type Behavior Analysis (ABA) at different levels of intensity
of ASD, children with a diagnosis of PDD-NOS generally (Fernell et al., 2011). Research data were collected at
show better language ability than those with autistic disor- ACYC intake (Time 1) and at follow-up 2 years later (Time
der (e.g. Anderson et al., 2007; Thurm et al., 2007). This 2). At Time 2, all families were invited for a comprehensive
may hold true also when controlling for nonverbal mental follow-up assessment by the clinical research team consist-
age between these two diagnostic groups (e.g. Luyster ing of physicians (n = 4), psychologists (n = 2), and speech-
et al., 2007) as well as when examining children with ASD language pathologists (n = 2), who were blind to the type
without intellectual disability, controlling for general cog- and extent of intervention the child had received. Of the
nitive level (Kjellmer et al., 2012b). 208 children, 198 participated in the follow-up assessment
The main objective of this study was to analyze the pro- (Fernell et al., 2011). In all, 33 children were excluded: 21
portion of nonverbal or minimally verbal children in a were found not to meet full criteria for ASD, 1 family
population-based community sample of preschoolers with declined reassessment of their child’s ASD, 8 were younger
ASD, who had received early intervention and were than 4 years of age at follow-up (only children at or above
assessed at a 2-year follow-up. In addition, we wanted to the age of 4 years were included), and for 3 children data
investigate the relation between verbal ability and cogni- were incomplete. The remaining 165 children, thus drawn
tive level, type of ASD, severity of core autism symptoms, from a population-based community sample of children
developmental regression, associated medical disorders, diagnosed with ASD, were included in the study. The distri-
and type of intervention given. bution of ASD diagnoses in the study cohort was as fol-
lows: 97 children with autistic syndrome (58.8%), 56
Subjects and methods children with PDD-NOS (33.9%), and 12 children with
Asperger’s syndrome (7.3%). In Tables 1 and 2, the distri-
Subjects butions of age, gender, and developmental status are shown.
Participants in this study were 165 children with ASD who
had been recruited from a population-based community
sample. At the time of the study, they were 4 to 6.5 years
old. The original community sample consisted of all 313 Classification of speech. At follow-up, all children were
children, born between 2002 and 2006, who had been diag- assessed by the parent interview Vineland Adaptive
nosed with ASD before the age of 4.5 years in the Stockholm Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) administered by a medical
County (28,000 births per year). Of these 313 children, 288 doctor, a psychologist, or a speech-language pathologist
had been referred to the Autism Center for Young Children (Sparrow et al., 2005). Data from the VABS expressive
(ACYC) to receive interventions. The remaining 25 had sub-domain were used for classification of speech (based
been referred to their local habilitation center, mainly due on individual items within as well as the age equivalent of
to more complex medical needs. Of the 288 children, 24 this sub-domain). Three subgroups were defined: (1) non-
had been referred to the center prior to study start and could verbal: using fewer than three words and an expressive
not be included. Of the remaining 264 children, 37 parents age equivalent corresponding to below 15 months; (2)
declined participation, 15 could not communicate in minimally verbal: using at least three words but never or
Swedish or English, 2 families moved abroad, and another only sometimes/partially two-word phrases and an expres-
2 children had been referred back to their local habilitation sive age equivalent corresponding to below 24 months;
center due to their complex medical needs. The remaining and (3) phrase speech: using two-word phrases and an
208 children were assessed and followed over a 2-year expressive age equivalent at or above 24 months. In some
period by a research team at the ACYC. The cohort is of the analyses, the nonverbal and the minimally verbal
described in detail in Fernell et al. (2010, 2011). At the groups were collapsed into one and contrasted with the
ACYC, the children received intervention based on Applied phrase speech subgroup.

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Assessment of cognitive level, type of ASD, and severity of core Behavioral intervention.  Type of intervention that the child
autism symptoms. To determine the child’s intellectual/ had received over the 2-year observation period was cate-
developmental quotient (IQ/DQ) at follow-up, all children gorized into one of two groups: (1) Intensive intervention
in the study group had been tested by a psychologist using based on ABA given at the preschool and by the parents at
the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence home with assistance from the ACYC, for at least 15 h and
(WPPSI-III; Wechsler, 2005) or the Griffiths’ develop- up to 40 h per week, or (2) non-intensive targeted interven-
mental scales (Alin-Åkerman and Nordberg, 1991) in tion based on ABA, consisting of different targeted types of
those who could not take the WPPSI-III. The children’s training, for example, toilet training, speech and language
IQ/DQ status was classified into three categories: ⩾70, training, training of compliance, or other specific training
50–69, and <50. In addition, performance IQ data from that the child was deemed to need (see Fernell et al., 2011).
WPPSI-III or from the Griffiths’ developmental scales
were used. Performance IQ data from the Griffiths’ were Statistical analyses.  To analyze the differences of overall IQ
extracted and converted from Scale D (Eye and Hand scores, performance IQ scores, age, and ABC scores in
Coordination) and Scale E (Performance; Engman et al., relation to speech classification, ANOVAs were per-
2008). The children’s performance IQ status was classified formed. For post hoc analyses, Fisher’s least significant
into three categories: ⩾70, 50–69, and <50. In the statisti- difference (LSD) was used with a significance level of
cal analyses that involved IQ/DQ and performance IQ, the p < 0.05. Age effects in those analyses were controlled for
continuous scores were used. by separate analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs) with age
Assessment of the child’s type of ASD at follow-up was as covariate. To assess the influence of the dichotomous
based on parent interview using the Diagnostic Interview variables, developmental regression and medical condition
of Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO-10; odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were
Nygren et al., 2009; Wing et al., 2002), administrated by calculated by logistic regression analyses.
medical doctor, psychologist, or speech-language patholo-
gist, in combination with other compiled clinical data. A Ethics.  The study was approved by the ethics committee at
classification of ASD type was then performed according Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm.
to DSM-IV (APA, 1994) by a medical doctor, psycholo-
gist, and speech-language pathologist. Additional informa-
tion about the severity of core autism symptoms was
obtained by interviewing the parents according to the Overall distribution by speech classification and
Autistic Behavior Checklist (ABC; Krug et al., 1980). by general cognitive level
Developmental regression.  Information regarding develop- In all, 25 children (5 girls and 20 boys; i.e. 15% of the 165
mental regression was obtained from the parent interview children) were classified as nonverbal. In addition, 17
at the ACYC and records from Child Health Centers children (1 girl and 16 boys; i.e. 10%) were classified as
(CHC; Eriksson et al., 2013). Parents were interviewed by being minimally verbal. The remaining 123 children (18
a medical doctor regarding a history of regression in the girls and 105 boys; i.e. 75%) had phrase speech (see Table
child and this information was compared to available data 3). Of the 165 children, 84 (51%) had IQ/DQ <70, 46
from CHC and medical records. Consistency was required (28%) between 70 and 84, and 35 (21%) had IQ/DQ ⩾85.
between parental information and the notes in the records All children classified as being nonverbal or minimally
from CHC. Regression was defined as loss of more than verbal had IQ/DQ below 70. Between-group analysis
five spoken words used communicatively in children more of variance (ANOVA) based on IQ/DQ continuous
than 15 months of age. In children younger than 15 months, scores and speech classification was significant
regression was determined when there was a clear indica- (F(2, 155) = 92.25, p < 0.001), and a post hoc analysis
tion of loss of social interest and contact. showed that the differences in IQ/DQ scores were signifi-
cant between all of the three speech groups (p < 0.05). The
Medical examination, including assessment of epilepsy and of distribution of IQ/DQ in relation to verbal classification is
cerebral palsy. Each child had a medical/neurological shown in Table 3.
examination by a medical doctor with regard to medical
conditions, including epilepsy. Medical and genetic condi- Distribution by speech classification and
tions were defined as (1) significant intrauterine harmful
exposure, (2) severe prematurity (gestational age less than
performance IQ level
29 weeks), (3) identified genetic disorder including signifi- Performance IQ data were available for 40 of the 42 chil-
cant genomic imbalances identified with array compara- dren who were classified as nonverbal or minimally ver-
tive genomic hybridization (CGH), (4) abnormal brain bal. Of these 40 children, 2 (5%) had a performance
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, and/or (5) IQ >70 and the remaining 38 children had a perfor
clinical diagnosis of epilepsy. mance IQ <70. A between-group ANOVA based on

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938 Autism 19(8)

Table 3.  Distribution and proportions of the cohort by cognitive/developmental level (IQ/DQ) and by performance IQ level
divided by speech classification.

Speech classification Total

  Nonverbal Minimally verbal Phrase speech  

IQ/DQ classification
  ⩾70 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 81 (49.1%) 81 (49.1%)
 50–69 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.2%) 25 (15.2%) 27 (16.4%)
 <50 24 (14.5%) 15 (9.1%) 13 (7.9%) 52 (31.5%)
 <70a 1 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (2.4%) 5 (3.0%)
Performance IQ classification
  ⩾70 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.2%) 92 (55.8%) 94 (57.0%)
 50–69 4 (2.4%) 3 (1.8%) 16 (9.7%) 23 (13.9%)
 <50 19 (11.5%) 12 (7.3%) 10 (6.1%) 41 (24.9%)
  Missing data 2 (1.2%) 0 (0.0%) 5 (3.0%) 7 (4.2%)
Total 25 (15.2%) 17 (10.3%) 123 (74.5%) 165 (100%)
aThe assessment had been done by external psychologist and detailed data regarding the cognitive level were not available.

Table 4.  Distribution and proportions of the cohort by speech classification and ASD diagnosis.

ASD diagnosis Speech classification Total

  Nonverbal Minimally verbal Phrase speech  

Autistic syndrome 24 (24.7%) 16 (16.5%) 57 (58.8%) 97 (100%)
PDD-NOS 1 (1.8%) 1 (1.8%) 54 (96.4%) 56 (100%)
Asperger’s syndrome 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 12 (100.0%) 12 (100%)
Total 25 (15.2%) 17 (10.3%) 123 (74.5%) 165 (100%)

ASD: autism spectrum disorders; PDD-NOS: pervasive developmental disorder—not otherwise specified.

performance IQ continuous scores and speech classifica- Distribution by ASD diagnosis and speech
tion was significant (F(2, 155) = 70.4, p < 0.001). A post classification
hoc analysis revealed that the performance IQ scores
were significantly different between all three speech Of the total group of 165 children, 97 had autistic disor-
groups (p < 0.05). The distribution of performance IQ in der, 56 had PDD-NOS, and 12 had Asperger’s syndrome.
relation to verbal classification is displayed in Table 3. Of the 42 children, 40 (95%) who were nonverbal or
minimally verbal had autistic disorder and 2 had PDD-
NOS. Of the 123 children with phrase speech, 57 had
Age distribution in relation to speech
autistic disorder (46%), 54 had PDD-NOS (44%), and 12
classification had Asperger’s syndrome (10%). These results are shown
Age distribution differed between the verbal (phrase in Table 4.
speech), nonverbal, and minimally verbal groups (F(2,
162) = 5.16, p < 0.01). Pairwise comparisons (Fisher’s
LSD) showed that the mean age was higher in the group
ABC data in relation to speech classification
with phrase speech compared with both the group of non- Children with phrase speech had fewer core autism symp-
verbal and the group of minimally verbal children toms (ABC) than those who were nonverbal or minimally
(p < 0.05). verbal (F(2, 157) = 12.12, p < 0.001). Pairwise compari-
Since there were age differences between the speech sons (Fisher’s LSD) showed that there was no significant
classification groups, we repeated the two between-group difference between the ABC scores of the nonverbal and
ANOVAs of speech classification in relation to IQ/DQ the minimally verbal groups of children but between both
scores and performance IQ scores presented above with these groups and the group with phrase speech (p < 0.05).
age as a covariate to analyze for potential interaction To control for potential interaction effects of age in these
effects. Neither of these ANCOVAs were significant, analyses, an ANCOVA with age as a covariate was per-
p = 0.86 and p = 0.75, respectively. formed (p = 0.39).

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Developmental regression comparing the results of the three studies, one has to bear
in mind the considerable differences between them. First,
Of the 165 children, 39 had developmental regression the definitions of nonverbal/minimally verbal were not
(24%). Among the 42 children who were nonverbal or identical across studies. In fact, they may not even have
minimally verbal, 19 had had a reported regression (45%). been exactly identical between the Lord et al. (2004) and
The corresponding rate among the 123 with phrase speech Anderson et al. (2007) studies, even though they report
was 18% (20/123); odds ratio = 4.25, 95% CI = 1.96–9.22, data from the same two cohorts. This reflects the lack of
p < 0.001). Conversely, 49% (19/39) of children with and agreed terms and definitions for nonverbal/minimally ver-
18% (23/126) of those without developmental regression bal in the earlier ASD literature. Second, categorization
were minimally verbal or nonverbal (p < 0.001). was based on results from different assessment instru-
ments. The two previous studies used a combination of
Medical conditions including epilepsy a standardized parent interview (Autism Diagnostic
Interview–Revised (ADI-R)) and direct observation
A known medical condition including epilepsy was identi- (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)),
fied in 24% of children who were either nonverbal or mini- whereas this study only used a standardized parent inter-
mally verbal and in 17% of children with phrase speech view instrument (VABS). This difference could in part
(n.s.). Given that all nonverbal and minimally verbal chil- contribute to the lower rate of nonverbal/minimally verbal
dren had an IQ/DQ below 70, we were also interested in children identified in this study.
comparing these proportions in the group with IQ/DQ <70 Another important distinction between the studies was
and with phrase speech. This analysis revealed that of the differences in age groups assessed: 4- to 6-year-olds in this
44 children with IQ/DQ below 70 but with phrase speech, 8 study and 9-year-olds in the Lord and Anderson studies.
(19%) had a known medical condition (n.s.). No child had Our data showed an age effect, such that the children in
cerebral palsy or other causes of oral motor difficulties. the phrase speech group had a higher mean age than both
the nonverbal and minimally verbal speech groups. The
Type of intervention and expressive speech ability observed age differences could indicate that some children
Of the 42 nonverbal or minimally verbal children, 22 with ASD will acquire phrase speech during the late pre-
(52%) had received intensive intervention and 20 (48%) school years before starting school. Indeed, some children
targeted intervention (Fernell et al., 2011). The corre- in our sample are likely preverbal (i.e. they will go on to
sponding rates among those with phrase speech were 58 develop speech) rather than truly nonverbal (i.e. they will
(47%) and 65 (53%), respectively. not develop speech), an important but difficult to define
distinction (Tager-Flusberg and Kasari, 2013). Moreover,
the children in our study will probably receive continued
communication-enhancing interventions of some kind
This study is the first in recent years to use a population- and, with or without such treatment, a few more of them
based community sample in order to estimate the propor- will possibly develop phrase speech during the school
tion of children with ASD who at late preschool age have years. Such a positive language development after pre-
not developed phrase speech. Our data indicated that about school age for some children with ASD is in line with the
one in four of the children were nonverbal or only mini- findings of Pickett et al. (2009). However, since our sam-
mally verbal. In agreement with Lord et al. (2004) and ple was drawn from the community population of all chil-
Anderson et al. (2007), we therefore conclude that nowa- dren aged 22–54 months diagnosed with ASD in Stockholm
days considerably fewer than 50% of children with ASD— County during a certain time period, the age differences
defined according to DSM-IV—remain nonverbal or found could also, hypothetically, be a reflection of the pos-
minimally verbal at the age of starting school, regardless sibility that children who have been diagnosed with ASD
of whether a stricter or a slightly broader definition of very early in life have more severe problems than those
“nonverbal” (i.e. including children that we here have who are detected later. A previous study of the cohort
defined as being minimally verbal) is used. (from which the sample of this study was drawn) found
In closer comparison, 14%–20% of the children in the that treatment outcome was significantly poorer for chil-
Lord et al. (2004) study and 20% in the Anderson et al. dren who had been referred at an earlier age compared to
(2007) study were classified as nonverbal based on stricter those who had been referred at a later age (Eriksson et al.,
criteria of using no or very few consistent words. An addi- 2013). In addition, there were no interaction effects of age
tional 11%–14% (Lord et al., 2004) and 19% (Anderson in the between-group analyses of IQ/DQ and performance
et al., 2007) of the children in respective study only exhib- IQ, respectively, in this study.
ited minimal amounts of speech using words but not Furthermore, the sample in the study by Lord et al.
sentences. In our study, 15% were judged to be nonverbal (2004) was not representative of the ASD population since
and another 10% as being minimally verbal. When it also included a group of children who did not meet

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diagnostic criteria for ASD although all children had been keeping with, for example, Thurm et al. (2007) and
referred for possible autism at the age of 2 years. In the Anderson et al. (2007). In addition, the severity of core
study by Anderson et al. (2007), data for the ASD groups autism symptoms was also found to be higher in the non-
were presented separately; yet, the sample was not com- verbal/minimally verbal speech group of this study.
pletely community based. In this study, participants were We did not find any correlation between identified
children aged 4–6.5 years sampled from a complete com- medical disorders and a child being nonverbal or mini-
munity based population who had been diagnosed with mally verbal. The rate of identified genetic and other medi-
ASD before or at the age of 4.5 years (the representative- cal disorders was about 20% in the total group, and in
ness of our sample will be discussed in further detail many children, despite severe autism combined with ID,
below). In addition, the two cohorts in the Lord and no etiology had been revealed at the time of this study.
Anderson studies did not include any children with a diag- Reviews of studies of early intensive behavioral inter-
nosis of Asperger’s syndrome and our sample included vention (EIBI) have shown considerable variability in out-
only a few. Both children with Asperger’s syndrome who come and that the child’s IQ is an important factor for
are commonly diagnosed at school age (Coo et al., 2012) as prognosis (Howlin et al., 2009). Importantly, our study
well as other children diagnosed with ASD at a later age are was not a randomized controlled trial designed to assess
likely to be verbal. Thus, the total proportion of nonverbal/ the effects of EIBI, but our results, nevertheless, are inter-
minimally verbal children with ASD is, in all probability, esting and we think worth mentioning. Our analyses
even smaller than found both in the current and in the Lord revealed that in the group of children who were nonverbal
and Anderson studies if one were to assess a group repre- or minimally verbal as well as in the group with phrase
sentative of older school-age children with ASD. speech, the distribution was almost even between those
Previous research has clearly shown that early expres- who had received EIBI for 15–40 h/week and those who
sive language ability is strongly linked to later social and had received non-intensive, problem-targeted intervention
adaptive skills, academic success, and independence in during the 2 years at the habilitation center (for more
adulthood (Gillberg, 1991; Lord et al., 2004; Venter et al., details about treatment protocols, see Fernell et al. (2011)).
1992). In general, individuals within the autism spectrum The focus of EIBI mainly involves training of language,
with an IQ above 50 at initial diagnosis, who have devel- communication, play, and social skills. Therefore, an
oped communicative speech before the age of 6 years, expected result would have been that the proportion of
have better prospects of achieving social and academic children classified as nonverbal or minimally verbal would
success (Gillberg and Steffenburg, 1987). In our study, all be smaller in the EIBI group than in the non-intensive
children classified as being nonverbal or minimally verbal group after 2 years of intervention (which was not the
had intellectual disability, the vast majority of whom are in case). However, in a previous study of treatment effects in
the severe range. A similar pattern was seen with regard to the whole cohort (Fernell et al., 2011), no significant dif-
performance IQ, such that only 2 of 40 children (5%) clas- ference between the intensive and non-intensive groups
sified as nonverbal or minimally verbal had a performance was found with regard to adaptive outcome.
IQ score >70. Negative prognostic factors have been A limitation of this study is that language assessment
linked to low general cognitive function combined with was based on parent report rather than on formal testing or
low level of communicative phrase speech at the age of a combination of both. Assessing the language of mini-
6 years (Billstedt et al., 2005). The findings highlight the mally verbal children with ASD brings about challenges,
importance of assessing expressive language skills in addi- which has been discussed by several researchers (e.g.
tion to IQ/DQ in preschool children with ASD. Kasari et al., 2013; Tager-Flusberg et al., 2009). The num-
Children with a history of regression significantly ber of words the child uses on a daily basis (according to
more often were nonverbal or minimally verbal compared responses from semi-structured parent interviews) and lin-
to children without regression. In fact, about half the guistic age equivalents (measured with formal, standard-
group with regression had no phrase speech, whereas this ized language test) appear to be the most common ways to
applied in fewer than one in five of those without regres- measure the expressive ability in order to distinguish ver-
sion. The subgroup with regression in the sample is cur- bal from more or less nonverbal children with ASD and
rently the subject of a detailed analysis of comprehensive there are documented pros and cons of both. When the
clinical and etiological background. It is already clear that child is at an early linguistic stage, it is sometimes difficult
this group with ASD, regression, and lack of phrase to make use of formal testing, and therefore, parent reports
speech is among the most severely disabled of all within are often used as a supplement or an alternative (Charman
the autism spectrum. et al., 2003). The formal test situation is generally new and
With regard to type of ASD, almost all of the 42 children unnatural to the child, risking a non-representative perfor-
in our study classified as being nonverbal or minimally ver- mance. A disadvantage of parent reports is a risk of parents
bal had autistic disorder, 2 had PDD-NOS, and none had a overestimating their child’s abilities; however, it has
diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome. Our findings are in been found that primarily receptive abilities tend to be

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Norrelgen et al. 941

overestimated since understanding of contextual cues also had an intellectual disability. Nonverbal IQ also had a
(such as gestures and everyday routines) often can be mis- strong impact since 95% of the children who had not
interpreted as language comprehension (Tomasello and developed phrase speech scored ⩽70. “Regressive autism”
Mervis, 1994). Parent assessments of expressive language, constituted a large proportion of all those classified as non-
on the other hand, have been found to correspond well verbal or minimally verbal. Future studies with representa-
with the results of standardized tests (Charman et al., 2003; tive samples and preferably longitudinal designs are
Luyster et al., 2008). Thus, although it is not entirely pos- needed to further investigate how many children with ASD
sible to conclude whether formal language testing of chil- remain without phrase speech at school age. Perhaps the
dren at an early linguistic stage provides more accurate most important focus in such studies would be early iden-
results than parent report, these findings suggest that tification of which children are at risk of not developing
responses from parental interviews are a valid and reliable phrase speech and to determine what type of intervention
measure when the objective is to identify severe limita- would best benefit those children.
tions in expressive speech and language. Importantly,
researchers today recommend a much more comprehen- Funding
sive assessment of language than simply administrating This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
the VABS, or any other parent report measure, when inves- in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
tigating nonverbal/minimally verbal children with ASD
(e.g. Kasari et al., 2013). References
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