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4 sections A, B, Cand D. axis: @ 0 that it would be easier to w 3 a IY Cates Sito vaios of [ten i e pe Heure SoS ABED js a parallelogram and AFB is triangle. Ifthe area (1) of the parallelogram ABCD, 68 cm’, find the area of triangle AEB. P E D ¢ Q 25~ In the given fi igure, a @ PQS = 60°, then what RFE? CB/IX/1718 Mid Term Test Page 1 of S Ge) Caleulate the value of — 83 +17 alculate the value o! , bai 83%-83x17 417 SECTION B Question numbers 7 to 12 carry 2 marks each: Q7’ _Inwhich quadrant do the following points lic? (a)(— 6,2) (b) (9,6) (c) (3, -2) (d)(-5.-4) es ) - UY aig i If the sides of a triangle are 26 em, 28 em and 30 cm. Find the area of the triangle. 4. In the figure, AE = DF, E is the mid-point of AB and F is D the mid-point of DC. Using an Buclid’s axiom, show that AB = DC, QJ. _ Inthe figure PR is the angle bisector of “APQ. Prove that AB | CD. — a sf oo hi .. 2\ Factorize: (s0 +3) z ( a ) Q) Q) (2) Q) @) Find the area ofa rhombus whose perimeter is 200 m and one ofthe diagonal is 80m (2) CB/X/I718, Post Mid Term Test Page 2 of S QA inthe given figure, PQR e and S is any point in its interior. Show that P oy CBAX/I718 @) SQ +SR>>: a>ppaprrprrrarrre?? >>2222>> 32222223 DDD P>D>DDDDDEDD>>- Mid Term Test ceav/ins Page 5 of 5

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