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Assalamalaikum everyone. My name is Maryam Javaid and I’ll be continuing the presentation.

So now
that you have a basic idea of what the movie is actually about, we’ll be telling you what we found so
creative about this movie. And, everyone has different definitions of creativity right? I define creativity
as being imaginative and different. Now on the front of imagination, I think this movie fared quite well
because, well it’s about time travel. Time travel is something that doesn’t exist yet so to build a whole
world around it, to create these rules for time travel, I think that’s incredibly creative.

Now, as for being different, time travelling is not a concept unfamiliar to us. There are loads of books
and movies based on time travelling but I think how the movie used this concept of time travel was very
different. That’s because, I don’t know about you but when I think about someone who has the ability to
time travel, I think of a person getting more and more greedy as time goes on. But this guy, throughout
the movie he never used his power to harm someone else. He only ever used it to help others or for
harmless selfish reasons. And I think that gives us a lesson about power. We usually associate power
with greed or being controlling or overpowering. But power doesn’t have to be that way if it’s in the
right hands. Our guy in the movie, Tim was inherently good, he had a good support system, a great
father to give him advice and in his hands, his ability was used for good which is not something we
normally see in other movies. And I think that’s what creativity is. Bringing a new perspective to the
table. Recognizing the current mindset and then bringing a new idea saying, oh but this is another way
of thinking, why don’t you think of it like this. So I think on that front, the movie did pass my criteria for
creativity. Now our next member can tell you their opinion

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