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When artists paint a wild animal, they sometimes show the animal in its home. For example, they paint the animal in the jungle or in the mountains In this painting we see a stag, and we also sce its home in the mountains. This painting is realistic. This means that the stag looks like a real stag — it’s almost like a photo. The painting is by a British artist called Edwin Landseer. He painted it in 1851 In 1891, a French artist called Henri The painting is called Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surpr its home in the jungle Rousseau painted a picture of a tiger. ed!). The artist shows the tiger and Most of this painting is trees, other plants, and rain. We see a tiger, and we also see the tiger’s world. The tiger is surprised because there’s a storm. Do you think this is realistic painting? Go to pages 28-29 for activities. < Read pages 8-9. 1 Complete the sentences. Wild Animals jungle French tiger mountains 1 Edwin Landseer was a (rit) 2 Henri Rousseau was a 3. Edwin Landseer’s painting is of a stag in the 4 Henri Rousseau’s painting is of a tiger in the 3 Match the animals and their homes. Then write complete sentences. whales the mountains stag British artist. stags the Arctic artist. 5 Edwin Landseer painted the 6 Henri Rousseau painted the _ 2 Match. Are you from Spain? Are you from South Korea? Are you from Poland? Are you from the USA? Are you from England? Are you from Russia? AORWwneH Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. the jungle in 1851. ont h «ag the ocean in 1891. . tigers the desert . I'm Polish. $ get = oe . I'm Russian. . I'm English. . I'm Korean, . 'm Spanish. . I'm American. i

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