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I bet most of us have watched or read articles titled "10 Ways to Happiness" and
I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but this article is not one of those.

Everyone is different in their own way. For example, medication does not work
the same way for everyone. It's the same with happiness, not everything that
makes me happy is guaranteed to make everyone else happy too. These paths to
happiness are made from the perspective of a certain person, but they are
probably not effective for you.

How can I make myself happy then? You may ask. Well, everyone describes
happiness in different ways. When was the last time you felt happy? What were
you doing then? Happiness can be long or short term and we focus too much on
the short term one. For example, presents. We are happy when we get them, but
after a while we aren’t so happy anymore. Long-term happiness, on the other
hand, lasts much longer. For example, a healthy relationship. Think about things
that made you happy a long period of time. You can make your own wishlist with
similar things you can try.

Finally, do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy. Find your
purpose, that will clearly make you much happier.

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