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Planetary Biology—Paleontological, Geological,

and Molecular Histories of Life
Steven A. Benner,1,2,3,4* M. Daniel Caraco,1,4,5 J. Michael Thomson,2 Eric A. Gaucher3

Dating events in the molecular record is still

The history of life on Earth is chronicled in the geological strata, the fossil record, more problematic. In the 1970s, many groups
and the genomes of contemporary organisms. When examined together, these explored the possibility of constructing a mo-
records help identify metabolic and regulatory pathways, annotate protein se- lecular clock by counting replacements separat-
quences, and identify animal models to develop new drugs, among other features ing two sequences and assuming that the rate
of scientific and biomedical interest. Together, planetary analysis of genome and constant for amino acid replacement is invariant
proteome databases is providing an enhanced understanding of how life interacts over time (7). Unfortunately, protein behaviors
with the biosphere and adapts to global change. are too closely tied to the demands and con-
straints of natural selection. Amino acid re-
placement is faster or slower depending on how
these change, making protein sequences irreg-

key goal for biology in the post- sequence data. For this reason, considerable ular clocks at best (8). Collections of protein
genomic era is to use the sequences of effort is now been directed toward explicit con- sequence families might be used to date the
genes and proteins to generate infor- nection of these three records. Here, the past is divergence of taxa, in the hope that this episodic
mation about molecular, cellular, and organ- the key to the present. By understanding the rate variation averages over the collection to
ismal biology. In the future as in the past, history by which a protein emerged within the give an apparently time-invariant rate constant
much of this information will undoubtedly be context of its planetary biology, we hope to (9, 10). But individual protein sequences gen-
obtained through biochemical, genetic, and better understand how it functions in contem- erally serve as poor clocks, and it is difficult to
molecular biological experiments in the lab- porary life.
oratory. This notwithstanding, almost any ap-
proach that provides inferences, insights, or Joining Records Through Dating
information about biology from sequence It is not easy, of course, to connect records
data without requiring additional experimen- that lie within rocks and bones with a record
tation will be valuable. that is captured in the sequences of organic
For this reason, considerable attention has molecules, proteins, and the DNA that en-
been directed toward the fact that biomolecular codes them. One way to do so is to use
sequences contain information about their his- historical dates as the connector. Radiochem-
torical past (1). The search for homologs, or ical dating, used to date events in the geolog-
protein sequences that diverged from a com- ical record, offers the gold standard. Radio-
mon ancestor, is frequently the principal tool isotopes decay via a first-order process. The
used to annotate sequence databases. Likewise, amount of isotope remaining after time t fol-
the sequences of a set of homologous proteins lows a simple exponential rate law, with the
suggest a tree that defines the history of the fraction of initial atoms remaining f ⫽ 1 –
protein family. These trees can be used to infer exp(–kt), where k is the rate constant for the
familial relationships between the organisms decay process, and the half-life ␶ ⫽ ln 2/k.
that carry the proteins, define the order in which Using two isotopes of uranium in a zircon
particular taxa diverged (2, 3), constrain the from an igneous rock, for example, precision Fig. 1. The number of duplicated gene pairs
connectivity of the deep branches joining the to better than a million years is routine for a (vertical axis) in the genome of the yeast Sac-
primary kingdoms of life (4), and even corre- rock 500 million years (Ma) old (6). charomyces cerevisiae versus f2, a metric that
late the divergence of species with their migra- This precision is envied by those who date models divergence of silent positions in two-
fold redundant codon systems via an approach-
tions across drifting continents (5). events in the paleontological and molecular to-equilibrium kinetic process and therefore
This theme has been amplified by recogniz- records. In paleontology, the rate of morpho- acts as a logarithmic scale of the time since the
ing that two other fields, geology and paleon- logical change cannot follow exponential kinet- duplications occurred. Recent duplications are
tology, also provide records of the history of ics, as it does not approach an end point. Rocks represented by bars at the right. Duplications
life on Earth. In many respects, these records that contain fossils are occasionally associated that diverged so long ago that equilibrium at
complement the record contained in molecular with rocks that carry datable radioisotopes, of the silent sites has been reached are represent-
ed by bars where f2 ⬇ 0.55. Noticeable are
course. These permit accurate limits to be set episodes of gene duplication between the two
Department of Chemistry, 2Department of Anatomy for dates for specific fossils in specific strata. extremes, including a duplication at f2 ⬇ 0.84.
and Cell Biology, and 3NASA Astrobiology Institute, Unfortunately, the fossil record is incomplete, This represents the duplication, at ⬃80 Ma,
Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, meaning that we rarely (if ever) date fossils that whereby yeast gained its ability to ferment
Gainesville FL, 32611–7200, USA. 4Foundation for sugars found in fruits created by angiosperms.
Applied Molecular Evolution, Post Office Box 13174,
represent branch points in a phylogenetic tree,
or the first appearance of a species. This incom- Also noticeable are recent duplications of genes
Gainesville FL, 32604, USA. 5Department of Chemis- that enable yeast to speed DNA synthesis, pro-
try, ETH Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland. pleteness creates large uncertainties in dates at tein synthesis, and malt degradation, presum-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- nodes in trees, even if we have good dates for ably representing yeast’s recent interaction
mail: the rocks that contain the fossils. with humans.

864 3 MAY 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE

correlate the molecular record for a specific investigators in the field of systems biology ways from sequence data than can other ap-
protein family with the paleontological record. are laboring to experimentally examine all of proaches (16–18), especially for recently
To minimize the effects of selective pres- these in the laboratory, hoping to identify evolved pathways. By adding the geological and
sure as they construct molecular clocks, most these interactions (13, 14). paleontological records to the analysis, howev-
workers now examine silent sites in a gene Correlating dated events in the molecular er, these pathways assume additional biological
(11). Because they do not change the coding record offers a complementary approach. Gene meaning. Fossils suggest that fermentable fruits
sequence of a protein, nucleotide substitu- duplications generate paralogs, which are ho- also became prominent ⬃80 Ma, in the Creta-
tions at silent sites cannot alter the behavior mologous proteins within a single genome. ceous, during the age of the dinosaurs (19).
of a protein. They are therefore most likely to Paralogous sequences can be aligned, their f2 Indeed, overgrazing by dinosaurs may explain
be free of the selective pressures that cause calculated, and their divergence dated. In yeast, why flowering plants flourished (20, 21). Other
protein clocks to “tick” irregularly. paralog generation has occurred throughout the genomes evidently also record episodes of du-
Silent sites are of many types in the standard historical past (Fig. 1). A prominent episode of plication near this time, including those of an-
genetic code. Some offer better clocks than oth- gene duplication, however, is found with an f2 giosperms (which create the fruit) and fruit flies
ers. Most useful are silent sites in codon systems near 0.84, corresponding to duplication events (whose larvae eat the yeast growing in ferment-
that are twofold redundant (12). Here, exactly that occurred ⬃80 Ma, based on clock estimates ing fruit) (22, 23).
two codons encode the same amino acid. These that generated divergence dates in fungi (15). Thus, time-correlation among the three
codons are interconverted by transi- records connected by approach-to-
tions: a pyrimidine replacing another equilibrium dates generates a plane-
pyrimidine, or a purine replacing an- tary hypothesis about function of in-
other purine. When the amino acid dividual proteins in yeast, one that
itself is conserved, the divergence at goes beyond a statement about a be-
such sites can be modeled as an “ap- havior (“this protein oxidizes alcohol
proach to equilibrium” kinetic pro- . . . ”) and a pathway (“ . . . acting
cess, just as radioactive decay, with with pyruvate decarboxylase . . . ”)
the end point being the codon bias b. to a statement about planetary func-
Here, the fraction of paired codons tion (“ . . . allowing yeast to exploit a
that are conserved f2 ⫽ b ⫹ (1 – resource, fruits, that became avail-
b)exp(–kt), where again k is the first- able ⬃80 Ma”). This level of sophis-
order rate constant and t is the time. tication in the annotation of a gene
Given an estimate of the rate constant sequence is difficult to create in any
k for these “transition-redundant ap- other way.
proach-to-equilibrium” processes, if k Approach-to-equilibrium dating
and b are time-invariant, one can es- methods are limited by the fact that
timate the time t for divergences of silent clocks “tick” fast, meaning
the two sequences. An empirical that information about ancestral
analysis suggests that codon biases species is rapidly lost. In verte-
and rate constants for transitions has brates, a typical single lineage rate
been remarkably stable, at least in constant for silent substitution is
vertebrates, for hundreds of millions 3 ⫻ 10⫺9 changes/site/year. This
Fig. 2. The chemical pathway that converts glucose to alcohol in
of years (12). Therefore, approach-to- yeast arose ⬃80 Ma, near the time that fermentable fruits became corresponds to a half-life of about
equilibrium metrics provide dates for dominant. Gene families that suffered duplication near this time, 260 million years, which provides a
events in molecular records within captured in the episode of gene duplication represented in the time scale where this tool is opti-
phyla, especially of higher organ- histogram in Fig. 1 by bars at f2 ⬇ 0.84, are named in red. According mal for dating. Various approaches
isms. These dates are useful to time- to the hypothesis, this pathway became useful to yeast when angio- are conceivable to extend dates ob-
correlate events in the molecular sperms (flowering, fruiting plants) began to provide abundant sources tained from these methods back to
of fermentable sugar in their fruits. Here, planetary biology has given
record with events in the paleontolog- meaning to a pathway that, without it, is memorized by generations perhaps 500 Ma in vertebrates.
ical and geological records. of biochemistry students. Such dates prove to be interest-
ing for biomedical research. Virtu-
Identifying Pathways from ally all function peculiar to verte-
Genomic Records These duplications created several new sugar brates and their associated diseases arose in
Simultaneous events need not, of course, be transporters, new glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate the past 500 million years, including cardio-
causally related, especially when simultaneity is dehydrogenases, the nonoxidative pyruvate de- vascular disease, inflammation, autoimmune
judged using dating measurements with vari- carboxylase that generates acetaldehyde from diseases, pain and other neurological disor-
ances of millions of years. But observation that pyruvate, a transporter for the thiamine vitamin ders, and certain cancers. In each, targets
two events in the molecular record are nearly that is used by this enzyme, and two alcohol must be identified, animal models chosen,
contemporaneous suggests, as a hypothesis, dehydrogenases that interconvert acetaldehyde research directions tested, function assigned,
that they might be causally related. Such hy- and alcohol. and pathways explicated. Correlating the
potheses are testable, often by experiment, and This is not a random collection of pro- three records generates understanding of
are useful because they focus experimental teins. Rather, these proteins all belong to the physiology, function, and disease that directs
work on a subset of what would otherwise be an pathway that yeast uses to ferment glucose this effort.
extremely large set of testable hypotheses. and produce ethanol (Fig. 2). Correlating the
Consider, for example, the yeast Saccha- times of duplication of genes in the yeast Resurrecting Ancient Proteins from
romyces cerevisiae, whose genome encodes genome has identified a pathway. Extinct Organisms
⬃6000 proteins. The yeast proteome has 36 The approach-to-equilibrium dating tools The emergence of angiosperms is only one
million potentially interacting pairs. Some can be more effective at inferring possible path- of many changes in the history of the bio- SCIENCE VOL 296 3 MAY 2002 865

are broken by lysozymes, their nucleic ac- planetary dimension to the annotation of
ids are degraded by ribonucleases, and their the ribonuclease protein. Rather than say-
proteins are digested by proteases. ing that “ribonuclease is involved in rumi-
Each of these protein families suffered nant digestion,” we can say that digestive
duplications and/or rapid evolution near the ribonuclease emerged near the time when
time that ruminant digestion originated. To ruminant digestion emerged, in animals in
analyze these events, the sequences of an- which ruminant digestion developed, at a
cestral proteins at nodes in their evolution- time where difficult-to-digest grasses
ary trees are reconstructed, by inference emerged, permitting their descendants to
from descendant sequences and using mod- exploit a newly available resource emerg-
els for how protein sequences diverge in ing at a time of global climatic upheaval.
general (Fig. 4) (28). This process is much Functional inference from reconstructed
like the process used by historical linguists evolutionary biology (32) has been applied
when reconstructing the Proto–Indo-Euro- to aromatases in swine (the three paralogs
pean language from its descendant languag- appear to manage large litter sizes) (33),
es (29). bacterial dehydrogenases (guiding protein
Explicit reconstructions of evolutionary engineering experiments) (34 ), elongation
intermediates assign specific amino acid re- factors (showing a change in functional
placements to specific episodes in the history behavior in a family that was widely re-
of a protein family. In ancestral lysozyme garded as not having undergone adaptive
Fig. 3. Leptomeryx from the ⬃35 Ma Oligo- genes, for example, rapid sequence evolution evolution) (35), mammalian kinases, mam-
cene (Nebraska, courtesy S. A. Benner collec- occurred as ruminant and ruminant-like di- malian SH2 domains, and mammalian cy-
tion) was a mammalian ruminant herbivore
representing approximately an ancestor of gestion emerged (30). Rapid change in the tokines (showing the connection between
deer, giraffe, antelope, and ox. By hypothesis, sequence of a lysozyme implies rapid change structural biology and adaptive recruit-
the ruminant digestion of Leptomeryx offered in the behavior of lysozyme, which in turn ment) (32), as well as snake venom phos-
it advantages in digesting tough grasses, suggests a change in its functional behavior. pholipases (correlating functional changes
which gained prominence through the Oligo- This hypothesis is inferential, of course, but can with evolution of prey) (36 ). In many of
cene global cooling. The flowering, fruiting be tested. Further, it makes sense in light of a these examples, more reliable dating gen-
angiosperms behind the fossil, now present-
ing berries, are descendants of plants that historical model. New lysozymes are expected erated better correlation among the molec-
provided the resource for the emergence of to emerge to break open bacterial cells in the ular, paleontological, and geological
fermentation in yeast (Fig. 2) ⬃50 million new ruminant digestion. records. This correlation, in turn, suggested
years earlier. One way of testing such hypotheses is to chemical experiments to better capture the
resurrect the ancestral proteins and study underlying reactivity of the proteins, assign
sphere that left a record in the genomes of their behavior in the laboratory. To do this, a roles to specific residues involved in the
the surviving organisms. Consider, for ex- DNA molecule encoding the ancestral protein changing function, and test hypotheses re-
ample, the Oligocene epoch, which began is synthesized and expressed in an appropri- lating structure and behavior to changing
⬃35 Ma. The dinosaurs were extinct by the ate host. The ancient protein is then recovered function.
start of the Oligocene, mammals had come and studied to deter-
to occupy the ecological niches that the mine whether its
dinosaurs had previously enjoyed, and properties are consis-
Earth was largely a tropical rain forest tent with its inferred
(24 ). During the Oligocene, however, the ancestral role.
planet began to cool; its mean temperature A paleobiochemi-
dropped by perhaps 15°C (25). Various cal experiment was
explanations for the cooling have been pro- done for ruminant di-
posed, including changes in the position of gestive ribonucleases
continents and seaways that separate them, (31), which also suf-
changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide fered gene duplica-
concentrations, cosmological events (su- tion and an episode
pernovae or impacts), and changes in the of rapid sequence
planet’s orbit (26 ). evolution in the Oli-
For whatever reason, the succulent veg- gocene. Laboratory
etation of the rain forest was replaced by studies on ancient ri-
low-nutrition, silica-containing grasses bonucleases found
over much of the planet. The large herbiv- that the substrate
orous mammals responded. Nonruminant specificity and sta-
herbivores (the brontotheres, hyracodons, bility of the emerg-
and others) came to be displaced by rumi- ing ruminant ribonu-
nant mammals (camels, deer, and bovids), clease changed in
perhaps because of the efficiency with this episode in a way Fig. 4. An evolutionary tree relating ribonucleases responsible for the diges-
which ruminants digest grass (Fig. 3) (27 ). consistent for a pro- tion of nucleic acid from bacteria fermenting grass in the first stomach of
ruminants. Experimental analysis of reconstructed ancestral proteins sug-
Ruminants have a first stomach that holds tein being recruited gests that digestive-like behavior in the protein arose near the time that its
bacteria that ferment grass. The bacteria to play a new role in putative role in digestion in ruminants arose, near the time when grasses
from the first stomach are then “eaten” in the digestive tract. arose in response to the global climatic upheaval known as the Oligocene
the second stomach, where their cell walls These data added a cooling.

866 3 MAY 2002 VOL 296 SCIENCE

Pharmacological Models and drasekharan et al. resurrected an ancestor of the Rat chymase-1 does not show this high specific-
Biomedical Research human and rat chymases (46), enzymes that ity, instead degrading both angiotensin I and II.
A historical approach to contemporary biology cleave proteins following aromatic residues The resurrected ancestor of human and rat chy-
is relevant to biomedical research, in part be- (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan). Hu- mase had high specificity, like the human en-
cause it helps define the function of proteins. In man chymase displays high substrate specificity, zyme, not the lower specificity characteris-
general, proteins are assumed to have the same hydrolyzing a specific peptide bond (Phe8-His9) tic of the rodent enzyme (46 ). This result
function as their homologs, a view that assumes in angiotensin I to generate angiotensin II, a step contradicts the hypothesis that serine pro-
that function is conserved when protein se- in the pathway regulating human blood pressure. teases always evolved from lower to higher
quences diverge (37, 38). This as- specificity. The results also sug-
sumption has long been known to be gest that when one develops drugs
poor in many proteins, including targeted against human chymases,
many characterized before the primates (not rodents) should be
genomic era (39). When it fails, it can used as experimental models in
mislead the biomedical researcher. preclinical assays.
A historical analysis based on re-
constructed proteins can alert the sci- Planetary Annotation
entist to the possibility of changing These examples represent only
function. When function in a protein pieces of a much larger puzzle, one
family changes, a signature remains that will have global implications
within the genome record. Many when assembled. Correlation of
tools read these signatures, including events in the molecular, paleonto-
those that exploit ancestral recon- logical, and geological records, and
structions as discussed above. In ad- the molecular dissection of histori-
dition, changing function leaves cal events occurring in the past,
many traces in the molecular record, offers a paradigm to dissect the
including episodes of rapid sequence function of the planetary proteome
evolution between reconstructed an- (47). Earth, after all, has only one
cestral sequences, changes in residues history. It carries a finite number of
that appear to be more easily replace- species ( perhaps between 1 and 2
able (40, 41), increases or decreases million). When all of their genomes
in the amount of parallel and conver- are sequenced, the planetary pro-
gent evolution, and changes in the teome will (according to current
amount of compensatory covariation guesses) be composed of fewer
(42). than 105 easily recognized mod-
For example, the leptin gene in ules, independent units of protein
the mouse, when deleted, produced sequence evolution (48–50). Con-
an obese rodent (43). The homolog sequently, one can imagine a com-
for leptin was found in humans, prehensive model of life on Earth,
where it was suggested to be involved combining paleontology, geology,
in human obesity. This transfer of chemistry, molecular biology,
annotation is consistent with annota- structural biology, systems biology,
tion strategies used generally in and genomics, that captures history
proteomics (37, 38). Examining the and function from the molecule to
reconstructed history of the leptin the planet.
family in mammals suggested, how- Comprehensively annotating the
ever, an episode of rapid sequence planetary proteome will, of course,
evolution in the lineages following Fig. 5. A model for the evolution of the leptin gene family. The phylogeny be a civilization-wide enterprise, one
the divergence of rodents and pri- is based on numerous morphological and molecular studies and thus that has already begun. Various
mates (Fig. 5) (32, 44). This suggests represents the consensus for the relationships of the species under study. databases assemble the known pro-
The numbers below the branches represent the bootstrap values as
that in the small mammals that di- calculated using PAUP* (version 4.0b5) (56), under the maximum likeli- teome according to this natural his-
verged and gave rise to apes and hu- hood criteria using 100 replicates with replacement for the fast-heuristic tory, including Pfam (51), ProDom
mans, mutated forms of leptin con- search. The following parameters were used: Ti/Tv ⫽ 2.3, gamma distri- (52), and the MasterCatalog (53).
ferred more fitness than unmutated bution with alpha ⫽ 0.65, and empirical base frequencies (57). Branch The SCOP structure database (54),
forms. The functional behavior of lengths and the nonsynonymous/synonymous ratios (KA/KS) were calcu- although it does not collect families
leptin must have changed in some lated using PAML (version 3.1) (58), incorporating the same parameters as of sequences, presumably reflects the
above. Reconstructed evolutionary analyses suggest an episode of rapid
way during this time. For the phar- sequence evolution of the leptin gene in primitive primates. This branch conservation of fold during sequence
macologist seeking a human antiobe- (A) is highlighted red and has a K /K ratio equal to 2.18 (9.2 and 1.3 divergence. These speed the process
sity drug, this suggests (at the very nonsynonymous and synonymous mutations along the branch, respec- of planetary annotation by remov-
least) that preclinical testing should tively). The branch leading to orangutan (B) also contains rapid sequence ing the requirement for a tedious
be done in primate models rather than evolution with a KA/KS ratio of 1.23 (4.1 and 1.03 nonsynonymous and BLAST search and family con-
rodent models (45). synonymous mutations). The high KA/KS ratios along these two branches struction before a historical analysis
are consistent with positive selection, possibly implying a different func-
Selection of pharmacological tion for the primate leptins than for the cenancestral leptin. The branch can begin. Using the MasterCatalog,
models has also been supported by leading to mouse/rodent (C), however, is highlighted by a K /K of 0.21. for example, Liberles et al. recently
experimental paleobiochemical re- The dunnart (a marsupial) sequence was used to root the tree. The scale surveyed the entire chordate and
constructions. For example, Chan- bar represents 0.1 substitutions/site/unit evolutionary time. embryophyta proteomes, identify- SCIENCE VOL 296 3 MAY 2002 867

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11. W. H. Li, C. I. Wu, C. C. Luo, Mol. Biol. Evol. 2, 150 36. S. V. Audétat, thesis, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland to the MasterCatalog, EraGen’s interpretive proteom-
(1985). (2001). ics platform.


Axonal Self-Destruction and

Martin C. Raff,* Alan V. Whitmore, John T. Finn†
axonal degeneration may occur through a
Neurons seem to have at least two self-destruct programs. Like other cell types, they local self-destruct program, which is dis-
have an intracellular death program for undergoing apoptosis when they are injured, tinct from the proteolytic program that me-
infected, or not needed. In addition, they apparently have a second, molecularly diates apoptosis ( programmed cell death).
distinct self-destruct program in their axon. This program is activated when the axon We speculate that the same axonal self-
is severed and leads to the rapid degeneration of the isolated part of the cut axon. Do destruct program may be used by develop-
neurons also use this second program to prune their axonal tree during development ing neurons to eliminate unwanted axonal
and to conserve resources in response to chronic insults? branches, and by unhealthy neurons to
eliminate an injured axon or to disconnect
from their postsynaptic targets to conserve

uch effort is being devoted to un- death of the cell body and may make a more resources.
derstanding the nature of neuronal important contribution to the patient’s
cell death in various neurodegen- disability.
erative diseases such as motor neuron dis- Here, we discuss some examples of ax- MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology and Cell
ease, glaucoma, and Alzheimer, Parkinson, onal degeneration in disease and in normal Biology Unit and the Biology Department, University
College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK.
and Huntington diseases (1–5). It may be, development. We consider one neurode-
however, that neuronal death in these dis- generative disease in which axonal degen- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
eases occurs too late to be clinically impor- eration, rather than neuronal death, seems †Present address: Systems Research Department,
tant. Degeneration of the neuron’s long to be responsible for clinical progression Sandia National Laboratories, Post Office Box 969,
process—the axon—often precedes the and death. We review the evidence that Mail Stop 9201, Livermore, CA 94551, USA.

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