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On a vibrant Saturday evening, my family and I were all having a

great time at my Uncle Roger's house for our yearly family gathering. This
event is an opportunity for our family to reunite, exchange stories about
our lives, and simply have a good time together.
At the peak of the event, my cousins and I were having a blast
playing video games in my cousin's room on the second floor of his home,
while our parents were downstairs having drinks and catching up with
each other. The laughter, conversations and stories of our parents' lives
were so vivid and powerful that it was like time was standing still. My
parents were reminiscing about the time when they were younger and
how my grandpa had never let them go anywhere until they were 18.
My uncle is quite the storyteller and after being pestered by them,
he finally caved and shared one of his favourite tales. It was back when he
worked at a local apple orchard and he was taking a break under a tree.
Just as he was about to doze off, he was startled by a loud growl and felt
something furry jump on his back. It was the owner's dog, who had
chased him down from the other side of the orchard!
My uncle said he was scared out of his wits and ran for the
farmhouse, with the dog hot on his heels. When he finally made it to the
porch, the owner's wife opened the door and welcomed him in with a
laugh. She had seen the whole thing from a distance and was amused by
it, but was quick to explain that the dog was actually harmless and only
wanted to play.
My uncle laughed as he told them the story, and he said that while
it was scary at the time, it was also one of the best experiences of his life.
After the gathering I snuck up to my uncle and asked him if he had
anymore more stories like the one he told my parents, he just smiled and
said that he will share even more at the next gathering.


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