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1. Out of a salary of $4500, I kept 1/3 as savings.

Out of the remaining

money, I spend 50 % on food and 20 % on house rent. How much do I
spend on food and house rent?

2. In an election, there are a total of 80000 voters and there are two
candidates, X and Y. 80 % of the voters go for polls out of which 60 %
vote for X. How any votes does Y get?
a. 15 years
b. 28 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

3. A cricket team won 60% of the total matches it played during the year.
If it lost 24 matches in all and no matches were drawn, find the
number of matches played during the year.

a. 15 years
b. 28 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

4. £2100 is invested for 33 years at an annual interest rate of 2% per year simple
interest. Find the interest earned on the investment in that time?
a. 15 years
b. 28 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

5. Lauren places £300 into a new bank account with a simple interest rate of 3%. After
the second year, she withdraws ££30. How much money would she have
after 55 years?
a. 15 years
b. 28 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

6. An orchestra has 100 musicians. 60% of them play a string instrument. The ratio

of violin players to the other string instruments is 4:11 How many musicians play
the violin in the orchestra?
a. 15 years
b. 28 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

7. Mel, Nicole and Orla use a bar model to show their ages.
Orla is 12 years older than Nicole. How old is Mel?
e. 15 years
f. 28 years
g. 5 years
h. 10 years

8. If 55 bisuits cost $80, find the cost of 7 biscuits.

9. At the end of the day, a farmer had 20 leftover vegetables. At the beginning of the
day, a farmer had 50 pieces of Vegetables. What is the ratio of leftover vegetables to
initial vegetables?

10. Compare the given ratio

a) 3:9 _______ 4:12

b) 12:30 _______ 10:28

11. Reduce each ratio to the simplest form.

a) 5 : 10 = ____________
b) 60 : 54 = ____________

Write the fraction of the shaded part of the fraction and express it as a percentage.

13. Find the value of  3x − 5y when x = 5 and y = 4.

14. Simplified! 8 x+4+3(2 x-3)

15. Find the circumference of the circle.

16. A cylindrical tank has radius 1.5 m. What is the circumference of its base ?

17. Calculate the perimeter and area of these semiciricle and quarter


19. A semicurcular patio has a diameter of 32 yards. What is the area of the patio?
20. A circular pond has diameter 8 m and needs to be fenced for the protection of

a) What length of fencing is required?

b) Fencing comes in 1 m lengths. How many lengths are needed?

c) What is the total cost of the fencing if each length costs $25.00?

Answer Key

1. Food: $1500; house rent: $600 and on both: $2100

2. 25600
3. 60
4. £2100 is invested for 3 years at an annual interest rate of 2% per year simple
interest. Find the interest earned on the investment in that time?

5. (a)




1818 years

6. An orchestra has 100×0.60=60



1616 violin players

7. Mel, Nicole and Orla use a bar model to show their ages.

Orla is 12 years older than Nicole. How old is Mel?

If Orla is 121 years older than Nicole, and this is 4 shares of the ratio, we have 4 shares equal
to 12 years.

1 share is equal to 3 years.

As Mel has 55 shares, 5×3=155×3=15 years old.

8. If 5 bisuits cost $80, find the cost of 7 biscuits.

9. At the end of the day, a farmer had 20 leftover vegetables. At the beginning of the
day, a farmer had 50 pieces of Vegetables. What is the ratio of leftover vegetables to
initial vegetables?

10. Compare the given ratio

a) 3:9 _______ 4:12

b) 12:30 _______ 10:28

11. Reduce each ratio to the simplest form.

a) 5 : 10 = ____________
b) 60 : 54 = ____________

Write the fraction of the shaded part of the fraction and express it as a percentage.
13. Find the value of  3x − 5y when x = 5 and y = 4.

14. Simplified! 8 x+4+3(2 x-3)

15. Find the circumference of the circle.

16. A cylindrical tank has radius 1.5 m. What is the circumference of its base ?

17. Calculate the perimeter and area of these semiciricle and quarter

19. A semicurcular patio has a diameter of 32 yards. What is the area of the patio?

20. A circular pond has diameter 8 m

and needs to be fenced for the
protection of children.

a) What length of fencing is


b) Fencing comes in 1 m lengths. How many lengths are needed?

c) What is the total cost of the fencing if each length costs $25.00?

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