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1. What is plating and presenting desserts?

 Plating and presenting desserts are the art of arranging and decorating
desserts on a plate in an attractive and appetizing way.

2. Why is plating and presenting desserts important?

 Plating and presenting desserts are important because they can enhance
the visual appeal and enjoyment of the dessert course, as well as show
your creativity and skill as a dessert maker.
Lovely Nicole Puracan

3. What are some factors and techniques that you should consider when
plating and presenting desserts?
 Some factors and techniques that you should consider when plating and
presenting desserts are color, texture, shape, size, temperature, and
garnish of the dessert and the plate. You should also compose your plate
as you would a painting, consider the vessel, contrast temperatures, keep
things clean, and garnish to impress.
Jecelyn Federiso

4. How do you plate desserts?

 You can plate desserts by following these steps:
o Choose a suitable plate for your dessert. Make sure it is not too
large or small, and that it matches the theme and style of your

 How do you plate desserts?

o Arrange your dessert elements on the plate in a way that is pleasing
to the eye. You can use different shapes, sizes, and angles to create
balance and harmony on the plate. You can also use a cake stand, a
ring mold, or a cookie cutter to shape your dessert or cut out
 How do you plate desserts?
o Add color and contrast to your dessert by using fresh fruits, edible
flowers, sauces, or sprinkles. You can also use different colors of
plates or napkins to create a background for your dessert.

 How do you plate desserts?

o Add texture and crunch to your dessert by using nuts, cookies,
granola, or chocolate shavings. You can also use different textures
of plates or napkins to create a contrast with your dessert.

 How do you plate desserts?

o Add temperature contrast to your dessert by pairing a warm dessert
with a cold accompaniment, such as ice cream, whipped cream, or
custard. However, be careful not to let your cold element melt or
your warm element cools down too quickly on the plate.

 How do you plate desserts?

o Keep your plate clean and neat by wiping off any spills or smudges
on the plate. You can also use a piping bag, squeeze bottle or
spoon to apply sauces or creams neatly.
Sophia Navaja

5. Why do we do the proper plating of desserts before presenting them to

the guest?
 We do the proper plating of desserts before presenting them to the guest
because it can make a good impression on the guest and show our
professionalism and attention to detail. It can also make the guest feel
more satisfied and delighted with their dessert.

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