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Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following materials a bottle of wine is made of?
A. glass B. metal C. plastic D. rubber
2. Which material is made from the sap of rubber trees and can be used to make objects such as tires, hoses, and boots?
A. wood B. rubber C. glass D. fabric
3. Iron, steel, aluminum are examples of ______. .
A. fabric B. glass C. metal D. plastic
4. Which of the following is the purpose of a rubbing alcohol?
A. antiseptic B. flavoring C. frying food D. killing insects
5. Which of these materials is used for cooking?
A. alcohol B. detergent bar C. lotion D. salt
6. Floor wax can be found at home. What is the use of it?
A. frying food
B. make the floor shiny
C. headache and fever
D. clean the tiles in the bathroom
7. Wood can be made into tables and chairs. What property does wood have?
A. brittleness B. hardness C. elasticity D. softness
8. Which example of solid material does NOT belong to the group?
A. gold bracelet B. iron nail C. plastic spoon D. silver ring
9. Which explains why papers are used in writing?
A. Papers replaced stone, rocks, and wood, which were used in writing before.
B. Papers are soft.
C. Papers are made of cellulose fibers that have absorbent property.
D. Papers have the ability to dry up liquids like ink quickly.
10. Chemical substances that are left over from making products such as soap, detergent, hair spray and canned goods.
What are you going to do with these harmful materials?
A. Buried into the soil.
B. Throw into the bodies of water.
C. Leave it anywhere at home.
D. All of the above.


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions below. Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. When is a material considered useful?
A. When it harms us.
B. When it serves its purpose.
C. When it destroys other material.
D. When that material is a waste.
2. How should we handle harmful materials?
A. They should just be put anywhere.
B. Let your younger brother or sister play with them.
C. We should put labels and put them anywhere.
D. They should be handled with care and the one using these materials should have knowledge on how to use
3. The materials we have at home are useful but sometimes harmful. Which of the following is the best practice at
A. Buy product without expiry date.
B. Poisonous chemicals be put in safe containers.
C. Harmful materials be put on the floor.
D. Flammable materials be placed anywhere.
4. Why are metals very useful?
A. They can be broken.
B. They can be thrown easily.
C. They can be decomposed easily.
D. They can be bent without breaking.
5. Farmers use chemical fertilizer to increase their harvest. What are the harmful effects of this when improperly used?
A. It pollutes water, air and soil.
B. It gives abundant harvest
C. It destroys the plants.
D. It gives more income to the farmer.
6. Oil spill from ships, barge pollutes the ocean too. What are the most harmful affected by these materials?
A. Aquatic plants and materials
B. Birds flying around the sea
C. People travelling and crossing the ocean
D. None of the above
7. Muriatic acid, Zonrox, chlorine is substances used as stain remover. When are these become harmful?
A. Use it with proper instructions and guidance.
B. Keep this in the proper place.
C. When live these anywhere at home.
D. None of the above.
8. LPG, Kerosene, dishwashing liquid, stain remover are useful substances. How can you prevent the harmful effect of it?
A. Do not use it.
B. Keep it properly.
C. Leave where it can be reach by the children.
D. All of the above:
9. Which of the following should NOT be done in managing harmful materials at home?
A. Don’t store chemicals with food.
B. Make an inventory of all the products in your home.
C.Store flammable liquids or gasses inside your home.
D.Use alternative products.
10. Your best friend bought a cough syrup from the pharmacy. You noticed that the medicine is expired already. What
are you going to say to her?
A. Continue to take medicine.
B. Do not take the cough syrup.
C.Mix it with new medicine.
D.Scold the pharmacist for giving expired medicine


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions below. Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
1. When iron rusts, it produces a material that is __________ .
A. Hard B. Strong C. Weak D. Light
2. Which of the following is a product of combining iron and oxygen?
A. Wood B. Nail C. Diamond D. Rust
3. Which of the following situation shows that materials change in composition?
A. Freezing of ice
B. rusting of a steel wool
C. Cutting a piece of wood
D. melting ice cream under the sun
4. In which condition will rust occur?
A. Near the shore
B. away from the shore
C. Under the heat of the sun
D. in a cool dry place
5. Which is true about change in materials when burned?
A. A new material is formed.
B. The product can be restored to its original form.
C. The new product becomes smooth and shiny.
D. The new material is lost.


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions below. Write the letter of the best answer.
1. What describes chemical change?
A. Change in size and shape
B. Change in the appearance
C. Change due to the state of matter
D. Change due to creation of a new substance.
2. Which is true about change in materials when burned?
A. A new material is formed.
B. The product can be restored to its original form.
C. The new product becomes smooth and shiny.
D. The new material is lost.
3. Which of the following procedures in cooking banana cue involves chemical change?
A. peeling the bananas
B. melting the sugar
C. putting the bananas on the sticks
D. selling the banana cue
4. Which of the following activities showed chemical change due to application of heat?
A. pancake making B. straightening of hair C. cutting of wood D. rusting of nail
5. Which of the following is NOT an indication of chemical change due to application of heat?
A. change in color B. change in taste C. change in odor D. change in size
6. All of the following are chemical properties of matter EXCEPT
A. biodegradability B. elasticity C. combustibility D. flammability
7. Which of the following activities produce or form a new product?
A. When a material is burn, smoke is release together with the formation of ashes.
B. When an ice cube melts due to heat.
C. When you cut a piece of wood.
D. All of the above
8. All of the following are evidences of chemical change EXCEPT
A. Formation of gases
B. Formation of new products
C. Release of heat
D. Flexibility of materials
9. Which of the following phases involves chemical change?
A. freezing B. decomposition C. condensation D. precipitation
10. Mang Tomas burns leaves early in the morning in their backyard. Which of the following is the indication that
material formed into new form when heat is applied on it?
A. ash B. fire C. heat D. smoke

Directions: Read each item very carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. We can determine if materials undergo chemical change by observing some evidences. Which is NOT a valid
A. production of heat B. change in size C. formation of bubbles D. release of gases
2. What will you do to change a piece of paper chemically?
A. pound it B. tear it C. burn it D. cut it
3. Which of the materials below will undergo chemical change when heat is applied?
A. ice cube B. dough C. chocolate bar D. candle wax
4. What gas is used up when things burn?
A. nitrogen B. hydrogen C. oxygen D. carbon dioxide
5. Which statement is NOT true?
A. Heat can cause some materials to undergo physical change.
B. Heat can cause some materials to undergo chemical change.
C. Physical change takes place in burning materials.
D. Chemical change takes place in oxidation of materials.

Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions below. Write the letter of the best answer.
1. The following are the 5Rs of waste management EXCEPT ONE. Which is it?
A. Repair B. Recover C. Review D. Recycle
2. What is known as producing new products from waste material?
A. Recycling B. Reducing C. Reusing D. Recovering
3. What might happen if waste materials are not properly managed?
A. Pollution B. Destruction of natural ecosystem C. Calamity D. All of the above
4. The following statements about waste management are true EXCEPT ONE. Which is it?
A. Waste management is about disposal of garbage
B. Waste management applies to making waste materials useful.
C. The process of waste management involves treating solid and liquid waste.
D. Waste management process works to raise the amount of disposable materials used.
5. Ana has plenty of used plastic containers at home. How should she manage those materials?
A. bury them
B. making use of them as containers of other materials
C. throw them into the river
D. storing them on one corner of the house
6. Maria found out that the zipper of her uniform is damaged. What must be done to aid on waste management?
A. buy a new uniform
B. repair the damaged part
C. burn the uniform
D. dump the uniform on one corner of the house
7. Some materials are normally useful even after serving its original purpose. What will you do to an empty canister at
A. Place it inside the cabinet.
B. Burn it.
C. Make a trash bin out of it.
D. Use it instead of plastic to place your meal for lunch.
8. You have a lot of small dresses in your cabinet. You have noticed that your playmate used old clothing. Is it right to
share the clothes that you are not using?
A. Yes, because he is my friend.
B. Yes, instead of storing the dress it will be useful one.
C. No, it is a gift from my parents.
D. No, I will burn it.
9. There are many used plastic bottles in your community. You have learned that it must be disposed properly. What will
you do?
A. Collect them then burn.
B. Collect them then sell to junkshop.
C. Throwing waste into the body of water.
D. Ask the barangay official to clean the mess.
10. Some materials which are normally useful become harmful when not properly disposed. Examples are those which
are made of plastic and rubber. What will you do to lessen its volume?
A. Make a trash bin out of it.
B. Burn it.
C. Just pile it up.
D. Make clothes made of plastics.

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Which is the main organ in the male reproductive system?
A. Epididymis B. Scrotum C. Testes D. Vas deferens
2. When the sperm cells undergo maturation, they are stored in in a very long, coiled tube called __________.
A. Epididymis B. Scrotum C. Testes D. Vas Deferens
3. In which process does the passage of semen through the urethra occurs?
A. Ejaculation B. Masturbation C. Ovulation D. Reproduction
4. Which is the main organ in the female reproductive system?
A. Cervix B. Fallopian Tube C. Ovaries D. Vagina
5. In which process does a fully developed egg is released from either of the ovaries?
A. Ejaculation B. Fertilization C. Ovulation D. Reproduction
6. Which of the following parts is the passageway that conveys the ovum to the uterus?
A. Birth Canal B. Cervix C. Fallopian tube D. Vagina
7. The union of sperm and egg cell is called ______________.
A. Ejaculation B. Fertilization C. Ovulation D. Reproduction
8. This is the stage in the life of boys and girls where they experience rapid changes in their physical traits, personalities,
and behavior.
A. Adolescence B. Infancy C. Puberty D. Adulthood
9. The following are the changes in the physical aspect of girls EXCEPT one:
A. Breast begin to develop
B. Menstruation
C. Chest become broader
D. Voice becomes higher
10. Which process is designed to ensure the continuity of race in their own kind?
A. Fertilization B. Menstruation C. Ovulation D. Reproduction


Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Which is the process of discharging blood in female reproductive parts?
A. Fertilization B. Gestation C. Menstruation D. Ovulation
2. It is the regular flow of blood from the female reproductive parts every 28 days.
A. Fertilization B. Menstruation C. Menstrual Cycle D. Ovulation
3. In which phase does a female experiences cramping and abdominal pains?
A. Follicular Phase B. Menstrual Phase C. Luteal Phase D. Ovulation Phase
4. This is the lining of the uterus that thickens to receive a fertilized egg.
A. Corpus luteum B. Estrogen C. Endometrium D. Progesterone
5. Which phase does mature egg is released from the ovary?
A. Follicular Phase B. Menstrual Phase C. Luteal Phase D. Ovulation Phase
6. In this phase, the lining of the uterus starts to grow and develop.
A. Follicular Phase B. Menstrual Phase C. Luteal Phase D. Ovulation Phase
7. Which phase comes after the ovulation phase?
A. Follicular Phase B. Menstrual Phase C. Luteal Phase D. Ovulation Phase
8. When does fertilization takes place?
A. When the egg matures
B. When the egg cell and sperm cell unites
C. When the egg comes out
D. When the sperm dies
9. What is referred to as menstrual cramp?
A. Amenorrhea B. Pregnancy C. Dysmenorrhea D. Premenstrual Stress
10. The following are ways to take care of the reproductive organs EXCEPT one.
A. Borrow your sister’s underwear.
B. Consult your doctor when you feel different with your reproductive organs
C. Use sanitary napkins when necessary.
D. Wear clean underwear.


Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. A kind of reproduction from a single parent is called __________.
A. Asexual B. Cloning C. Sexual D. Viviparous
2. Which is a mode of asexual reproduction where the parent organism splits into two equal parts?
A. Budding B. Oviparous C. Regeneration D. Viviparous
3. Which is a mode of asexual reproduction where the lost part will regrow?
A. Budding B. Oviparous C. Regeneration D. Viviparous
4. How does hydra reproduce? It is reproduced through _________
A. Born alive B. Budding C. Egg laying D. Regeneration
5. Which mode of reproduction involves two parents, male and female?
A. Asexual B. Cloning C. Sexual D. Viviparous
6. Which of these animals undergo external fertilization?
A. Cat B. Dog C. Fish D. Horse
7. This is a series of change that happen in the life cycle of butterflies and mosquitoes.
A. Budding B. Cloning C. Metamorphosis D. Viviparous
8. This is the period between the laying of the egg and hatching of the young.
A. Fertilization B. Gestation C. Incubation D. Regeneration
9. Which of the following animals are viviparous?
A. Butterflies B. Dogs C. Frogs D. Mosquitoes
10. Why animals reproduce?
A. To become many B. To become food C. To enjoy D. To grow

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. It is the reproductive part of a plant.
A. Flowers B. Fruits C. Leaves D. Roots
2. Which part of a flower is the most attractive to insects?
A. Petals B. Pistil C. Receptacle D. Sepals
3. The part that supports the structure of a flower.
A. Petals B. Pistil C. Receptacle D. Sepals
4. The male part of a flower is ____________.
A. Pistil B. Receptacle C. Sepal D. Stamen
5. Which is the female part of a flower?
A. Pistil B. Receptacle C. Sepal D. Stamen
6. In which part of the male reproductive part do pollens found?
A. Anther B. Filament C. Stigma D. Style
7. What stalk holds the anther?
A. Filament B. Receptacle C. Sepal D. Stigma
8. Which part supports the entire flower?
A. Calyx B. Receptacle C. Sepal D. Stigma
9. When can we say that a flower is complete?
A. When all the parts are present.
B. When some parts are not present.
C. When both male and female parts are present
D. When it contains either male or female parts only.
10. Which parts are needed to produce seeds in flowers?
A. Calyx and petals
B. Receptacle and sepal
C. Pistil and stamen
D. Stigma and style

Interactions Among Living Things and Non-Living Things in Estuaries and Intertidal Zones --- WEEK 6
Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet. Multiple Choice: Read each item
carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. It is a body of water in the coastal area where fresh water and salt water mix.
A. Cove B. Estuary C. Marsh D. Sanctuary
2. Where can we usually find an estuary?
A. Bay B. Lagoon C. Marsh D. All of the above
3. Which best describes the mixture of fresh water and salt water?
A. Acidic Water B. Alkaline Water C. Brackish Water D. Saline Water
4. Which statement best describes an estuary?
I. Estuary is the most beautiful part of the sea.
II. Estuary makes a good fishing spot.
III. It becomes breeding places for marine animals.
IV. Provide rich feeding grounds for coastal fish and migratory birds
A. I only B. I, II C. II, III D. III, IV
5. Which plant can survive in an estuary?
A. Ferns B. Mosses C. Orchid D. Pickle Weed
6. Why microorganisms survive in estuaries?
A. There are plenty of fishes.
B. There are plenty of plants there.
C. There are plenty of decaying plants and animals.
D. They want to stay there.
7. It is an area where the sea and land meets during low and high tides.
A. Intertidal zone B. Reef C. Sanctuary D. Seashore
8. Which is not part of intertidal zone?
A. Low Tide Zone B. Middle Tide Zone C. High Tide Zone D. Ebb Tide
9. Where do fishermen usually catch fish?
A. Estuary B. Intertidal Zone C. Reef D. Seashore
10. Why are intertidal zones important?
A. It is a good tourism spot.
B. It is home for many marine plants and animals.
C. It is used as ports.
D. It is used to control water pollution.

Protecting and Conserving Our Estuaries and Intertidal Zones --- WEEK 7
Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Who are responsible in protecting and conserving estuaries and intertidal zones?
A. Government B. Fishermen C. People D. All of the above
2. The following are ways of protecting and preserving estuaries and intertidal zones EXCEPT one.
A. Cutting grass properly to prevent erosion.
B. Less use of cars
C. Make use of commercial fertilizers
D. Never use hazardous products
3. What should be done at home to help protect estuaries and intertidal zones?
A. Burn grass clippings.
B. Use hazardous products.
C. Check sewage systems if It’s working well
D. Wash pets anywhere
4. Below are the ways we can do in the waterfront to help protect estuaries and intertidal zone EXCEPT one.
A. Avoid soil erosion.
B. Restore river grasses, shrubs, and trees.
C. Throw your garbage in this area.
D. Trees and shrubs near the waterfront should not be cut.
5. Which statement should be done by people living near the seashores or beaches?
A. Do dynamite fishing.
B. Leave the beaches clean by taking all the trash you made.
C. Take the corals for decorations.
D. Use pesticides in taking care of their plants.


A. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Encircle the letter to make each statement correct.
1. A change in position relative to a frame of reference is ______________.
A. Speed B. motion C. acceleration D. velocity
2. All movement is compared with a __________________.
A. Car B. reference point C. tree D. train
3. The most commonly used frame of reference is _________________.
A. the sun B. earth C. the moon D. the ocean
4. _______________ can be parabolic (projectile, wave, circular or elliptical).
A. Non-linear B. Linear motion C. Straight motion D. Vertical motion
5. Five kilometers is _______________ meters.
A. 50 m B. 500 m C. 5000 m D. 50,000 m
A. Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. It is the process of something moving or changing place or even just changing position.
a. Motion b. force c. distance
2. This is how long it takes for an object to travel at a certain distance.
a. Speed b. fast c. second
3. It measures the distance over time.
a. Velocity b. speed c. distance
4. It happens when a moving object speeds up or travels a given distance is a shorter amount of time.
a. Stops b. slow down c. accelerates
5. It is a measuring tool that you can use to measure your teacher’s table.
a. Ruler b. tape measure c. thermometer
6. It is an object that can be measured using a tape measure.
a. Door b. notebook c. book
7. Six kilometers is _______________ meters.
a. 60 m b. 600 m c. 6000 m
8. It is a fixed place or an object used to determine the position of an object.
a. Reference point b. motion c. position
9. In the metric system, the standard unit of measurement used for distance is __.
a. Kilometer b. centimeter c. meter
10._______ can be calculated by multiplying the distance covered by an object in motion by the amount of time it used
to cover the distance.
a. Velocity b. speed c. motion


A. Identify the materials if its CONDUCTOR or INSULATOR. Write your answer on the blank.
__________________________ 1. Ballpen
__________________________2. galloon
__________________________3. Stainless fork
__________________________4. water
__________________________5. Towel
__________________________6. metals
__________________________7. Coin
__________________________8. curtain
__________________________9. Cellphone
__________________________10. Pencil
A. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.
_______1. Objects that do not allow light to pass through them a. optics
_______2. The bending of light as it passes through a different material b. transparent
_______3. The passing of light through some materials c. reflection
_______4. Objects that allow all light to pass through them d. sun
_______5. Primary source of light e. transmission
_______6. The taking in of light and not reflecting it back by some materials f. opaque
_______7. The scientific study of light and how it interacts with different objects g. refraction
_______8. The bouncing back of light when it hits an object h. translucent
_______9. The light that is seen by the human eye i. visible light
_______10. Object that allow some light to pass through them j. absorption

The Factors that Affect the Strength of the Electromagnet--- WEEK 6

A. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze each question diligently. Write your answer on the separate sheet.
1. An electric motor uses an electromagnet to change _____________.
A. Magnetic field in the motor
B. Magnetic poles in the motor
C. Mechanical energy to electrical energy
D. Electrical energy to mechanical energy
2. An electric current in a wire coil produces _____________.
A. Another current
B. a generator
C. A magnetic field
D. a source of voltage
3. To strengthen an electromagnet, ______________.
A. Decrease the voltage
B. Increase the number of turns in a coil
C. Put a non-magnetic substance in the coil
D. All of the above
4. An electromagnet is _____________.
A. A compass
B. A magnet made with electric charges move through a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core or center
C. A device that produces electric current from energy stored in chemicals
D. A device that can prevent an electric shock
5. Which is true about electromagnets?
A. They are permanent
B. They don’t need a battery
C. Increasing the number of coils makes the electromagnet stronger
D. Increasing the battery makes the electromagnet weaker

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