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Customer service correspondence with 2+ years of experience developed

strong relationships with 100 customers and 8+ other departments. Have

capability in typing 50 WPM, proofreading and editing, translating, and
operating Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

More Info: Kirim CV Lamaran dan Foto Kamu ke Whatsapp

Fauzan - WA 0812-9468-9050
Whatsapp disarankan agar lamaran kamu di proses dengan cepat

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Menjawab email panggilan cepat kurang dari 2 jam—HARUS


Halo Ibu xxx, semoga sehat selalu , Nama saya xxx dengan latar
belakang xxx . Saya melihat perusahaan sedang buka rekrutmen untuk
posisi xxxx. Saya tertarik untuk bisa bergabung. Apabila berkenan
berharap Ibu bisa review profile saya & terhubung di LinkedIn untuk
diskusi lebih jauh. Terima kasih.

Hi Ms. Nadira R,

I hope this email finds you well.

Please do forgive my direct approach. My name is Afrilia Wulandari. I’m

27 years old, I graduated from Gunadarma University. I’m an
experienced as Digital Interaction Customer Service Correspondence
Staff English for about 2.5 years at PT. Linknet. Tbk. I am a young
professional Customer Service looking for building customer relating
I do understand that you are a very busy professional and it is with
good faith I make this approach. I intend to make the best use of your
time and honor the good opportunity.
I’d be happy to provide you with a resume for future opportunities.
Thank you for your time, Ms. Nadira R, I hope to have the privilege to
hear from you again soon.

Kind regards,
After Kirim CV di email langsung kirim pesan ke HRDnya , cari nama
hrd di LinkedIn .

Dear Mrs/Mr. XXXXX,

I hope you are well.

I’m writing about the vacancy for X position in your company. I would
like to inform that I have summitted my resume through (submission
channel). I think you will find that my background and qualification
would be a good fit for the job and I would love to discuss more about
this application.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi Mrsxxxx, I found your profile while looking for opportunities in

( your area of interest ) I am a your current role ) and have 2.5 years of
experience in Customer Service digital and I would like to apply for
( desired role ) in your organization. Could you please advise me on
this? I am happy to share my resume if needed. Thank Afril.

Hi ___, My name is Afril. I found your profile while I was looking for
opportunities in (mention your area of interest)
I am a student / graduate from Gunadarma University. I am interested
in pursuing my career in ____and would love to work with your
organization. Could you please advise me on this?
Thanks, Afril.


Good morning Mr/Mrs,

Thanks for connecting with me on LinkedIn. As you can see my

background, I am a bachelor in literature English from Gunadarma
University with GPA …
I’m interested in how marketing, social media, or other media platform
works together along with the marketing and communication field. The
prospect of working marketing field is very appealing to me. Eventually,
I have an interest in the related field.
As mentioned, I’d be happy to provide you with a resume for future
opportunities. Stay safe and healthy!


Yth. Ibu Nicole Lassaputri (sebutkan Namanya)

Dengan hormat,
Perkenalkan saya Afrilia Wulandari dari Tangerang. Beberapa waktu lalu
saya menemukan informasi lowongan pekerjaan di Instagram bahwa
saat ini PTxxxxx sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir di bidang
admin. Oleh sebab itu, saya tertarik untuk melamar di posisi Staf


Demikian perkenalan singkat ini saya sampaikan. Terimakasih atas
kesempatan yang diberikan. Semoga kedepannya kita dapat menjalin
hubungan Kerjasama lebih baik lagi.


Afrilia W
Jurusan Sastra Inggris (tunjukan jurusannya)

1. Tunjukan antusiasme
2. Konfirmasi lagi hal2 penting agar tidak miskom
3. Bales dalam waktu 2 jam setelah diterima

Selamat siang, Bu Nicole.

Terima kasih banyak atas kesempatannya. Saya sangat senang untuk

diundang ke tahap selanjutnya. Saya bersedia untuk wawancara di hari
Senin, 19 September 2022 pukul 10.00 WIB.

Saya tidak sabar untuk mendiskusikan pengalaman dan skill saya

dengan Bu Nicole. Akan saya persiapkan dengan maksimal.
Terima kasih.

9) Email Approach

Hi (Recruiter). My Name is Afrilia Wulandari. I’m currently working

for (company), but looking to take on a new challenge and
transition to a new company in (Industry). I would love the
opportunity to discuss how (my skills) and experiences in
(Industry) might match up with positions you are recruiting for.
Would love to hope on the phone to discuss. Please feel free to
reach out to me at (number). Looking forward to chatting with
10) Email Approach
Hi Jonathan,

Nice to meet you! You have a great background for a role I’m working
on and I wanted to see if I could steal a few minutes of your time to tell
you about it ….

I am working with a xxx

11) Email Jika Undangan Interview Belum dibuka ( Lambat dibuka)

Dear Mrs Dewi,

Thank you for reaching out to me, apologize for late response, I just
read your message.
I am really interested to hear more about opportunity in PT Linknet
Tbk. For further discussion here is My Whatsapp number xxxxx .

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,
12) Email Approach

My name is Afrilia, currently pursuing my Bachelor Degree in Business

information Technology Bina Nusantara and concentrate on Business
Information Technology.
I am currently looking for internship program. I came across your
LinkedIn profile and I would like to connect with you.

13) Email Approach

Hi Mr. Imam,

My name is Afrilia and I am a customer service. I am currently in a job

search and connecting with others to build my professional network.
You appear to be recruiter who might be interested in my background
for current or future roles you seek to fill. Thanks.

14) Email Approach

Selamat Siang Bapak Daniel,

Terimakasih telah meluangkan waktunya mengunjungi profil LinkedIn

saya dan menerima undangan saya untuk berkoneksi. Saya melihat
sepertinya Bapak sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan atau mencari
talenta-talenta muda untuk bergabung diperusahaan Bapak.
Dengan senang hati dan berbekal pengalaman yang saya cantumkan di
LinkedIn saya bersedia melamar pekerjaan di tempat Bapak.
Sebelumnya saya sudah mengenali nilai atau value dari perusahaan
Bapak dan melihat perkembangannya yang luar biasa. Saya memiliki ide
dan beberapa pengalaman lainnya yang dapat saya elaborasikan
kepada Bapak.
Saya bersedia mengirimkan CV ke LinkedIn maupun Email jika Bapak
bersedia. Saya juga berharap dapat menjelaskan ide dan pengalaman
saya di Marketing melalui sesi wawancara.

Terimakasih dan saya tunggu kabar baiknya.


15) Email Approach

Primary Job Role

• Actively communicate with customers and perform administrative functions
Main task:
• Serve customers quickly and friendly. (proactive)
• Promptly respond to customer inquiries.
• Communicate with customers via telephone, WhatsApp and other communication
• Listen carefully to every complaint submitted by customers.
• Provide correct answers to all questions about problems raised by customers about
the product.
• Provide the best solutions to problems faced by customers.
• Communicate and coordinate with colleagues as needed.
• Ensure customer satisfaction and provide professional customer support.
• Maintain a positive, empathetic and professional attitude towards customers at all

CARA CONNECT ORDAL IN LINKEDIN ( Memperluas Jaringan dan

Memperdalam insight perusahaan )

Salam kenal Bapak/Ibu …

Nama saya Afrilia Wulandari. Saya melihat profil Bapak/Ibu juga lulusan
Universitas Gunadarma Gunadarma, kini bekerja di Tiktok membidangi
xxxx. Saya tertarik untuk bisa berkarier dibidang tersebut. Semoga
berkenan terhubung agar bisa berdiskusi dan mendapat insight lebih
jauh. Terimakasih.

Thanks for connecting with me on LinkedIn.

Hi Ka Rizki, I am Afril. Great to see alumni from Gunadarma University
and you have successful career in APAC Market Specialist. I graduated
in Gunadarma University in 2019 and I have experience for about 2.5
years in PT. Linknet as Customer Service Correspondence. I know you
are actives in BEM with Rita, Arifa, Fitri Wulandari, Khusnul Khotimah,
etc. It would be excited to get more insight about the company and tips
how the process to apply job in Tiktok. I woud really appreciate your
time. Thanks.
Hi afrilia, thanks for your kind word. You can try to find the job opening
position on tiktok via this link You can
apply directly there or if you want my referral link, just message me the
title of job opening you are interested and ill give you the referral link
to apply via there.

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