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Fluoride (F) is a natural chemical element available in nature abundant and is an important
environmental poison from natural and industrial sources. One of the main sources of fluoride
is water drink, other sources are found in food, dental products such as paste dental and
mouthwashes, as well as fluoride dust and fumes from the yang industry using fluoride either
in the form of salt or hydrofluoric acid.Fluoride toothpaste is one of the top choices for
control dental caries. In 1980 fluoride compounds such as sodium fluoride, sodium
monofluorophosphate, and amino fluoride is composed with almost all the toothpastes traded
in the whole world. On average, there are 1-1.5 mg of fluoride compounds in 1 gram of pasta
teeth that are traded.Use of fluoride toothpaste in pre-school children (age 3-6 years) must be
supervised closely because preschool-aged children are not yet capable rinse well so that the
toothpaste tends to be swallowed.Ingestion of toothpaste in children is a common thing and
happens continuously every time they brush their teeth. The amount of toothpaste ingestion
varies, the younger the child, the greater the amount of paste swallowable teeth.
Key word : Flouride; Function

1. Introduction
Fluorine is a chemical element with the symbol F and atomic number 9. It is the
lightest of the halogens and occurs under standard conditions as a very toxic pale
yellow diatomic gas. As the most electronegative element, it is highly reactive, as it
reacts with all other elements except argon, neon and helium.

Among all the elements, fluorine ranks 24th in universal abundance and 13th in
terrestrial abundance. Fluorite, the principal mineral source of the fluorine which
gives the element its name, was first described in 1529; because it was added to a
metal ore to lower its melting point in order to make smelting easier, the Latin verb
fluor meaning 'to flow' gave the mineral its name. Proposed as an element in 1810,
fluorine proved difficult and dangerous to separate from its compounds, and several
early researchers died or suffered injuries as a result of their experiments. It wasn't
until 1886 that the French chemist Henri Moissan isolated elemental fluorine using
low-temperature electrolysis, a process still used for modern production. Industrial
production of fluorine gas for uranium enrichment, its greatest application, began
during the Manhattan Project in World War II.

Prevalence of dental fluorosis in children in the United States over the past 30 years
it has increased. This is one of them caused by consumption of formula milk and use
of fluoride toothpaste accidentally ingested. Based on data successfully obtained by
Erdal and Buchanan (2004), found that 57% of excess fluoride in the child's body
caused by the use of fluoride toothpaste.Fluoride toxicity in an acute setting can cause
nausea,vomiting, diarrhoea, acidosis, and arrhythmias, whereas fluoride toxicity is on
stage chronic disease progresses slowly and can be divided into 3 types: fluorosis
skeletal (bone deformity, spinal compression, and limited joint motion),dental
fluorosis, and non-skeletal fluorosis affecting all soft tissues such as brain, muscle,
liver, kidney, testes, ovum, and others Fluoride diffuses into the cell membrane, enter
the soft tissue and cause damage on the software network.The liver is an important
organ in the body's functioning organs as a detoxification of various substances that
enter the body. If toxic materials in the liver parenchyma accumulate, then over time
the cells will.

Hepatocytes will be damaged, impaired liver function, and can cause abnormalities
clinical. The histological changes that occur depend on the dose of the substance, the
type of substance, other diseases, duration of exposure, and host resistance.Based on
the description above, the authors conducted research on Effect of oral administration
of sodium monofluorophosphate in paste preparations teeth on liver histopathological
changes in Balb/c mice aged 3-4 Sunday.

Due to the high cost of purifying pure fluorine, most commercial applications use
fluorine compounds, with about half of the fluorite mined being used in steelmaking.
The remaining fluorite is converted to corrosive hydrogen fluoride on its way to
various organic fluorides, or to cryolite, which plays a key role in aluminum refining.
Molecules containing carbon–fluorine bonds often have very high chemical and
thermal stability; their main uses are as refrigerants, insulating electrical and
cookware, and PTFE (Teflon). Drugs such as atorvastatin and fluoxetine contain C−F
bonds. Fluoride ions from dissolved fluoride salts inhibit cavities, and are therefore
used in toothpaste and water fluoridation. Global fluorochemical sales total over
US$69 billion annually.

Fluorocarbon gases are generally a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential
100 to 23,500 times that of carbon dioxide, and SF6 has the highest global warming
potential of any known substance. Organofluorine compounds often persist in the
environment because of the strength of the carbon–fluorine bond. has no known
metabolic role in mammals; some plants and sea sponges synthesize organofluorine
toxins (most commonly monofluoroacetate) that help prevent predation.

2. Content/Discussion
2.1 characteristics
2.1.1 electron configuration
The fluorine atom has nine electrons, one fewer than neon, and the electron
configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p5: two electrons in the inner shell that are filled and seven in
the outer shell that require one more to be filled. The outer electrons are ineffective at
shielding the core, and experience a high effective nuclear charge of 9 − 2 = 7; this
affects the physical properties of the fluorine atom.
The first ionization energy of fluorine is the third highest of all the elements,
behind helium and neon,which complicates the removal of electrons from the neutral
fluorine atom. It also has a high electron affinity, second only to chlorine, and tends to
gain electrons to become isoelectronic with the noble gas neon; it has the highest
electronegativity of any element.The fluorine atom has a small covalent radius, about
60 picometers, similar to that of its neighbors in the same period, oxygen and neon.

2.2 Reactivity
The bond energy of difluorine is much lower than that of Cl2 or Br2 and is similar
to the easily cleaved peroxide bond; this, together with the high electronegativity,
leads to the easy dissociation of fluorine, high reactivity, and strong bonding with
nonfluorine atomsIn contrast, the bonds with other atoms are very strong due to
the high electronegativity of fluorine. Unreactive substances such as steel powder,
glass shards, and asbestos fibers will react quickly with cold fluorine gas; wood
and water spontaneously burn under a fluorine jet.

The reaction of elemental fluorine with metals requires a variety of conditions.

Alkali metals will cause explosions and alkaline earth metals show strong activity
in large quantities; to prevent passivation from forming a metal fluoride layer,
most other metals such as aluminum and iron must be powdered,and the precious
metal requires pure fluorine gas at temperatures of 300–450 °C (575–850
°F).Some solid nonmetals (sulfur, phosphorus) react violently in liquid
fluorine.Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide readily combine with fluorine, with
sulfur dioxide sometimes explosive;sulfuric acid shows much less activity,
requiring high temperatures.

Hydrogen, like some alkali metals, reacts explosively with fluorine.Carbon, like
a black light, reacts at room temperature to produce fluoromethane. Graphite will
combine with fluorine above 400 °C (750 °F) to give carbon monofluoride which
is nonstoichiometric; Higher temperatures produce gaseous fluorocarbons,
sometimes explosively.Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide react at or just above
room temperature,while paraffin and other organic chemicals produce vigorous
reactions:even haloalkanes, such as carbon tetrachloride, are normally
inflammable, but can explode.Although nitrogen trifluoride is stable, it requires an
electrical discharge at high temperatures for reaction with fluorine to occur, due to
the very strong triple bond in elemental nitrogen;ammonia can react
explosively.Oxygen cannot combine with fluorine under ambient conditions, but
can react using an electric discharge at low temperature and pressure; the products
tend to disintegrate into their constituent elements when heated.The heavier
halogens react readily with fluorine as well as the noble gas radon;[44] of the
other noble gases, only xenon and krypton react, and only under special
molecule fluoride 3D

2.3 Fase
At room temperature, fluorine is a diatomic molecular gas,pale yellow when pure
(sometimes described as yellow-green).It has a characteristic pungent and biting
odor like a halogen which is detectable at 20 ppb.Fluorine will condense into a
bright yellow liquid at −188 °C (−306 °F), a transition temperature similar to that
of oxygen and nitrogen.

Fluorine has two solid forms, fluorine α and β. Fluorine β crystallizes at −220
°C (−364 °F) and appears transparent and soft, with the same disordered cubic
structure of recently crystallized solid oxygen,unlike the orthorhombic system of
other solid halogens,Further cooling to −228 °C (−378 °F) induces a phase
transition to the hard, opaque fluorine α, which has a monoclinic structure with
dense, angular molecular layers. The transition from β to α fluorine is more
exothermic than fluorine condensation, and can lead to violence.

Crystal structure of fluorine β. The spheres

show an F2 molecule that can assume any angle. Other molecules are plane

2.4 Isotop
There is only one naturally abundant isotope of fluorine, which is the stable 19F.
It has a high gyromagnetic ratio and great sensitivity to magnetic fields; because it
is also the only stable isotope, it is used in magnetic resonance imaging.Eighteen
radioisotopes with mass numbers from 13 to 31 have been synthesized, of which
18F is the most stable with a half-life of 109.77 minutes. Other radioisotopes have
half-lives of less than 70 seconds; most decay in less than half a second.The
isotopes 17F and 18F undergo β+ decay and electron capture, the lighter isotopes
decay via proton emission, and the isotopes heavier than 19F undergo β− decay
(the heaviest through delayed neutron emission).Two metastable isomers of
fluorine are known, 18mF, with a half-life of 162(7) nanoseconds, and 26mF, with
a half-life of 2.2(1) milliseconds.

Molecules at the surface of the unit cell have

rotations constrained to a plane.

Fluorine is the thirteenth most common element in the Earth's crust at 600–700 parts
per million (ppm) by mass.Although not believed to occur naturally, elemental
fluorine has been shown to be present as an occlusion in anthozonite, a variant of
fluorite.Most fluorine occurs as fluoride-containing minerals. Fluorite, fluorapatite
and cryolite are the most significant industrially.Fluorite (CaF2), also known as
fluorspar, abundant worldwide, is a major source of fluoride, and fluorine. China and
Mexico are the main suppliers of fluorite.Fluorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3F), which contains
most of the world's fluoride, is an accidental source of fluoride as a by-product of
fertilizer production.Cryolite (Na3AlF6), used in aluminum production, is the most
fluorine-rich mineral. The economical natural resources of cryolite have been
exhausted, and much of it is now being synthesized commercially.

Fluorite: A pink globular

mass with crystal facets

Fluorapatite: Long prism-

like crystals, without luster,
at an angle emanating from
the rock like aggregate

Other minerals such as topaz contain fluorine. Fluorides, unlike other halides, are
insoluble and do not occur in commercially advantageous concentrations in
brines.Trace amounts of organofluorine of unknown origin have been detected in
volcanic eruptions and geothermal springs.The presence of gaseous fluorine in the
crystals, estimated by the smell of crushed anthozonite, is still debated; a 2012 study
reported the presence of 0.04% F2 in anthozonite, attributing this inclusion to radiation
from the presence of small amounts of uranium.

2.5 history of early discoveries

In 1529, Georgius Agricola described fluorite as an additive used to lower the
melting point of metals during smelting.He wrote the Latin word fluorēs (fluorine,
flow) for fluorite rock. The name later evolved to fluorspar (still commonly used) and
then fluorite.The fluorite composition was later determined to be calcium difluoride.
Hydrofluoric acid was used in glass etching from 1720 onwards.Andreas
Sigismund Marggraf first characterized it in 1764 when he heated fluorite with
sulfuric acid, and the resulting solution corroded his glass vessels.Swedish chemist
Carl Wilhelm Scheele repeated the experiment in 1771, and named his acid product
fluss-spats-syran (fluorsparic acid).In 1810, the French physicist André-Marie
Ampère predicted that hydrogen and an element analogous to chlorine was
hydrofluoric acid.He also suggested in a letter to Humphry Davy dated August 26,
1812 that this then unknown substance could be named fluorine from fluoric acid and
the -in suffix from other halogens.This word, often with modifications, is used in most
European languages; however, the Greek, Russian, and some others, following
Ampère's later suggestion, use the name phor or its derivatives, from the Greek
φθόριος (phthorios, destructive).The New Latin name fluorum gave the element its
current symbol, F; FL was used in some of the early papers.
Early studies of fluorine were so dangerous that some 19th century researchers
were considered "fluorine martyrs" after an accident with hydrofluoric acid. simple
and suitable.Edmond Frémy postulated that the electrolysis of pure hydrogen fluoride
to produce fluorine was feasible and he devised a method for producing anhydrous
samples from acidified potassium bifluoride; instead, he found that the (dry) hydrogen
fluoride produced did not conduct electricity.A former Frémy student, Henri Moissan,
persisted, and after much trial and error found that a dry mixture of potassium
bifluoride and hydrogen fluoride was a conductor, allowing electrolysis to occur. To
prevent rapid corrosion of the platinum in his electrochemical cell, he cooled the
reaction to very low temperatures in a special bath and fabricated the cell from a more
resistant mixture of platinum and iridium, using fluorite plugs.In 1886, after 74 years
of effort by many chemists, Moissan was able to isolate the element fluorine.
Fluorine has a rich chemistry, covering organic and inorganic domains. It combines
with metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and most of the noble gases,and almost
exclusively assumes an oxidation number of −1.Fluorine's high electron affinity
results in a preference for ionic bonds; when it forms covalent bonds, they are polar,
and almost always single.
The alkali metals form ionic and highly soluble monofluorides; they have the cubic
arrangement of sodium chloride and its analogue chloride.The alkaline earth
difluorides have strong ionic bonds but are insoluble in water,with the exception of
beryllium difluoride, which also exhibits some covalent character and has a quartz-
like structure.The rare earth elements and many other metals form mostly ionic
Covalent bonds first appeared in tetrafluorides: the covalent bonds of zirconium,
hafnium and some actinides are ionic with a high melting point,whereas those of
titanium,vanadium,and niobium is polymeric, melting or decomposing at no higher
than 350 °C (660 °F).Pentafluoride continues this trend with linear polymers and their
oligomeric complexes.Thirteen metal hexafluorides are known all octahedral, and
most are volatile solids, but MoF6 and ReF6 are liquids, and WF6 is a gas. Rhenium
heptafluoride, the only metallic heptafluoride that has been characterized, is a low
melting point molecular solid with a pentagonal bipyramidal molecular
geometry.Metal fluorides with more fluorine atoms are highly reactive

Structural developments of metal fluorides

2.6 Polymer
The polymer exhibits the same increased stability provided by substitution of
fluorine (for hydrogen) in discrete molecules; the melting point generally also
increases.Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the simplest fluoropolymer and
perfluoro polyethylene analogue with the structural unit –CF2–, exhibits this
change as expected, but its very high melting point makes it difficult to
form.Various PTFE derivatives are less resistant to temperature but more
malleable: fluorinated ethylene propylene replaces some of the fluorine atoms
with trifluoromethyl groups, perfluoroalkoxy alkanes do the same with
trifluoromethoxy groups,and Nafion contains perfluoroether side chains capped
with sulfonic acid groups.Other fluoropolymers retain some of the hydrogen
atoms; polyvinylidene fluoride has half the fluorine atoms of PTFE and polyvinyl
fluoride has one-fourth, but both behave like perfluorinated polymers.

2.7 Application
Fluorite mining, which supplies most of global fluorine, peaked in 1989 when
5.6 million metric tons of ore was extracted. Restrictions on chlorofluorocarbons
lowered this value to 3.6 million tons in 1994; since then, production has
increased. Approximately 4.5 million tonnes of ore and US$550 million in
revenue were generated in 2003; a later report estimated 2011 global
fluorochemical sales of $15 billion and estimated a production figure of 3.5 to 5.9
million tonnes, and revenues of at least $20 billion.Floatation separates the mined
fluorite into two main metallurgical grades in equal proportions: 60–85% pure
metspar is almost all used in iron smelting while 97%+ pure acid is mostly
converted to hydrogen fluoride the main industrial intermediate.

At least 17,000 metric tons of fluorine are produced annually. It costs only $5–8 per
kilogram as uranium or sulfur hexafluoride, but is many times more expensive as an element
because of its challenging handling. Most of the processes that use large amounts of free
fluorine use in situ generation under vertical integration.
The largest application of fluorine gas, consuming up to 7,000 metric tons per year, is in the
preparation of UF6 for the nuclear fuel cycle. Fluorine is used to fluorinate uranium
tetrafluoride, which is formed from uranium dioxide and hydrofluoric acid.Fluorine is
monoisotopic, so any difference in mass between UF6 molecules is due to the presence of
235U or 238U, which allows enrichment of uranium by gas diffusion or gas
centrifugation.Approximately 6,000 metric tons per year are used to produce the inert
dielectric SF6 for high-voltage transformers and circuit breakers, eliminating the need for the
hazardous polychlorinated biphenyls associated with oil-filled devices.Several fluorine
compounds are used in electronics: rhenium and tungsten hexafluoride in chemical vapor
deposition, tetrafluoromethane in plasma etching,and nitrogen trifluoride in cleaning
equipment.Fluorine is also used in the synthesis of organic fluorides, but its reactivity often
requires prior conversion to the milder ClF3, BrF3, or IF5, which together allow calibrated
fluorination. Fluorinated drugs use sulfur tetrafluoride instead.
Soluble fluoride is moderately toxic: 5–10 g of sodium fluoride, or 32–64 mg of fluoride
ions per kilogram of body mass, is a lethal dose for an adult.One-fifth of a lethal dose can
cause adverse health effects,and chronic over-consumption can cause bone fluorosis, which
affects millions of people in Asia and Africa.Ingested fluoride forms hydrofluoric acid in the
stomach which is readily absorbed by the intestines, where it crosses cell membranes, binds
to calcium and interferes with various enzymes, before being excreted in the urine. Exposure
limits are determined by urine tests of the body's ability to clear fluoride ions.
Historically, most cases of fluoride poisoning were caused by the accidental ingestion of
insecticides containing inorganic fluoride.Most recent calls to poison control centers for
possible fluoride poisoning have resulted from ingestion of fluoride-containing
toothpaste.Malfunctioning water fluoridation equipment is another culprit: one incident in
Alaska affected nearly 300 people and killed one.The harm from toothpaste is exacerbated for
young children, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends supervising
children under six to brush their teeth to prevent them from ingesting the toothpaste.One
regional study examined one year of reports of preadolescent fluoride poisoning with a total
of 87 cases, including one death from insecticide ingestion. Most have no symptoms, but
about 30% have abdominal pain.A larger study across the US had similar findings: 80% of
cases involved children under six years of age, and there were only a few serious cases.

3. Conclusion
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded several things as follows: Fluorine α has
a regular molecular pattern and is a crystalline solid, but its molecules do not have a
specific orientation. The β fluorine molecule has a fixed location and small rotational
uncertainty. For further details on α fluorine, see the 1970 structure by Pauling.
Fluorine ranks 24th in universal abundance and 13th in terrestrial abundance. Fluorite,
the principal mineral source of the fluorine which gives the element its name, was
first described in 1529; because it was added to metal ores to lower their melting point
in order to make smelting easier, the Latin verb fluo meaning 'to flow' gave the
mineral its name. The reaction of elemental fluorine with metals requires a variety of
conditions. At room temperature, fluorine is a diatomic molecular gas, pale yellow
when pure (sometimes described as yellow-green).It has a characteristic pungent and
biting odor like a halogen which is detectable at 20 ppb.[47] Fluorine will condense
into a bright yellow liquid at −188 °C (−306 °F), a transition temperature similar to
that of oxygen and nitrogen.

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