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Answer Key

Class 9 RT-1

Q.1 i) C) Both A) & B)

ii) D) A person with Cardiac issues

iii) C) Because it a boon for time and resource management, it has also impacted the environment

iv) C) People maybe rendered jobless upon shutting a factory and therefore, create a new problem

v) B) Eliminate

Q.2 i) B) Because her teacher had a problem and that problem had been fixed in no time.

ii) C) Because the teacher was mechanical and thus, had no choice in the matter.

iii) A) County Inspectors

Q.3 i) C) Other road refers to the road less travelled by

ii) B) Because it was seldom used and looked inviting

iii) C) Personification

Q.4 i) b) commercializes

ii) d) is

iii) c) have been celebrating

iv) a) inspired

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