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Time: 40 minutes
Number of questions: 35
PART 1 - Questions 1-8
Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short recordings. There is one question for each
recording. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, C, or D.
Which meal is NOT included in the price of the holiday?
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner D. All
The correct answer is A. Breakfast. Now, let’s begin with the first question.

1. What does the boy want to cook for tonight's meal?

A. Chicken rice C. Chicken soup
B. Pizza D. Pasta
2. What will the boy buy?
A. Football C. Boots
B. Skateboard D. Roller skates
3. Where is the girl's older brother at the moment?
A. At the supermarket C. At home
B. At the station D. On the slopes
4. What aspect of the arts are the people talking about?
A. Its value C. The funding
B. The quality D. Its beauty
5. What do the people disagree about?
A. The level of violence in the film C. The quality of the acting
B. The way the film is directed D. The length of the film trailer
6. What does the speaker dislike about poetry readings?
A. The places where they happen C. The way the readers speak
B. The artificiality of the poems D. The context of the poems
7. What does the man agree to?
A. A refund C. A discount
B. An exchange D. A gift voucher
8. When does the Picture House alter its programme?
A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Friday
D. Saturday

PART 2 - Questions 9-20

In this part, you will hear three conversations. The conversations will not be repeated. There are four
questions for each conversation. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, C, or D.

Questions 9-12:
9. What did the professor want to talk to the student about?
A. The class presentation he observed C. The topic of his project
B. His grades on an exam D. A problem with his research
10. According to the student’s findings, why do some people dislike vegetables?
A. They were forced to eat vegetables. C. They believe vegetables are harmful.
B. They are picky eaters. D. They cannot stand the bitterness.
11. What does the professor find interesting about the student’s findings?
A. That many people do not like the green color of vegetables
B. That vegetables do not taste bitter for some people
C. That the biologist also disliked vegetables
D. That people with genetic defects like vegetables
12. What does the professor think about the student’s topic?
A. She thinks it requires more explanation.
B. She believes it will be interesting.
C. She wants the student to change the topic.
D. She is looking forward to reading the report.

Questions 13-16:
13. Where does the woman work?
A. At a university C. At a newspaper office
B. At a television station D. At a hospital
14. Why is the man applying for this position?
A. He needs a well-paying position. C. He wants the experience.
B. He was told to by a professor. D. He recently lost another job.
15. What is the man majoring in at the university?
A. Drama C. Telecommunications
B. Journalism D. History
16. What does the man need to do next in order to get the position?
A. Talk to Ms. Wagner C. Change his major
B. Drop a class D. Complete a form

Questions 17-20:
17. What prompted the consultation?
A. The students did not understand the course requirements.
B. The students wanted to do a research paper instead of a final exam.
C. The professor changed the requirements for the course.
D. The professor offered to listen to the students’ suggestions for the course.
18. What kind of research paper has Dr. Anderson assigned?
A. A report C. An original study
B. A book review D. A five-page composition
19. What kind of examination has Dr. Anderson prepared?
A. An essay examination C. An open-book examination
B. An objective examination D. A take-home examination
20. Which option do the students choose?
A. A lecture series C. A reading list
B. A paper D. An examination

PART 3 - Questions 21-35

In this part, you will hear three talks or lectures. The talks or lectures will not be repeated. There are five
questions for each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, C or D.
Questions 21-25:
21. Which statement about the environment of the Maldives is NOT true?
A. The Maldives has deep blue seas.
B. The Maldives has white sandy beaches.
C. The Maldives is a perfect place to watch sunset.
D. The Maldives is famous for its local culture.
22. Where is the Maldives located?
A. It is located on a large stretch of land. C. It is located in a big desert.
B. It is located on open sands. D. It is located on some coral islands.
23. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Visitors can navigate freely in the waters around the Maldives.
B. Visitors must know enough information about these waters before navigating in them.
C. Visitors are not allowed to navigate in the water around the Maldives.
D. Visitors can’t navigate in the Maldives even if they are familiar with the surroundings there.
24. Which is true about the Maldives?
A. Ninety-nine per cent of the Maldives is made up of islands.
B. Ninety-nine per cent of the Maldives is made up of sea.
C. About 200 islands are developed into tourist resorts.
D. There are about 100 inhabited islands in the Maldives.
25. What is the weather like in the Maldives?
A. It is extremely hot during the day. C. The weather is usually picture-perfect.
B. There are four distinctive seasons. D. The temperature always changes.

Questions 26-30:
26. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. The features of potluck dinners C. A religion practiced by Native Americans
B. The origin of a word D. Dishes served at an event
27. What is NOT mentioned as a Potlatch gift?
A. Food C. Slaves
B. Ornaments D. Trees
28. Why were potlatches banned by the government?
A. They resulted in conflicts among the Native American tribes.
B. Many tribal members were not wealthy enough to afford the gifts.
C. They went against European values.
D. Native Americans gave away slaves on occasions.
29. What was the main purpose for hosting a potlatch?
A. To receive gifts and presents B. To advance one's social position

C. To exchange valuables D. To enjoy the feasting and dancing
30. Why does the speaker say a potlatch is sort of an investment?
A. The guests will get better presents when they host a Potlatch.
B. The host will receive more valuable gifts when his guests host potlatches.
C. The guests must return the gifts along with other things.
D. The children and relatives of the host will be honored by the guests.

Questions 31-35:
31. What is the main subject of this lecture?
A. Heredity C. Birth order
B. Environment D. Motivation
32. What should the students know before they hear this lecture?
A. Birth order may influence personality to a great extent.
B. Heredity and environment play a role in the development of the personality.
C. There is research on birth order at the University of Texas at Arlington.
D. Firstborn children and only children have similar personalities.
33. Which one of the people would probably be the most comfortable interacting with a member of the
opposite sex?
A. A man with younger sisters C. A woman with younger sisters
B. A man with older sisters D. A woman with older sisters
34. What personality trait will firstborn children probably exhibit?
A. Likable C. Sociable
B. Ambitious D. Talkative
35. According to the research, what might be the dominant personality trait of the youngest child?
A. Charming C. Motivated
B. Shy D. Happy



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