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Key informant interviews

Adolescent influencers interviews

Demographic sheet

Facilitators: -----------------------------------------------

Date: -------------------

District / sector: ----------------------------

Age :

Gender: F ------------------- M --------------------- Other ----------------------

Disability/ies: Y ---------------- N ---------------------


 Introductions:
o Introduce the facilitators
o Ask participant to introduce themselves (including which committee they belong to)

 Reminder about the project:

o Children forum’s committees play an important role advocating for children’s rights and
for their views to be heard
o Participation is a right and so is having a life free of violence, abuse and neglect
o Children and young people know best what they need, and they are very capable of
defending their rights and that of others in their communities
o CLADHO in collaboration with NCDA xxxxx and with support from UNICEF
o In ------- sector: reminder of activities conducted and achievements

 Why we are having this discussion today

o You are a recognized leader amongst your peers. You have done amazing work training
other children / voicing children’s needs in planning and budgeting / making sure that
children live free of violence and abuse
o We want to hear about your story, how you have been involved in advocating for
children’s rights, what you have done for your community etc


 Read the consent form aloud and answer any question --- have the adolescent sign it

 Remind them that they can withdraw from the discussion at any point if they do not feel
comfortable, or if they have any concern
 Remind them of available resources for help (e.g. hotline, local IZU & CPWO contacts etc)

 Explain that names and specific details will not appear on any documents produced


Tell us a little bit about your involvement in children forum committee

 Why you decided to join

 When you were elected
 Did you face any challenges when campaigning for this position (as a girl)?
 How you have benefitted since you joined the committee – training, information, support etc
 How confident you feel today (when speaking in public – training others – talking to adults –
expressing your needs etc)


 Can you tell us about the actions that you are taking as a committee member and to advocate
for other children?
o Probes: cascading training, sharing information with peers, talent clubs, other peer-led
initiatives, supporting adolescent mothers and pregnant adolescents etc
 What have you been doing to fight VAC and adolescent pregnancies?
 How have you been collaborating with local leaders to defend children’s rights?
 Are you part of other clubs, groups, initiatives? Can you tell us about those?


 How confident do you feel children are to participate in public life and advocate for their needs?
 Have you faced any challenges when participating in public life or advocating on behalf of other
children? Which ones?
 What kind of support do children/adolescents need to advocate effectively for other children?

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