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Hello and good morning to the principal, all teachers, parents, our beloved guests, and the students of


My name is Meena, and I am a freshmen. It’s my pleasure to warmly welcome you all to the 2023 CICA
Entrance Ceremony and Opening Service.

I am in my second semester of my freshmen year in this school, and it has been such an adventure. I’m
surprised that my past few months here went by so quickly. However, I know that I made the right
choice by joining here. The teachers and students and all the people here have become an important
part of my life and I couldn’t be happier that I’m here. So, I am really honored to be here, and I look
forward to more adventures and also to gain knowledge, learn about God, and to have good social
connections. I hope that our school will continue to grow and thrive and that more students will join so
our school can become a bigger establishment. This school is very special, filled with amazing people
and it deserves to get a lot more recognition.

Dear freshmen, welcome to our school and I wish you all the best. I hope you succeed well and
accomplish your goals. Make sure to stay truthful and kind to others and yourself. Build good friendships
with everyone. And don’t forget to learn and study efficiently. There is this famous quote that says,
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” In the name of
education, this is an important step in your life. If you are in a hard and troubling situation, all of us,
teachers, students, parents, are here for you, and wishing you your good future.

Also, to our seniors who will be graduating this year, I wish you the best of luck. Know that everyone is
very proud of how far you’ve come. You are going to complete a very big part of your life, but also be
preparing for the next big step. So, keep an open mind as you consider your options for the future. Visit
new places, meet new people, and keep chasing your dreams. Keep fighting and do not give up. Be
proud of where you are today.

God has loved you before the world has been created and has sent you here with amazing plans made
for you. I hope you will grow as a man of God with harmony in spirituality, intelligence, and sociality at
school without losing the excitement and expectations that you have today. Like Joseph, you will
discover your vision. By embracing the vision God has given you, you will eventually accomplish it.
Through hardship and adversity, you will learn how to depend on and love God, and how to be guided
by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:18 says, “I consider that our present suffering are not worth comparing with the glory that will
be revealed in us.” Like this verse, God has prepared a greater glory for us. Therefore, like Abraham who
followed God’s word by trusting him, we should believe and follow God, who will be responsible for our
lives and already prepared what we hope for. He will lead us into his plan that is even greater than what
we hope for.

I am sure that including the pastor, all the CICA teachers will teach you how to depend on walk the path
of God until you become a child of God. Your parents will encourage you when you get tired, and the
seniors will support you until you discover your vision. Let’s start our journey with God together. Once
again, I welcome all of you to CICA and I hope you make progress here every day. God bless you all.
Thank you.

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