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Chapter 7

The origin of our moral conscience

The chapter opens up with a quote from Martin Lutherking jr

say “ if we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover
these precious values that all reality hinger on moral
foundations and that all reality has spiritual control “.

In reality a house is only as valuable as the strength of the

foundation and it’s foundation is only as strong as what it’s built

The bedrock beneath character

Making reference to a building that is not built on a solid
foundation and a vessel not firmly anchored to the sea the
chapter is to help us understand that as leaders our character
and values should be built on a strong foundation

A permanent internal guide

The world conscience is defined as the sense or consciousness
of the moral goodness or blame worthiness of one’s own
conduct, intentions or character together with a feeling of
obligation to do the right or be good.

The conscience manifests in beliefs and conviction

Only when our beliefs align with our conscience can they
manifest in strong convictions and as we know conviction are
what create our values as leaders.

The conscience is that part of us that counsels us concerning

moral issues.

In leadership our conscience must be alive and aligned to God

through the scriptures

God created us with a moral compass— the conscience. Yet He

also gave us additional safeguards and guides for living: His
precepts, or principles.

The Creator gave us specific principles to follow that would

establish our character in keeping with His, help us to better
understand His nature and align with His purposes, guide our
relationship with Him and other people, and enable us to be
successful in fulfilling our inherent purpose.
We need spiritual bedrock as the anchor for our character.

We Are the Image and Likeness of Our Creator:

the Creator gave human beings something of His own Spirit. All
human beings are meant to be representatives of God.

Let’s look at several of God’s character qualities as illustrations.

Always Consistent

Always Predictable
Because the Creator’s nature does not change, He is not one
thing one day and another thing the next. He is predictable—in
the best sense of the word. You know you can rely on Him.
James, a first-century biblical writer, provided a fitting analogy
for God’s constancy when he wrote, “Every good and perfect
gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the
heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”9

Always Trustworthy
Always Just

Always Loving and Compassionate

Character Preceded the Gift of Leadership

If we are to become great leaders character must be our

priority as it’s God’s priority also
Having dominion over the earth means leadership and God
handed this over to us

The Creator didn’t entrust us with power until He gave us


Leadership Is Natural
The word “rule,” or “have dominion,” means to govern, to
control, to manage, and to master. Because human beings
received the gift of leadership in creation, it was natural to

Leadership Is a Cooperative Endeavor

Leadership Does Not Mean Dominating Other People

We Must Develop an Environment of Character

You may be a manager, a supervisor, an entrepreneur, a

politician, a clergyperson, an educational director, the
chairperson of a community group, or the president of a nation.
Whatever form of leadership you exercise, I urge you to make
the following lifelong commitment: to help bring back character
as the priority among leaders.

How Human Beings Lost Character

Ironically, human beings lost their ability to consistently

manifest the Creator’s nature because the first man and woman
heeded the false accusation that God wasn’t treating them with
true character—that He was not being just. When His
trustworthiness was called into question, the first humans
made a decision to doubt His authenticity. Then, for the sake of
gaining power for themselves, they broke a key principle He had
established for them.
Results of the Loss of True Character

1. Distortion of the Creator’s Image

2. Confusion About Self-image and Self-worth

3. Instability

Restoring a Culture of Character on Earth

God’s “Kingdom”

The manifestation of God’s nature on earth is called a

“kingdom” because it is the realm over which He governs. It
includes the community of all who have been infused with His
nature as a result of their restoration to Him, so they can reflect
His attributes. The renewal of God’s culture on earth is the
continuation of His original plan in creation—that the whole
world would be filled with His character.
A Clash of Cultures

This re-arrival of the kingdom of God on earth immediately
brought about a clash of ideas and cultures. One reason is that
the concepts of life that were advanced by the Roman Empire,
including the idea that some races were superior to other races,
dominated the world in which Jesus lived. And what Jesus
taught was the opposite of the Roman outlook.

A Different Type of Leader

Leadership is not measured by how many people serve you. It’s

measured by whether you are serving other people.

Higher Standards

In such a situation, a leader must remain steady—dedicated to

the values, principles, and ethics by which he has committed to
live. Cultures will be transformed as we follow our moral
conscience, consistently manifest the qualities of God’s nature,
and seek to serve others.

Chapter 8

The Power of Principles

“Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your
leaves, keep intact your roots.”
—Victor Hugo, writer

The Creator has “published” His principles and values in various

ways in the Bible, which is, in effect, a “Corporate User’s
Manual” for human beings. Some of these principles and values
are included in compilations of moral standards, two of which
are commonly known as the Ten Commandments and the
Beatitudes. But many more may be discovered in its pages
First thing to note the product doesn’t produce the manual it’s
the manufacturer that produces it

The manual are specific to our individual purpose

Comprehending principles will make us wise, and following

them will make us leaders of character.

Another key property of God’s principles is that they are

unchanging, or permanent

Benefits of Knowing and Following the Creator’s Principles

Principles Safeguard Us from Substitutes

If you study the Creator’s principles,

you’ll become much wiser than many leaders today.

Principles Enable Us to Fulfill Our Potential

Without First Laws, Life Is an Experiment
When people don’t know or obey first laws, they begin to
experiment with foundational elements of human life, including
values and morals. These substitute laws are “experiments”
because the people promoting them have little understanding
of what is going to happen to individuals and society if the new
laws are promoted and practiced. Experimentation is beneficial
and necessary in relation to scientific inquiry, creative
endeavors, and so forth. But experimentation in moral matters
is a dangerous practice.
Experimentation Leads to Distrust and Disillusionment

Experimentation Leads to Lawlessness

Experimentation Leads to Loss and Destruction

To act in a way contrary to the Corporate User’s Manual is to

risk damage to the “product.”

Recommit to the Principles in the Corporate User’s Manual

It doesn’t make a difference what the current issues, trends,
and fads may be— if you know and follow first laws, you will
outlast temporal matters. Leaders of character do not live by
transient movements or emotions but by solid principles. Again,
emotions are part of the human makeup. However, leaders of
character are not guided by how they feel on a particular day;
they are guided by the principles that form their lifelong
convictions and values.

No matter what type of leadership you exercise, don’t forget

first laws! Perhaps you are a leader in a local, regional, or
national government who is in a position to tackle
contemporary problems and to help develop laws and civic
programs. Or, maybe you are a leader in your business or
organization who is in a position to develop corporate plans and
to set policies. If you violate the Manufacturer’s principles, you
will contribute to the weakening of your nation, your company,
or your organization.
Leaders of character are guided by the principles that form
their lifelong convictions and values.

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