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The Study of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon

citratus) and Calamansi (Microcarpa) as

Insects Repellent

Bon, Jewel Ellaiza Czarina Villaluna
Guro, Keally Jeanell Cutara

The Philippines have experienced a lot of mosquito-borne diseases resulting in many
deaths in the past years. Many are finding ways to either exterminate or repel those mosquitoes.
Thus, the study is conducted to produce a repellent that is not only effective but also cost-
efficient. DEET used in commercialized patches may have undesirable side effects (Briassoulis
et al., 2001; Bell & Veltri, 2002). Many are interested with Plant-based repellents that are
effective and earth economical. The study is to utilize lemongrass, garlic, and marigold (Maia &
Moore, 2011). Lemongrass is a natural repellent for mosquitoes as it contains a scent that
mosquitoes hate. Garlic contains sulfurs that are successful against mosquitoes. Marigolds
possesses an unpleasant smell mosquito hate. However, there is no study about combining those
three ingredients as a patch. Lemongrass is popularly used for medical, food and insect repellent
products according to an article of new tech bio. Cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, dye and
odorizesalong with thousands of other products containing lemongrass oils. In the Philippines, its
local name is “tanglad” and is usually used in cooking. With that, the researchers gained interest
in utilizing the plant as the main ingredient in the product due to its uncommonness in being
utilized in the creation of alternative products, in this case, an insect repellent.

The use of insect repellents is crucial for avoiding itchy or painful bug bites as well as
diseases that are transmitted by insects. Lemongrass is one of the natural insect repellents
(Cymbopogon citratus). The study's primary objective is to determine how well lemon grass
deters insects. In particular, it plans to use the steam distillation method to extract the natural
components and citral and citronella oils from lemon grass. Two candies were used for the
experiment; one included lemon grass extract and the other did not. In fourteen (14) minutes,
ants’ approach one candy that doesn't contain lemon grass but ignore the sweet that does.
Additionally, this study will produce significant and relevant information for future studies
regarding to insect repellent.

Both calamansi and lemongrass are frequently used as organic insect repellents. Citronella
oil, which is found in the perennial lemongrass plant and is indigenous to tropical Asia, is known
for its capacity to ward off insects like mosquitoes. Due to its high citronella content, calamansi,
also known as Philippine lime, is a citrus fruit that has long been utilized as a natural insect
repellent. Both lemongrass and calamansi can be used to ward off insects and prevent bites in a
variety of ways, including essential oils, lotions, and sprays.

The product of study can be a substitute for the commercialized mosquito patch and could
open many other possibilities of using natural ingredients as other forms of mosquito

Research Problem
1.What is the effectivity rate of insect repellent?
2.What is the probability rate of using lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) as insect repellent?
3.What is the durability rate of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) insects repellent compared
to oregano (Origanum vulgare) insects repellent?

Research Hypothesis
1.The effectivity rate of insect repellent is zero.
2. The probability rate of using lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) insects repellent is zero.
3. The durability rate of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) insects repellent compared to a
oregano (Origanum vulgare) insects repellent is zero.

Basic Assumptions of the Study

In conducting the study, the researchers will create a effective insects repellent using
lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and calamansi (Microcarpa) and in conducting this study, the
researcher made this following assumption.
It was assumed that:
1. The use of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and calamansi (Microcarpa) as insect
repellent could lessen the mosquito.
2. The use of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and calamansi (Microcarpa) as insect
repellent could help us have effective repellent.
3.The use of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and calamansi (Microcarpa) as insect
repellent can ensure safety of the people who is using it.
4.The use of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and calmansi (Microcarpa) as insect repellent
could lessen the virus that is caused insects.
5.The use of a lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and calamansi (Microcarpa) as insect
repellent could help people have dengue.

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this study would help lessen the insects, it is also very accessible because
the materials are quite common and not that expensive.
Here are some of the significance study:
1. The use of lemongrass and calamansi as insect repellent in Baranggay Payompon can
prevent the transmission of viruses that insects can carry.
2. The use of lemongrass and calamansi as insect repellent in Mamburao can lessen the
dangerous bugs.
3. The use of lemongrass and calamansi as insect repellent in Occidental Mindoro can
prevent mosquito borne diseases

Scope And Limitations of the Study

This research focuses on the effectiveness of lemongrass oil as an alternative insect repellent.
Due to having difficulties in finding test subjects, not all kinds of insects will be tried and tested.
This study is limited to testing insect repellent made from lemongrass on mosquitoes and ants in
an open area.

Theoretical Framework
Calamondin, or calamansi is a citrus fruit that originate in the Philippines and looks a lot
like tangerine. Calamansi can bleaches the skin because of its strong acid content, the fruit can
eliminate those dark marks, age spot, acne scars, and blemishes on your body. It can also fight
inflammation in your body. Calamansi has a major component which is called d-limonene, a
bitter taste that irritate insects by destroying the wax coating of insect respiratory system, making
it as a good repellent (viv,2019).
Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. lemongrass also
contains substances that are thought to relieve pain and swelling, reduce fever, improve levels of
sugar and cholesterol in the blood, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have anti-oxidant
properties (webmd, 2018).
Lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus) is an effective repellent against mosquitoes
(Diplera; muscidae), Calamansi (C. microcarpa) has a bitter taste that irritates insects, repellent
are used to repel mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and other biting insects. Mosquitoes can transmit
disease. Repellants are not meant to kill insects, but to keep them away to prevent bites and the
spread of disease. (viv, 2019)

Research Paradigm

The study of lemongrass (Cymbopogon) and calamansi (Microcarpa) as insect

Table 1.1
Input Process Output

The materials needed in First, Gather materials.

Insect repellent using
the study are knife, You will need the following
lemongrass, calamansi, materials to make the insect Lemongrass and
distilled water, Spray bottle, repellent: Lemongrass (fresh Calamansi.
and coffee filter. or dried), Calamansi (fresh or
dried), Distilled water, Spray
bottle, Cheesecloth or coffee
filter. Next Prepare the
lemongrass and calamansi:
finely chop the leaves and
peel of calamansi.
Next, Make the repellent:
Place the prepared
lemongrass and calamansi in
a pot and cover with distilled
water. Bring the water to a
boil, then reduce the heat and
let it simmer for about 10-15
minutes, or until the water
has taken on the color and
aroma of the herbs. Remove
the pot from heat and let it
cool. Strain the mixture: Once
the mixture has cooled, use a
cheesecloth or coffee filter to
strain the liquid into the spray
bottle, discarding the solids.
For the use of repellent:
Shake the bottle well before
each use and spray directly on
the skin, avoiding the eyes
and mouth. This repellent can
also be sprayed on clothing
and in the surrounding area.

Lemongrass and calamansi

as insect repellent
lemon grass and calamansi as insect

Flow chart



Distilled water

Spray bottle

Coffee filter


Effectiveness of the product

Definition of Terms
Lemongrass a fragrant tropical grass which yields an oil that smells of lemon. It is widely used
in Asian cooking and in perfumery and medicine.
Calamansi a small hybrid citrus plant which bears fragrant white flowers followed by small
round fruit, native to the Philippines and grown as a houseplant
Spray bottle A spray bottle is a bottle that can squirt, spray or mist fluids.
Water the clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell, that falls from clouds as rain, that forms
streams, lakes, and seas, and that is used for drinking, washing, etc
Chapter II

Related Legal Basis

The abovementioned product was verified by FDA through post marketing surveillance
and shows no valid Certificate of Product Registration (CPR) as of 03 May 2021. Pursuant to
Book II, Article I, Section 1 (a) of the Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No.
9711, otherwise known as the “Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009”, the manufacture,
importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution, transfer, non-consumer use,
promotion, advertising, or sponsorship of any health product without the proper authorization
from the FDA is prohibited. (
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created on December 2, 1970, and it is
in charge of regulating pesticides. As a result, any products marketed as insect repellents must be
registered with the EPA and adhere to its safety and efficacy standards. In addition,
manufacturers must adhere to labeling standards.
Other nations would also have laws similar to this. The best place to find out more about
any restrictions that might apply to using calamansi and lemongrass as insect repellents is to
speak with your local authorities. (
National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008, Republic Act No. 9512
This Act calls for the promotion of environmental awareness through environmental
education, which must cover environmental concepts and laws, the state of the local and global
environment, local environmental best practices, the dangers of environmental degradation and
its effects on human well-being, civic responsibility for the environment, and the importance of
protecting, conserving, and restoring natural resources. (

Related literature
Lemongrass and calamansi are both natural ingredients that can be used as effective
insect repellents. Lemongrass is a perennial plant that is native to tropical and subtropical regions
of the world. It has a strong citrus-like aroma that is particularly attractive to mosquitoes. When
applied topically, lemongrass oil can help to repel mosquitoes, as well as other insects such as
ticks, flies, and fleas. It is also a natural deodorant and has antibacterial properties, making it a
popular choice for use in natural insect repellents. Calamansi is a small, citrus fruit that is native
to the Philippines. It is commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine and has a refreshing, tart
flavor. Like lemongrass, calamansi also has a strong, citrus aroma that can help to repel
mosquitoes and other insects. In addition to its use as an insect repellent, calamansi is also a
natural astringent and has been shown to have skin-lightening and antioxidant properties. Both
lemongrass and calamansi can be used alone or in combination with other natural ingredients to
create a homemade insects repellent. To make a simple lemongrass or calamansi repellent, you
can mix a few drops of the essential oil with a carrier oil, such a coconut oil or olive oil, and
apply it to your skin. You can also add a few drop of the essential oil to a spray bottle filled with
water and use it to mist your skin or clothing to help repel insects. Lemongrass and calamansi are
natural ingredients that can be effective at repelling mosquitoes and other insects. They are safe
to use have a pleasant aroma, and offer a number of additional benefits for skin and health

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a tropical plant that is commonly used in

traditional medicine for its medicinal properties, including as an insect repellent. The essential
oil of lemongrass is known to have strong insect-repelling properties, making it an effective
natural alternative to chemical insect repellents. Lemongrass oil contains compounds such as
citral and geraniol, which have been shown to be effective at repelling mosquitoes, flies, and
other insects.
Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) is a small citrus fruit that is widely cultivated in the
Philippines. The juice and peel of calamansi have been used traditionally as a mosquito repellent.
Calamansi juice has been found to contain high levels of limonene, which is known to have
insect-repelling properties. Calamansi peel is known to contain essential oil containing terpenes,
it is also useful as insect repellent, because it contains compounds that can repel mosquitoes and
other insects (

Related Studies
Utilization of Indigenous Plants as Mosquito Repellent
One of the major problems of Department of Education and DOH has been battling with
is the dengue and other mosquito-related illnesses. In the Philippines, numerous plants repel
mosquitoes including lemongrass and oregano for its strong scented-aroma. This study attempts
to ascertain the degree of repellency of the said indigenous plants against Aedes aegypti and to
use it as mosquito repellent with no side effect, as an alternative to synthetic chemical repellents.

The study of lemon grass (Cymbopogon) and calamansi (Microcarpa) as insect repellent.

To reduce the dengue outbreak in occidental Mindoro national high school.

Calamansi is more effective than indigenous plant because microcarpa (Calamansi) is a
well-known fruit worldwide which is abundant in Asia. The leaves of this fruit are packed with
essential oils that benefit human beings, because it drives mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes are
carriers, or vectors, for some of humanity’s most deadly illnesses, and they are the number one
public enemy in the fight against global infectious disease. According to the World Mosquito
Organization, the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the primary specie responsible for transmitting
viruses such as zika, dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever to people. This study aimed to
identify the efficacy of the Calamansi leaf extract as a natural based mosquitocide. (
Chapter III

This chapter consists of the following subtopics:

I. Methods of Research
The experimental methods of Research was used in this study. Because two sets
of subjects (experimental and control) was compared in terms of the product’s

II. Respondents of the Study

In this experimental study,
Adults and farmers were selected to take part in the said experiment process. An
lemongrass and calamansi as insect repellent served as the control group because they didn’t use
this as insect repellent. The acceptability and effectiveness served as the experimental group and
received the same amount of treatment.

III. Sampling Techniques

Simple random sampling is employed in this Research. The Researchers used survey
questions on their subjects and respondents. Both groups are compared statistically.

IV. Sources of Data

The data was taken from the results of the study conducted by the Researchers, other data
from the internet.
V. Statistical Method
To explain the gathered data, the Researchers used the two-group design to determine the
performance of the product.

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