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Task 2: This is me

Curso Inglés A1

Harryson Humberto Orjuela Gongora

Contaduría Pública


Jose Andres Toro Gonzalez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



Task 2: This is me
Consolidado de los Párrafos 1, 2 y 3 (etapa 3).

My name is Harryson Orjuela, I’m Flandes Tolima, I´m a bank employee, I’m
single, I don’t have children. I’m 21 years old, I´m studying public accounting,
In my free time i sleep.

I live in Flandes Tolima, I live with my grandmother and my niece, I live in a

family house, my house has three bedrooms, a dining room, and a bathrooms.

Iget up every day at six in the morning, I usually have breakfast at 6:50, coffee
with milk and bread, I get to work by motorcycle, I usually have lunch at 12:00,
I have lentils, rice and meat, I come home at six in the evening, after work I
start doing university activity, I eat dinner at seven at night, I have heated
lentils for dinner I usually go to bed at 10:00 Pm. On weekends I like to go out
to the mall. I study english once a week.

Enlace del portafolio:

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