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Hoc knowledge trc -> apply knowledge de tao dung skills

Hieu dc tsao hoc vien struggle, thieu knowledge nao

Hvien hieu va nho nhung chua practice nhieu, lack of interaction


 Interaction: T-S
 Presentation: inductive deductive

aspects of vocabulary: form, meaning, use

deductive: form  meaning, fast, khi da co mot so hsinh da nam dc, can di bai nhanh

inductive: meaning  form, slow


 Practice + monitor

Hoc listening ntn? Ktra xem cac ban thieu knowledge gi, knowledge on chua -> huong dan cac ban thuc
hanh them skills

Feedback + action plan + monitor

Trong qua trinh giang day co the monitor them (present them)

 Feedback
- Feedback ve loi ko phai do thieu kien thuc: action plan
- Feedback ve loi ma cac ban ko biet: confirm y cua hvien, tim hieu tsao ban lai sai nhu v, y muon
truyen tai la gi  chi ra tsao ko dung  chi ra cai dung (cho luon: neu hv muon noi 1 cai gi qua
kho, guide: neu hv da nam dc kien thuc thi co the hoi so)

PRE- :

1) Prediction
2) Day tu vung

1) Practice
2) Correction
3) Realizing students gap in knowledge



Associations: synonym antonym, hypernym

Passive: tu cac ban ko nho, ko chu dong dung dc : day FORM + MEANING la du

Active: dung dc : day them USE

Concrete vs. abstract:

Quan trong nhat: Dua ra example + giai thich

Voi hoc vien moi, lan dau gap dang de, co the lam mau 1 2 cau

1. Nhận diện : decode the sound ra thành word :
- Vocabulary
- Pronunciation: phonemes (individual sounds), stress (word stress & sentence stress:
content words & function words), intonation, liaison (connected speech), reduced/weak
sounds (function words)
2. Hiểu : Grammar vs. Discourse (lien he context , hieu dung hay sai y ví dụ nghĩa bóng)


3. Liên hệ với câu hỏi

keywords truoc khi nghe có thể cho trước, cho từ đồng nghĩa, brainstorm từ đồng nghĩa
Practice: nghe sentence by sentence, check transcipt

Productive skill :
PRE-: cung cap tai nguyen
WHILE-: Mechanical practice + Meaningful practice
POST-: Communicative practice

- Day tu theo topic
- Day functional language: to be honest, Speaking of …
- Sub-skills: ki nang mo rong cau trl
PART 1: Giai thich bang tieng viet => makes it casual
PART 2: subskills nhieu hon, take note, chuyen y , in other words
Note key idea , ko phai note tu ma ban muon flex
PART 3: level 4-5 co xu huong list -> da ok
Feedback: loi common, loi thu vi co the trigger curiosity

Productive skill :
PRE-: cung cap tai nguyen
WHILE-: Mechanical practice + Meaningful practice
POST-: Communicative practice
My answer:

12 tuan / chia lam doi 6-6
Ktra vao tuan thu 6 va tuan 12 – giua khoa 4 skills

Giua khoa ktra chi part 1 & 2

4-5 : chua can da dang, co the lap cau truc, ko doi hoi paraphrase, ko doi hoi nhieu tu vung, co
thi duy tri mach trl du co bi vap, dam bao understanding
TOPIC: gui sau !
Dau khoa: Task 1

- Present so lieu
- So sanh
- Mieu ta su thay doi

(cohesive device)

Co the bo discuss both views hoac on nhu sau:

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