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Prioritize Documentation in the

Development Process
This may seem obvious, but as we mentioned earlier, software
documentation may fall under the radar due to developers not seeing
the value of documentation or not having enough time or expertise to
create high-quality documentation. Additionally, because some
organizations may not have established processes or guidelines for
creating and maintaining software documentation, it can make it
challenging for developers to create and update the documentation.

This is why it's the first step to writing effective software

documentation is to prioritize it during the software development

Don’t allow developers to ship a feature unless it is accompanied by

the appropriate documentation.

Hire technical writers who can promote the value of documentation

within your company.

Invest in the right tools to make it easy for your development team to
create the necessary documentation.

Whatever the case, it's important that you get everyone on the same
page and explain the benefits of creating software documentation. By
understanding the value of software documentation, developers and
other technical stakeholders can make informed decisions about how
to prioritize it in the development process.

2. Identify Your Target Audience 

It is important to identify your target audience when creating software
documentation because its your readers who will determine the
content and style of the documentation. Different audiences will have
different needs and expectations when it comes to software
documentation, and it is important to understand those needs and
expectations in order to create effective documentation. 

For example, if your audience for the documents you're looking to

write is end users of the software, the documentation should be
written in a clear and concise style, and it should provide step-by-step
instructions for common tasks. It should also provide information
about the features and capabilities of the software, and it should
include examples and exercises to help users learn how to use the

On the other hand, if your audience for the software documentation

you're creating are developers or other technical stakeholders, the
documentation should provide detailed technical information about the
software, such as its API, data structures, and algorithms. It should
also describe the processes and procedures that are used to develop,
test, and maintain the software.

The Splunk Documentation Team provides an in-depth guide in their

book The Product is the Docs on how to define your audience for
technical writers. 

Here’s a quote from Splunk: “Reliable and accessible documentation

requires thorough product knowledge. It also applies equally, if not
more, on knowing your audience.” – Splunk, p.275

This is an exercise that is useful not just for technical writers but also
for other members of your company, including marketing, engineering,
product, and support.

 Define your user. You can start with available user information
and talk to customer-facing teams like support.
 Identify your user’s goals (e.g., install a database).
 Create audience personas.
 Create audience definitions (e.g., entry-level admin audience).
 Create use cases for the product (e.g., manage enterprise
customers in a CRM system).
 Identify the correct delivery formats for your users
(e.g., FAQ, wiki, or knowledge base).
 Create content that is an appropriate scope and at the right level
of detail.
 Identify appropriate users to provide feedback on your
 Conduct user research and communicate with users.

Remember, your software users may change over time. Repeat this
exercise at least once a year.

3. Define the Scope and Goals

Once you have identified the audience, the next step is to define the
scope and goals of the documentation. This can help you focus on the
most important information and ensure that the documentation is
relevant and useful. For example, you may want to focus on specific
features or use cases, or you may want to provide information that is
needed to complete specific tasks.

4. Develop a Content Strategy

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