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Subject: Junior Certificate Maths

Teacher: Ms O’Dell
Week: Week 9
Lesson: Algebra 3

9 Learning Intentions

Students will have the ability to;

• Apply knowledge of quadratics to solve and hence solve
• Generate a quadratic equation given roots
• Solve and graph inequalities on a number line
• Apply knowledge of fractions to fractions with algebra to simplify and solve

9.0 Specification


Solving and Hence Solving
This is when you are given a quadratic equation to solve and a further more difficult equation
to solve afterwards

9.1 Exercise

(i) Solve 𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 + 20 = 0
We can do this as normal using factorising or the quadratic formula

(ii) Hence solve (𝑎 + 1)2 + 9(𝑎 + 1) + 20 = 0

When asked to ‘Hence Solve’, we need to look at the previous question and see what are the
similarities and the differences. Here we can see that ‘x’ has become ‘(a + 1)’.
We know the two possible values of ‘x’ and so we can let these equal ‘(a+1)’ and solve to find

Forming quadratic equations given roots

Here we will be given two values for x. We must work backwards to find what the quadratic
would have looked like.

Roots: roots of an equation are where the graph crosses the x-axis

We reverse the steps of solving using factorising.
Step 1) Let both roots equal zero (make sure you have no fractions).
Step 2) Put both in brackets
Step 3) Multiply out the brackets
Step 4) Simplify by adding like terms

9.2 Exercise

1) Find the quadratic equation given its two roots are x = 3 and x = -4

3 −5
2) Find the quadratic equation given its two roots are x = 2 and x = 4

Solving and graphing inequalities.

Here we are looking to solve equations like we learnt at the beginning of algebra solving. The only
difference is there are other symbols than ‘=’.
> Greater than
< Less than
≥ Greater than or equal to
≤ Less than or equal to

We can also be asked to graph the answers on a number line. There are three different types of
number line;
Type 1) x ∈ 𝑁
N means natural numbers – positive whole numbers above zero.
Dots are used to show that only whole numbers are included, and we stop at 1 because it is the
smallest natural number.

9.3 Exercise

Graph x < 6, x ∈ 𝑁 on a number line

Type 2) x ∈ 𝑍
Z means integers – these are positive and negative whole numbers
Dots are used to show only whole numbers are included but this time we can go below 1 as integers can
be negative too. An arrow is added to the end to show that this goes towards infinity

9.4 Exercise

Graph x < 6, x ∈ 𝑍 on a number line

Type 3) x ∈ 𝑅
R means real numbers – these are positive and negative numbers
Because all numbers are included we use a red line to show decimals and whole numbers. We put an open
circle to show that 6 isn’t included but if 6 was included we would colour in the circle

9.5 Exercise

Graph x < 6, x ∈ 𝑅 on a number line

Type 3) x ∈ 𝑅
R means real numbers – these are positive and negative numbers
The red line shows that we are working with real numbers and the coloured in circle show that the number
6 is included.

9.6 Exercise

Graph x ≤ 6, x ∈ 𝑅 on a number line

Markings Dots Dots Line
Negatives Cant go below zero Allowed Allowed
< or > Don’t include number Don’t include number Open circle
≤ 𝑜𝑟 ≥ Include number Include number Closed circle

9.7 Exercise

Solving with inequalities

When solving inequalities, we treat the symbol the same as an equals.
The only time we don’t is if we multiply or divide by a minus or if we change all the signs

9.8 Exercise

9.9 Exercise

Inequalities and ranges

Fractions in Algebra.
Remember from fractions;
-Denominator is the bottom of the fraction
-Numerator is the top of the fraction
-When adding and subtracting fractions we need a common denominator
-When cancelling out parts on the top and bottom, they must be being multiplied by everything
else on the line
-To change a denominator of a fraction, we need to multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by
the same number

Simplifying algebraic fractions

When simplifying algebraic fractions, numbers go with numbers, letters go with letters

9.10 Exercise
4𝑥 3 𝑦 2
1) Simplify; 2𝑥 2 𝑦

6𝑥 3 𝑦
2) Simplify; 9𝑥𝑦 2

Adding and Subtracting algebraic fractions
When adding or subtracting fractions, we need a common denominator.
Step 1) Get a common denominator – in this case a number that 9 and 6 divide into.
Step 2) Change all fractions to have the common denominator
Step 3) Change to a single fraction
Step 4) Add/subtract where needed and simplify the fraction if possible

9.11 Exercise
Simplify the following;
2𝑥 5𝑥
9 6

9.12 Exercise

Simplify the following;

− 3𝑥

Adding and Subtracting algebraic fractions with x on the bottom
Step 1) Get a common denominator – in this case it’s a little tricky, so we are just going to use the two
denominators multiplied
Step 2) Change all fractions to have the common denominator
Step 3) Change to a single fraction
Step 4) Add/subtract where needed and simplify the fraction if possible
Note; Be careful of the minus in the middle, it will change the signs of BOTH of the numbers after it.

9.13 Exercise

4 3
Simplify −
𝑥+3 3𝑥 −1

9.14 Homework task

2019 Junior Cert paper 1 Q7

2018 Junior Cert paper 1 Q11&12(a)

2015 Junior Cert paper 1 Q7(c)


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