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KOWeek 1: Other attacks:

Client-Side attacks:
A common security exploit that can occur in software development and runs rampant on the web is the
possibility for an attacker to inject malicious code. We refer to these types of attacks as injection
attacks. A hypothetical method to prevent this is adding a mechanism to you to accept only
gasoline and no other liquids. Injection attacks in the website works exact the same way.
Injection attacks can be mitigated with good software development principles like validating
input and sanitizing data. Cross-site scripting attacks (XSS): a type of injection attack where the
attacker can insert malicious code and target the user of service. Xss attacks are common
method to achieve session hijacking. It would be simple as embedding a malicious script in a
website, and the user unknowingly executes the script in their webbrowser. The script could do
malicious things like stealing cookies and have access to log into a website. SQL injection attacks:
a SQL injection attack target the entire website if the website is using a SQL database attackers
can potentially run sql commands that allow them to delete entire website data, copy it and run
other malicious codes.

Password attacks:

A common attack that occurs to gain gain acess to an account is a password attack. Utilize software like
passwords crackers that try and guess your password. A common password attack is a brute
force attack, which just continuoustly tries different combination of character and letter until it
get access. This attack requires testing a lot of combinations of passwords. Captcha are used to
distinguish a real human from a machine.they ask things like areyou a human or are you a
robot? In a password attack if you didn’t have a captcha available an automated sytem kepp
trying to log into your account. But with a captcha it prevents attacks from executing. Another
type of a password attack is dictionary attack. A dictionary attack doesn’t test out brute force
combinations like ABC1 or instead it tries out wors that are commonly used in passwords. The
best way to prevent the password attack is to utilze strong password.

Deceptive attacks:

Social engineering: an attack method that relies heavily on human instead of computers. Social
engineering is a kind og cons game where attackers use deceptive techniques to gain acess to
personal information. A popular type of social engineering attack is phishing attack. Phishing
usually occurs when a malicious email sent to a victim disguises as something legitimate. One
common phishing attack is an email , saying your bank account has been compromised. And
then gives you a link to click on a reset your password. When you go to the link it look likes your
bank website but its actually a fake web.

So youre tricked into entering your current password credentials in order to reset your current password

Another variation of phishing is spear phihing. Both phishing schemes have the same end goals, but
s[earfishing targets individual or group. The fake email may contain your personal information
like your name email address or the names of your friens or family. Email spoofing, spoofing is a
source masquerading around as something else. This is what happen when you receive an email
with a misleading sender address. You can send an email and have it appear to come from
anywhere you want, whether it exists or not.

No all social engineering attack occurs digitally one attack happens through actual physical contact. This
is called baiting ehich is used to entice a vitim to do something. Snother pouplar attack that can
occur offline is called tailgating, which is essential gaining acess into a restricted area or building
by following a real employee in. in most corporate environnments building acess is restricted
the use of a keycard or some other entry method. But a tailgater couyld use social engineering
tactics to trick an employye into thinking that they are there for a legitimate reason like doing
maintenance on the building or delivering package.

Cryptography: the art of writong or solving codes

The topic of cryptography or hiding potential messages from enemies has been around for thousand

Encryption: the act of taking a message called plain text and and applying an operation to it called
cipher, so you receive garbled and unreadable message as the output called cipher textthe reverse
process taking the garbled text and transforming it into plain readable text. Called decryption. For
example let’s look at some cipher where we subsitute e for o and o fory. We will take the plain text hello
world and and feed into our basic cipher. What do you thin what will the resulting cipher text will be. It
holly wyrld. It pretty easy to decipher the cipher text.

A cipher is actually made up of two components : the encryption algorithm and the key. The encryption
algorithm is the underlying logic or process that’s used the plain text to convert into a cipher text. These
algorithms are very complex mathematical operations but there are also basics ones.. The other crucial
component of cipher is akey which introduces something unique to the cipher. Without the key anyone
using the same algorithm would be able to ddecode your message. First you’d pickup your encryption
code you’d like to use to encode your message and. Then chose a key. The underlying purpose of the
cryptography is to protect your secrets from being read by unauthorized can keep the
argument hat by keeping the algorithm secret your messages are secured from from a snooping third
party. This genera concept is reffered to as security through obscurity.which basically means if no one
knows what algorithm were using or general security practice then we’re safe from clearly
security through obscurity isn’t something that youhsould rely on for securing communication.

This overall cncept of cryptography is called kerchoff’s principle. This principle stated that a collection
for slgorithm for key generation and encryption and decryption operations that comprise a
cryptographic service should remain secure even if everything is known except for the key. What this
means if your enemy knows the exact encryption algorithm you use to secure you data they re still
unable to recover the plaintext from an intercepted ciphertext. This principle reffered to as Shannon;s
maxim or enemy knows the system.thhe systm shoul remain secure even if your adversary knows
exactly what kind of encryption system your are employing as long as your key remain secure. The
practice of coding and hiding messages messages from third partie s called cryptography.

The opposite of this looking for hidden messages or try to decipherthe coded message is referred to as
cryptanalysis.these two fields have co-evolved thought history with new ciphers and cryptosystem being
deveolped as previous ones were broken or found to be vulnerable one of the earliest .recorded
description of cryptanalysis is from ninth century Arabian mathematician.who described a method for
frequency analysis to break coded messages. Frequency analysis is the practice of studyimg the
frequency with which the letter appears in tej cipher text. The premise behind this type of analysis that
certain letters in. Written language appears more frequently than othersand some letters are more
commonly griped together than others.for example the most commonly used Lester’s in English are
e,a,o,t.the most seen pairs of these letters are the,

Er on and an. Some cipher specially classical transposition and substitution ciphers preserve the relatives
frequency of letter in plaintext. A major turning point in the field of cryptanalysis was during the world
war 2 whee the us allies began to incorporate sophisticated

To aid in breaking access to am encryption schemes. This also saw the first use of automation
technology applied to cryptanalysis in england a t bletchey park. The first programmable digital
computer was deviled named collosal while early computer we’re developed to breaking
cryptography.Stefanography reatled but different from cryptography. It’s the practice of hiding
information from observer’s. Not encoding it think of writing a message with invisible ink. The message
is in plain text hidden from sight. The ink is imvisilble and must be made visible through a mechanism
called recipient. Modern stegano graphic techniques include embedded messages and even files into
other files like images or a casual observer its just a cite picture but ifyyou feed that image to a
stegno graphic software it will encode hidden messages from it.

Symmetric cryptography:

Symmetric key algorithm these type of. Algorithms are called symmetric because they use the same key
to encrypt a d decrypt messages. A substitution cipher is a. Encryption mechanism that replaces parts of
your text with cipher text. Remember our hello world example from earlier .thats an example of
substitution cipher since were substituting some characters with different ones. In this case the key
would be the mapping of the character between plain text and cipher text without knowing what letter
get replaced with.

If you have the key or substitution table then you can easily reverse the process and decrypt the coded
message by performing the reverse operation. A well known example of substitution cipher is Caesar
cipher, which is a substitution. In this case you are replacing characters in the alphabet with others
usually by shifting or rotating the alphabet, a et of number or characters. The number of the offset is the
key. Another poular example of this is referred to as ROT-13, where the alphabet is rotated 13 places,
but really Rot-13 is the Caesar cipher that uses akey of 13. Lets go back to hello world example and walk
through encoding it using Rot-13. Our cipher text wind up being, URYYB JBEYQ. to reverse this process
and go back to the plaintext, we just performed the reverse operation by looking up the characters in
the output side of the mapping table. u might notice something about the ROT-13 mapping table or the
fact that we're offsetting the alphabet by 13 characters. Thirteen is exactly half of the alphabet. This
results in the ROT-13 cipher being an inverse of itself. What this means is that you can recover the
plaintext from ciphertext by performing the ROT-13 operation on the ciphertext. If we were to choose a
different key, let's say eight, can we do the same thing? Let's check. Here's the mapping table for an
offset of eight, which gives us the ciphertext of OLSSV DVYSKf we run this through the cipher once more,
we get the following output VSZZC KCFZR. That doesn't work to reverse the encryption process, does it?.
There are two more categories tha symmetric ciphers can be placed into. They’re either block cipher or
streamed ciphers. This relates to how the ciphers operate on the plaintext to be encrypted. A stream
cipher as the name implies, takes a stream of input and encrypts the stream one charcter or one digit at
a time, outputting one character or digit at a time. So , thers one to one relationship between data and
in encrypted data out. Block ciphers: the ciphers takes data in, palces in tinto bucket or block of data
that’s fixed size, and then that entire block as a one unit. If the dat to be encrypted isnt big enough to fill
theh block, the extra space will be padded into to ensure the plain text to fits in the block evenly. Stream
ciphers are faster and less complex to implement,b but thy can be less secure rgan the block ciphers. If
the key generation and handling isn't done properly, if the same key is used to encrypt data two or more
times, it's possible to break the cipher and to recover the plaintext. To avoid key reuse, initialization
vector or IV is used. That’s a bit of random data that’s integrated into the encryption key and resulting
combined key is then used to encrypt the data. The diea behind this is if you have one shared master
key, thein generate a one time encrypted key. that encryption key is used only once by generating a new
key using the master one and the IV. good example of this can be seen when inspecting the 802.11
frame of a WEP encrypted wireless packet. The IV is included in plaintext right before the encrypted
data payload.

Symmetric encryptin algorithm: one of the earliest encryption standard is DES, ehich stands for data
encryption standard. Des was designed by ibm in 1970’s, with some input for the US National security
agency. Des was adpted as an official FIPS. Federal information processing standard for the US. This
means that DES was adopted as a federal standard for encrypting and securing government
data. Des is a symmetric block cipher that uses 54 bit key sizes nad operates on a block 64 bit
in size. Though the key size is technically 64-bits in length, 8-bits are used only for parity
checking, a simple form of error checking. This means that real world key length for DES is only
56-bits. A quick note about encryption key sizes since we haven't covered that yet. In symmetric
encryption algorithms, the same key is used to encrypt as to decrypt, everything else being the
same. The key is the unique piece that protects your data and the symmetric key must be kept
secret to ensure the confidentiality of the data being protected. The key size defined in bits is
the the total number of bits that comprises the encryption key. So you can think of the key size
as the upper limit for the total possible key for a given encryption algorithm.key length is super
important in cryptography since it essentialy defines the maximum potential strength of the
system. Imagine an ideal symmetric encryption algorithm where there are no flaws and
weaknesess in the algorithm itself. In this scenario, the only possible awy for the adversary to
break the encryption would be to attack the key instead of the algorithm. One attack method is
to just guess the key and see if the messages decodes correctly. This is referred to as brute
force attack. Longer key lengths protect against this type of key attack. DES key as an example.
64-bits long minus the 8 parity bits gives us a key length of 56-bits. This means that there are a
maximum of 2 to the 56th power, or 72 quadrillion possible keys. That seems like a ton of keys,
and back in the 1970s, it was. But as technology advanced and computers got faster and more
efficient, 64-bit keys quickly proved to be too small. hat were once only theoretical attacks on a
key size became reality in 1998 when the EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, decrypted a
DES-encrypted message in only 56 hours. Because of the inherent weakness of the small key
size of DES, replacement algorithms were designed and proposed.a number of new ones
appeared in the 1980s and 1990s. many ketpt 64 bit block size, but used a larger key size,
allowing for easier replacement of DES. In 1997, the NIST, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, wanted to replace DES with a new algorithm, and in 2001,adopted AES, Advance
encryption standard, after an international competition. aes is also the first and only public
cipher thas approved for use with top secret information by united states national security
agency. AES is also a symmetric block cipher similar to DES in which it replacedBut AES uses
128-bit blocks, twice the size of DES blocks, and supports key lengths of 128-bit, 192-bit, or
256-bit. Because of the large key size, brute-force attacks on AES are only theoretical right now,
because the computing power required (or time required using modern technology) exceeds
anything feasible today.

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