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Acute bronchiolitis
2. Dehydration
3. Hepatitis in infancy, suspected CMV or HSV hepatitis
4. Term baby, Gestation age 38+4 weeks, birth weight 2565 gram, small for
gestational age, cesarean section

After admission, due to respiratory distress, O2 hood with flow 10L/min and FiO2
30% was employed. CBC/DC, CRP, b/c, blood gas, electrolyte, liver/kidney function
were checked. Symptomatic relief drugs for respiratory symptoms were
administered. Due to elevated AST and ALT, hepatitis in the infant was impressed,
and thus complete liver profile (as well alk-p, GGT, t-bil, d-bil) was done. Abdominal
echo was arranged, which did not reveal specific abnormalities. Under the
aforementioned treatment, the patient's appetite and symptoms improved.
Therefore, under relatively stable condition, the patient was discharged.

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