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Name: __________________________________


1 Posłuchaj i połącz. Wpisz literkę obrazka w kratce 173

/5 marks
1 a

2 b

3 c

4 d

5 e

2 Posłuchaj i dokończ zdania. 174 Ponumeruj obrazki. /10 marks

1 Sally and Chen are a b

2 Leo’s friends are


3 Lisa and Anna are c d


4 Ben and his friends are


5 Maria and her sister are

__________________. e
Name: __________________________________

Reading and Writing

3 Przeczytaj i zakreśl. /5 marks

1 2 3 over /
through /
up / down / through /
past / along
past the hill along the
the road

4 5
past / up / up / down /
over the along the
bridge steps

4 Przeczytaj i zakreśl yes or no. /5 marks

3 5

What are the children doing?

1 They’re playing chess. yes / no
2 They’re doing judo. yes / no
3 They’re cycling through the trees. yes / no
4 They’re sailing on the lake. yes / no
5 They’re skipping down a hill. yes / no

5 Napisz zdania twierdzące (V) i przeczące (X). /10 marks

What are they doing?
1 play table tennis  They’re playing table tennis. ____________
2 sail  ___________________________________
3 ice skate  ___________________________________
4 surf  ___________________________________
5 skateboard  ___________________________________
6 cycle  ___________________________________
Name: __________________________________


6 Napisz pytania. Wybierz wyrazy z ramki. Wyrazów jest więcej niż potrzebujesz.
sail go down surf skateboard skate rollerblade swim

1 2 3

4 5

1. __________ they _______________________? Yes, they are.

2. __________ they ________________________? Yes, they are.

3. ________________________________________? Yes, they are.

4. ________________________________________? Yes, they are.

5. ________________________________________? Yes, they are.

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