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Dear my beloved lecturer, mam Rina

And all my friends that I love

How are you guys? I hope all of you are well because being healthy is important to us.
Do you know Anne Wilson Schaef?
Anne Wilson Scheaf is an American clinical psychologist and author. His book When Society Becomes
Addicts, in which he contrasts Western culture with that of active alcoholics, made the New York Times
bestseller list and was nominated for Best Political Book of the Year.
He says,
“Good health is not something we can buy. However, something that can be a very valuable savings.” -
Anne Wilson Schaef

And I want to tell you all about my experience.

When I was 17 years old, I felt something strange in my body. Why do I feel uncomfortable when
moving? Then I asked the doctor what the cause was. And the doctor said, “it's because you don't eat well
and always eat junk food so there is a blockage in the appendix. And your muscles are stiff, causing
swelling in your thyroid. And you rarely drink the water. It dehydrates you. a body that is deficient in
fluids will not run according to its function, "I asked the doctor. What should I do so that I can return to
health as before. And the doctor said “take care of your body. because your body is an asset to you. take
vitamins that prevent dehydration and drink plenty of water. Avoid foods that contain preservatives. do
exercise every 15 minutes every day”
At that time I did not know. Turns out I had hurt myself. From this experience I tried to find it on Google
and read several books, and Anna Wilson's book is one of the books I read at that time. I read the book to
clarify what the doctor I met said and to re-clarify my body's condition. It turned out that I had made a big
mistake by eating the wrong way. I ate something that should have been in the trash. like junk food,
which is made from carrion. It was from this book that I realized how important it was to maintain health,
and I began to change my lifestyle. Because of that book, I have the passion to have a healthy body and
live longer.
Now I regret what happened. What are the benefits for our body if we eat healthily and maintain a healthy
body? With this experience, I now realize that health is number one.

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