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good morning from Italy we've just

pulled up in the camper it's early

morning we've got to this beach which

looks absolutely stunning it's got this

little island it's got a castle on a

cliff and most of all it's got this

clearest Blue Water you've ever seen and

I think we're gonna find some cool stuff

today so Nikki's gonna be coming and

she's using the Nemo and I'll be using

the nomads so they'll float on the

surface and pump air down to us so I've

got everything we need today to find

treasure we're here earlier before

anyone else let's get in and see what we

can find you metal detecting in Italy

yeah okay you got everything Nikki

I've got a link below in the description

if you want to get one of these they're

awesome for treasure hunting

or don't you know leave the treasure for


oh look at how nice it looks down here

that looks so nice huh

look at that water down there Nikki yeah

yeah how nice does that look it's gonna

get pretty busy later so let's get to

work eh are you ready for some

underwater treasure hunting in Italy

yeah there's like a little island up

here with like a narrow Peninsula that

joins us I noticed yesterday that was a

popular area so I'm going to work my way

along the shoreline

up to there

hopefully we get some cool finds today

but if not what a spot

there's magic here today go Nikki

all right let's go metal detecting

underwater in Italy

Nikki and I are using waterproof metal

detectors that'll make us sound whenever

they pass over metal these detectors

give a bad sound for rusty metal and a

good sound for non-rusty precious metals

like gold and silver which is what we're

looking for Nikki doesn't have enough

dive weight so she's a little bit floaty

but she's got a signal it turns out to

be a little silver pigment of some sort

at the end of the video we're going to

go back to the camp fan and check out

all the fines so stick around for that

it looks like this beach is going to

have a lot of rubbish remember I said

that metal detectors will give a good

signal for non-rusty metal or just like

all the Glitters isn't gold not all

non-rusting metal is precious tiny bits

of aluminum pieces like this I just

found will never rust so it gives a

great signal but it's definitely not


this looks like a little button or it

could be a coin I'm not sure it's been

down here a while so we'll check it out


Nikki's got another signal over here on

a metal detector but unfortunately it

looks like another piece of aluminum I

think we're going to find lots of this

stuff today




that was awesome

he's going in the pouch this is so great

just down here beautiful sunny morning

we're the only ones down here the

water's so clear oh man I'm having the

best time ever just gonna find some

treasure put some icing on the cake

let's do it but wow how clear is this



Nikki's found a two-year-old coin it's

not looking that good but you can still

use them in parking meters or I can take

it home and put it in a coin tumbler and

it'll clean up nicely


unfortunately this coin looks like it's

not going to be accepted in any parking


thank you

it was just trash everywhere down here

yeah everywhere it's unbelievable we

can't find anything because all we keep

finding is Crash every two seconds which

is such a shame because it's so

beautiful here like what a beautiful

beach but they're not looking after it

at all there's just rubbish all in the

ocean and all up there as well so that's

kind of really disheartening to see if

you've got the only good finds a two

Euro coin and a bracelet I better get to

work here Nikki show me up again



come on boys



there's some money out here I can't

believe it I've got my first Euro

Nikki's got a two Euro so I still got

some work to do but it's nice to find

something some treasure after finding

all this trash



so funny finding all this trash out here

what it is I think it's old cans that

have been crushed up by the gravel we

call that a can slaw and there's just

tiny pieces of it everywhere and it

sounds good so you get it with your

metal detector but I'm just hoping that

we can find out of all these hundreds of

trash signals one piece of treasure I'm

sure it's here so we'll keep going but I

am enjoying this just really good to be

out here treasure hunting in such clear


there we go a little bit of treasure

there 22 to add it to the collection


we've made our way over to this little

beach which is really popular it's like

beaches everywhere little coves and

things like this in between the Rocks so

we're gonna have a go here there's Nikki

she's just out in between them but have

a look at this looks awesome doesn't it

and super clear water again so we're

just going to search this area hope you

have more luck here than all the rubbish

at the other spot let's go nice one

wasn't expecting this Nikki found a pair

of sunglasses they look like a fresh

drop there's not much mold on them but

yeah super clear water I don't know how

they lost them out here nice one Nikki


thank you

I'll translate my underwater language

here what I'm saying is it looks like a

necklace hanger



a few more euro coins down this way

beautiful area hey let's have a look at

that castle up on the cliff there how

cool does that look there's Nikki down

there you've got all these boat rentals

as well they're always good spots to

find some stuff oh look at all these

beach umbrellas behind me here so super

cool man really enjoyed this adventure





my God

loved it loves it loved it so clear the

water huh let's go back and have a look

at it all hey yeah okay all right let's

get back to the camper van get this

stuff sorted out okay

Nemo's away no matter all the gears in

the back

now let's go through the treasure see

what we got have you got your treasure

bag Nikki you want to tip yours out have

a little look see what Treasures we got


more treasure and treasure more trash

than treasure that's for sure yeah yeah

there was so much trash out there oh you

got a lot of stuff you've been busy up

there Nikki holy moly

well yeah oh you got a pair of

sunglasses yeah I think that's the best

uh find best find of the day put them on

let's see how they look do they suit you

oh not too bad I tell you we've got so

many we've got so many sunglasses on

this trip let's see what else you got

there Nikki okay I got an old rusty

bracelet crusty bracelet nice one good

rusting yeah it's a bit Rusty and crusty

I got a little piece of a I don't know

not a bracelet I think yeah okay like a

little silver one oh let's get that

what's his name on this one sweetie

sweetie sweetie okay I got another

necklace oh okay that's made out of wood

yeah something like that did you just

see that one there yeah it was just

floating around okay that's pretty cool

two necklaces and what else I don't know

some piece of a phone I think oh yeah

that looks like a bottom of a phone

ah cool there you go a piece of a phone

out there they're following us as well

as the sunglasses yeah I couldn't find

the rest I couldn't find the rest of it

yeah across the old coin oh half a coin

here another one okay and I think the

rest is all just

trash even look at us so much trash out

there wasn't there oh

yeah not

so much okay well you did a good clean

out on that one Nikki very good job

cleaning the ocean there was so much

trash in there here we go I'm gonna

empty out mine because I think I got a

lot as well we're gonna make a mess in

the van

look at it all

okay look at all this stuff still coming

still coming still coming

so much trash so this is what it is so

this is how it all starts out in the

gravel a big piece of aluminum gets

crushed by all the rocks and ends up

into something like this or this or all

of these other thousands and thousands

of small pieces that give a really good

signal on the metal detector but just

end up being trashed so we did a good

job of cleaning it out and this is my

treasure pocket see if I can find some

space here on the table

so let's put that down

it's pretty light today I think that's

it so this is cool I actually haven't

had a chance to have a look at this you

can see it's a tiny I think silver

necklace piece

and it's got some religious symbol on

there been down there for a while look

how crusty it is

so look at that it's got some religious

symbol on there yeah you can barely see

it you can barely see it it's a tiny

tiny piece so it's good find and look at

all this crust on the back so that's

pretty cool pretty happy with that Nikki

also found this pearl necklace sorry

yeah you forgot I put that in my

treasure pouch but yeah that's for Nikki

which is cool that's another find of the

day that goes with the sunglasses and

then I got this one which is pretty

interesting it's like a bottle top it's

got a blue piece in there or like a

screw top for something oh yeah I'm not

sure you can see the bit of blue glass

in the top which makes it interesting

and look at all these coins we got so we

did get quite a few coins and I got

these Keys as well in one section the

someone lost their keys obviously and

they've all broken apart but I've got so

one Euro two Euros three Euros four

Euros and these are really old coins

check these out I know if you can see

1998 when I say really old you know

pre-euro but these are the Italian coins

the Lira before the euro came in so I

got two of those and the funny thing is

they were pretty close together and this

one's what 1989 and this one is he's

pretty hard to see there I don't know if

I'm gonna oh 79 there you go it's got a

lot of fines there even though we didn't

get the amazing gold jewelry really

enjoyed that thanks for watching I hope

you enjoyed it too until next time we'll

see you soon for another treasure

hunting Adventure arrivederci


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