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Os leitores de toda língua estrangeira sentem algumas vezes a necessidade de recorrer ao dicionário em

busca de informações que possam ajudá-los a compreender determinadas palavras, expressões ou frases.
O bom dicionário é aquele que fornece todas as informações necessárias durante o processo de leitura de
textos em língua estrangeira. Quais seriam essas informações?

1.Com base nos verbetes apresentados nas imagens acima, responda:

a)Quantos significados ear pode ter como substantivo?
b)Qual é a primeira expressão mencionada?
c)Ache o significado de play by ear.

2.Preencha os espaços em brando junto ao verbete a seguir com uma das alternativas abaixo:
 Significado
 Outro significado possível para o mesmo verbete
 Classe gramatical
 Formas derivadas e origem da palavra
 Frases/expressões (idioms)
 Descrição/informação sobre o verbete
 Nível de formalidade
 Exemplos
Agora utilizando o seu dicionário, analise as palavras sublinhadas dentro de seus diferentes contextos e
selecione o melhor significado.

1.)a. He was driving his car when He got a fine.

b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. She’s a fine woman.

2.)a. Many ships cross the Suez Canal every day.

b. The cross is the most important symbol of the Christian faith
c. Some people are much afraid of thunder and they usually cross themselves to invoke God’s protection.
d. A mule is a cross between a horse and an ass.

3.)a. When our dog died, little Jimmy was in tears for hours.
b. She tears all the letters she gets from her ex-boyfriend.

4.)a. It’s really good to lie on this sofa. It’s too comfortable!
b. I know when Bob is not telling the truth. He doesn’t know how to lie.
c. In volleyball, Canada and Cuba lie second and third position respectively.

5.)a. Oh, no! It’s raining and I left my umbrella at home.

b. I broke my left arm in an accident last year.

6.)a. Education is a right children have.

b. My answer is not right, I have to correct it.
c. Raise your right hand, children!

7.)a. Unfortunately, family ties are not so strong these days.

b. Men look very handsome wearing a suit and a tie.
c. Teachers usually tie their students shoelaces before they go home.
d. The football game ended in a tie.

1. Capture the reader's attention: Your advertisement should begin with an attention-grabbing headline. Use
powerful language to communicate the advantages of your good or service.

2. Be particular: Indicate what you are giving in detail, including any relevant brand, model, and condition
information. Give prospective customers enough information to enable them to make an informed choice.

3. Emphasize the advantages: Instead than only concentrating on the features of your product or service,
consider its advantages. Describe how your product can make a customer's life better or address an issue.
4. Use persuasion in your writing: Write in a way that persuades the reader to act. To convey a sense of
urgency, use phrases like "don't miss out," "exclusive," and "limited time offer."

5. Include a call to action: Motivate the reader to act by including a call to action that is obvious. Make use of
verbs like "Call now," "Visit our website," and "Order today."

6. Be succinct: Keep your advertisement brief and direct. Use numbered lists or bullet points to make it simpler
to read and comprehend.

 Utilizando a estratégia do “skimming”, faça uma leitura rápida do texto e responda:

1.Sobre o que é o texto?

2.Em que parte do jornal você acha que este texto estaria escrito?
3.Existe alguma palavra que se repete? Você consegue entender o seu significado?

 Utilizando a estratégia do “scanning”, responda:

1.Que conselho o texto dá sobre ser conciso?
2.De acordo com o texto, o que é preciso que uma publicidade tenha para chamar a atenção do leitor?
3.Qual tipo de linguagem deve ser usada? Porquê?

-Observando o contexto semântico das palavras abaixo, encontre as suas possíveis traduções em português.

1.Brand ( )providenciar
2.Details ( )características
3.Provide ( )marca
4.Features ( )comprador
5.Buyer ( )detalhes

O IMPERATIVO é o tempo predominante no texto. Esse tempo verbal é utilizado para dizer às pessoas o que fazer,
aconselhá-las, encorajá-las, etc. Ele é muito utilizado em receitas, manuais, etc.

- Agora, sublinhe no texto todas as sentenças que você encontrar no IMPERATIVO.

MUNHOZ, Rosângela. Inglês instrumental: estratégias de leitura. São Paulo: Textonovo, 2001.
SOUZA, Adriana et al. Leitura em língua inglesa: uma abordagem instrumental. Disal Editora, 2005.
‘It was a magical place to grow up’: the artist using her childhood home as a canvas
Carla von der Becke has turned her South Downs home into a crucible of creativity
By Sophie Barling

I’m still getting used to this. It’s quite disconcerting,” says Carla von der Becke, looking up at an assemblage of agricultural tools
– hefty saws included – hanging around a rustic chandelier in the kitchen of her home in the South Downs. The perilous-looking
arrangement is the latest intervention here, in the house Carla grew up in, by her friend the South African
artist HelenA Pritchard (who intervened in her own name to add the “A” in at the end).
The two women met a decade ago through mutual friends in the art world – Carla is co-director of London-based PR
agency Albany Arts – and HelenA had occasionally been a visitor to the house when Carla was staying with her parents. Then,
early in 2021, Carla’s mother died “quite unexpectedly. She had been caring for my dad, who has dementia, so then I was here
caring for him, and it was quite intense…” It was at this point that HelenA offered to come and stay for a longer spell. “Carla
didn’t have any help, she was doing everything herself and I thought she might just need a friend. And I love getting out into the

The house, which Carla’s parents bought in 1974 and whose oldest part was built in 1690, proved fertile ground for HelenA’s
penchant for working with discarded or overlooked material, for “reconfiguring things”, as she puts it. Tiles left over from when
a swimming pool was built years ago have found their way into some of her sculptures, for instance, as have the contents of
decades-old tins of Farrow & Ball paint. In her makeshift studio in one of many ancient-looking outbuildings, where a copy
of Waiting for Godot lies among other seemingly timeless accretions on the floor, she prises open a tin of calamine pink. “Some
of the paint is almost hard, so I can use it in a sculptural way,” she says. “I love then walking around the house and thinking
‘Eureka! – I’ve found where they’ve actually used this colour!’” She likes that it’s a “continuation of something, so it’s not
necessarily about what the finished work is, it’s the materials and their history that’s important.”

Adaptated from


1.Retire do texto:

a)2 frases no Present Simple - __________________________________________________________________

b)5 cognatos verdadeiros e 1 falso - _____________________________________________________________

c)um parte da casa - _________________________________________________________________________

d)uma cor - ________________________________________________________________________________

e)2 membros da família - ____________________________________________________________________

f)sinônimo de for example - __________________________________________________________________

g)o antônimo de easy - ______________________________________________________________________

h)uma palavra que significa – lata, poder(verbo), prisão/xilindró - _____________________________________

2.)Cite duas dicas tipográficas. ________________________________________________________________

3.)Qual a nacionalidade de HelenA? ____________________________________________________________

4.)A quanto tempo Carla and HelenA são amigas? ________________________________________________

5.) O que aconteceu à mãe de Carla e como é que isso afetou a situação de vida de Carla? _______________

6.)Qual o nome da doença que o pai de Carla tem? ______________________________________________

7.)Quando os pais de Carla compraram a casa? E Quando a casa foi construída? _______________________

8.)O que pode ser visto pendurado na cozinha da casa de Carla?___________________________________

9.) Onde HelenA montou o seu estúdio improvisado? ____________________________________________

10.)O que é mais importante na obra de arte de acordo com HelenA, o trabalho finalizado ou os materais e a sua
história? ______________________________________________________

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