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Table Etiquette
1. Greet the guest by the hour of the day
2. Get the name of the guest
3. Contact number
4. Time and date
5. Table for how many
6. Area (smoking or non-smoking area)
7. To whom the reservation
8. Clarification
9. Bidding goodbye
Role Play Script

F-‘Good Morning this is ____from morong restaurant, How may I help you?
G-Yes can I make a table reservation
F: Yes can I have your name pls?
G: I’m Ms Ana
F: Ms.Ana can I have the details for table reservation?
G: Sure
F: For how many person ,at what date and time and to whom the reservation.
G: 4 persons only, for tomorrow in the evening at 6 pm,and the table reservation is for Mr. Cruz.
F: Noted ms.ana,do you have any additional concern,a non smoking or smoking area?
G: Non smoking area
F ; ok mam,is that would be all?
G; yes
F for clarification you had a table reservation for tom night at 6 in the evening good for 4
persons for a non smoking area,and the table reservation is for MR. Cruz.Is that correct mam?
G; yes
F: Ok,thank you for calling,have a nice day

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