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7 Awesome Command-Line

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Some familiar tools and some you probably haven’t tried yet

Eric Chi
Aug 24 · 6 min read

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Photo by Maxwell Nelson on Unsplash.

The terminal/command line is a sacred tool that developers have

under their belt. It is possibly the most used tool for programmers.
I believe that is because of how lightweight it is and also the
unbelievable amount of things you can do with it. Some
developers even go the extra mile to do everything inside of the
terminal. Kudos to them.

I’ll be showing some of the CLI (Command-Line Interface) tools

that I personally think are awesome and use pretty much on a
daily basis. Granted, there are so many tools out there for the
command line that this list barely scratches the surface.

1. vim
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What kind of terminal list wouldn’t include vim? There are tons of
debates about whether or not vim is the editor for programming or
if it’s a tool invented for lunatics, but we will not be discussing that

For those of you who are not familiar with vim, it is a text editor
that improves on the out-of-the-box vi tool shipped with any UNIX
system. It allows you to edit or create a file through your terminal.

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Basic usage of vim.

This tool is helpful if you want to quickly edit a file while you are
in the terminal and don’t want to open up your IDE or a GUI text
editor like VSCode or Sublime Text.

Keep in mind that this tool can be a little tricky to use when first
learning it, as many of the shortcuts are not as intuitive as
modern-day text editors. However, if you do invest the time to
learn vim, it can be extremely powerful for a developer. This is
why vim has a huge community. This community is so large that
developers will even make plug-ins for popular IDEs and text
editors to emulate the vim experience.

2. vtop

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top is a very common command that is used within the terminal to

display information about processes that your system has running
and general information about the memory and CPU usage of your
machine. If you have ever used top, it can be a little confusing to
look at. So how can we make this information a little easier to
process? Introducing vtop, an implementation of top that has graphs!

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vtop in action.

I like having a visual guide for anything, and having one

for topinformation is killer. I have this running all day so that I can
keep an eye on my system’s load.

You’re going to need npm for this tool.

3. fzf
This next one is a really cool tool. It’s called fzf. It’s a general-
purpose command-line fuzzy finder that allows you to find files
based on whatever you type. On its own, it’s an OK tool. It will list
all the different files in the current directory you’re in. You can
think of it as a Spotlight search, but in your terminal.

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Fuzzy-finding in my home.

Now the real power of this tool comes when you combine fzf with
other existing commands like kill or cat. In order to do this, you’re
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going to need to run the install script that is provided with the
package or inside the repository:

You will need to restart your terminal or source your .bashrc. It will
ask you some questions, and once you’ve answered all of them,
you will have unlocked fzf's fullest potential.

Now you can run commands like:

cat **[TAB]
vim **[TAB]
ssh **[TAB]

fzf will kick into gear and find all the possible entries that can work
with the command:

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Similar to file finding an IDE.

Another cool application of this is using it with the kill command.

This is probably the one I use most. The days of typing ps -ef | grep
and then either manually typing or copying the process

ID to kill are long gone. Instead, you can run kill [tab] or kill -9 [tab].
Fuzzy-find the process you want to kill and press enter. It will
automatically fill the process ID in for you.

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Awesome use case.

There are tons of other use cases that I can go over, but these are
the main ones I would like to point out.
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4. trash-cli
Ever rm -rf something and immediately realize that it wasn’t
something you wanted to delete forever? I hope this isn't just me.
If you don’t want to deal with that kind of anxiety, then I would
recommend using trash-cli.

This tool basically just puts items inside your system’s trash
instead of wiping it completely from existence.

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Moves files into the trash instead of oblivion.

Instead of typing out trash, I have an alias in my .bashrc that replaces

the rm command:
alias rm=trash

Now when something is deleted using rm, you don’t have to worry
about it being gone forever. You can simply retrieve it from the
trash if you like. And yes, this works with different flags
that rm provides.

5. speed-test
This one is pretty straightforward. If you want to see how fast
your internet is without having to open up Chrome, speed-test is for

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I’m not showing you all my horrible speeds. You get the idea.

This is a tool I use quite frequently and always like to have in my

back pocket just so that I don’t have to chew up additional
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resources from Chrome. Also, it’s pretty cool to do it in the


You’re going to need npm for this tool.

6. wikit
This one is a much smaller repo, and I love it. I have my terminal
open all day via iTerm2, so being able to search Wikipedia is
awesome. wikit allows you to do that from the terminal. You’d be
surprised by how often I use this one on a day-to-day basis.

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“wikit apple company” if you want to search Apple.

You’re going to need npm for this tool.

7. cointop
This last one might not be for everyone, but I use it every day. For
those of you who are in the crypto world, then you probably
already know about this tool.

I dabble in cryptocurrency here and there, and keeping up with so

many different types of coins — let alone their prices — can be
exhausting. With prices moving so quickly in the crypto
world, cointop is a lifesaver.

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cointop is a play on the top command. However, instead of displaying

system information, cointop displays information about

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There are so many more CLI tools that I use on a day-to-day basis,
but these are the ones that stand out to me in my toolkit. I can go
on forever about CLI tools. They are one of my favorite things to
tinker with in the world of software. I always get excited
whenever I find a new CLI tool that allows me to accomplish
something so minuscule.

I also love the fact that most of these tools are community-driven
— a bunch of developers just working on a small tool because they
think they’re neat.

I’ll see you all in the next one!

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