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 Please settle down now ‘coz we are about to start the program

Amica: The mediocre teacher tells;

Aisseah: the good teacher explains;
Amica: the superior teacher demonstrates;
Aisseah: and the great teacher inspires.
ALL: They guide us.
They support us.
They inspire us.
They teach us.
Today is the day to thank them and say,
Happy Teachers’ Day!

Amica: Good morning everyone, to our respected principal Ma’am Marlyn L. Cultivo, our
SPTA President Mrs. Mary Jane A. Lusuegro, all the loving teachers and my dear
schoolmates. Today we are gathered here to celebrate this amazing day to honor the
noblest profession in the world. Today we are here to celebrate the generous
contribution of teachers to the society and mankind. Today on the auspicious day of
teachers, we will thank all the teachers in this school and the whole world.

Aisseah: To begin our program, may I request everyone to stand for the invocation
followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem, Legazpi City Hymn and SDO
Legazpi Hymn through Audio Visual Presentation.

Amica: Thank you. You may now be seated.

The day that everyone desires has finally come. The day only for our beloved

Aisseah: Our teachers are our best friends, mentor, philosopher and guide. Therefore,
we want to say thank you to our teachers who always believed in us and provide the
best knowledge to us. We will always be grateful to our teacher’s support in every
situation and when we need it.


The way you teach.
The knowledge you share.
The care you take.
The love you shower.
Make you………………….. The World’s best teacher!
Aisseah: To formally welcome us all, may I now call in Amica Loraine T. Cometa, SPG
President for her words of welcome.

Thank you Amica.

Amica: Now, Let us welcome Aisseah Reese G. Daep to give us the National Prayer for
Amica: Thank you Aisseah. Now, Let us hear a message from our SPTA President Mrs.
Mary Jane A. Lusuegro.

Thank you Ma’am for your wonderful message.

Let us all be stunned by a special number that will be given to us by selected pupils.Let
us give them a round of applause.

Aisseah: At this juncture, we will show our honor to our teachers by giving them tokens,
flowers and message that symbolize not only infinite respect but also unconditional love
for them.

Amica: An inspirational message to our teacher will be given by our respected Barangay
Captain, Honorable Armando M. Toledo. Lets welcome him with a round of applause.

Thank you Capt for your inspiring message to our dear teachers.

Another showcase talent will be given to us by selected grade 6 pupils. Lets give them a
round of applause.

Our Grade 1 Representative will give a message to the teachers, Let us welcome Ragnar
John Arias.

Aisseah: At this juncture, a special number will be given by our SPG Officers to our
teachers. A round of applause please.

Amica: Now, please help me welcome Ma’am Marlyn L. Cultivo, our beloved principal
for her closing remarks. A round of applause please.

Thank you Ma’am.

Aisseah:May I now end this program with a quote that goes “ Better than a thousand
days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher”.

To our ever supportive principal, Ma’am Marlyn L. Cultivo, our very loving teachers,
friends and schoolmates, good morning.

The light of the world, the beacon in the dark and the hope that gives us strength to
survive, is our teacher. Today we celebrate Teachers’ Day. A day, kept aside to honor the
gifted souls who work everyday to make sure that the future is bright for all of us. Let us
welcome all the teachers with a big round of applause.

On this beautiful occasion, let us take the opportunity to convey our wishes to all our
teachers, who have given impeccable contribution in shaping us. Every year of October
5, we celebrate Teachers Day. It is a day filled with lots of excitement, joy and happiness
as students are eagerly looking forward to tell their teachers how and why are they
special to them. It is my honor to talk about our dear teachers on this wonderful

There is a saying that teachers are greater than the parents. Parents gave birth to a child
whereas teachers mould the child’s personality and provide a bright future. Apart from
academics, teachers stand by us at every step to guide, motivate and inspire to become
better human.

They are the source of knowledge and wisdom. From them leads the ideas and thoughts,
that one day each one of us will use to provide back into this society. I would like to
extend my gratitude to every teacher for selfless service and dynamic support. We are
always grateful to you. Thank you dear teachers and Happy Teachers Day.

 May I request everyone to please stand.

 Let us bow our head and feel the presence of the Lord.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Giver of All Wisdom, Greatest of All Teachers, Look upon our teachers with love.
Grant them the resolve to nurture our eager minds
And to never give up on us who fall behind.

Bless their hearts, For they rejoice when we succeed

And encourage us when we fail
Endow them with gentle patience
For the path of learning is never easy.

Kindle a spirit of passion in them. It is the flame that ignites the love of learning in us.
Help them see the potential in each student
Their belief in us means much more than the grade we make

Instill in them a commitment to keep on learning

It shows us to not fear new knowledge and experiences
Inspire them to touch the future
They influence how big a dream we dream for ourselves.

Bless our teachers who have come before

For their work endures to this day
Let the light of Your example shine upon all teachers;
To build up with their words
To love with their mind
To share with their heart


In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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