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Tommy is on his way home from the market when he realized something.
“I’m still having those aftershocks of the unfortunate turn of events from this year and
the year before it. The aftermath of the devastating pandemic that left the country in
disarray and took the lives of the many.”, murmuring from his shoulder as he walked
past a tree.
While thinking of the past, a familiar face from afar caught his attention.
“Excuse me, Walter, what is happening?”, he asked.
And it seems that he is so busy that left Tommy confused and bothered.
Walter continued tying the bamboo together without noticing Tommy while others are so
busy making a bed out of hays. Some are putting up a big tree out of plastic bottles.
Tommy seemed to be felt out of place and quickly read the room and left. “They are so
busy. Is there something that I didn’t know?”, Tommy asked to himself as his
subconscious keeps on asking the same question.
The following day at the same place, Tommy saw Walter again. This time, he notices
him. “Tommy!”, he shouted as he run towards him.
“You’re so busy that you didn’t notice me yesterday.”, Tommy confronted Walter.
“Really? I’m sorry. Are you here to help?”, Walter asked as he catch his breath from
exhaustion as he reached where Tommy at. “Help? On what?” he asked with confusion.
“The thing we are making. We could use some extra hands.”, Walter replied. “I wish I
could. I’m sorry Walter. Maybe next time”. Walter seemed disappointed as Tommy left
the place. It looks like they really need help.
It was a rainy day the next day. Tommy enjoying himself the cold breeze of the rain.
Eating champurrado to match the weather. And as he blow the hot meal, he remembers
the thing that Walter’s been making. As much as he wanted to take a peek of it, he can’t
as the rain starts to get stronger. When the rain stops, Tommy hurried to check the
place. To his surprise, the devastating rain trashed the place and completely ruined.
The bamboo tied by Walter fell into pieces. The hays got soaked wet. All that is left was
the big tree made up of plastic bottles.
As Tommy turn his back, he heard a voice calling his name. “Tommy! Wait!”. When he
checked, it was Walter with a smile on his face as he run towards Tommy. “Walter. It’s
you. I didn’t expect you to be here.”, Tommy said. “I should be the one asking you the
same question”, he replied. “You seem so happy? Aren’t you sad that the rain ruined
the place?”, Tommy asked. “Of course, I am sad. The thing is, I still have people willing
to work with me despite of what happened.”, he replied.
Tommy was too stunned to speak. He watched Walter left as they continue to
reassemble the place. Before he was able to move, he already decided to help. Tommy
was pierced through his heart with Walter’s words. He was stunned by it that he almost
turned into a statue. He picked up the remains of the ruined bed made of hays and
make something out of it. As they resume to rebuild the place, people started to come
and help.
Hours passed and the place looks as good as new. As it has never been touched by a
storm. “You see Tommy, even the hardest work can be done if you have people willing
to help.”, Walter said. Tommy gave Walter a smirk while gazing at the place.
The next day, Tommy didn’t see anyone at the place. Not even a shadow. Not even
Walter. He walked home with a lot of question on his mind. 11:50 PM on the clock,
Tommy heard a knock on his door. Turned out to be Walter.
“Walter? What are you doing here at this hour?”, he asked.
Walter grabbed his hand and hurried to the place. Tommy can not believe his eyes as
he saw people at the place. Gathered in groups with their cameras on. “5,4,3, 2,”. As
the number reached 1, the place filled with ocean of lights. Covered with colorful
banners that they hang on the bamboo that Walter tied. The tree made up of bottles
turned to be a Christmas tree that lit up with neon green, the bed out of hays became
the bed of Jesus and there’s three kings beside him.
“Have you heard the word Belenismo?”, Walter asked Tommy. “If not, this is the
meaning of it”.

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