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The Budget Plan for Raising Chickens

MAHA RAJA FARM (Maheswara-Rajasa Company)


A Ruang Pimpinan
1 Spending DOC (day old chicken) 16 Box 750,000 12,000,000
1 box = 100 chickens
2 Spending Chicken Food, vaksin, and Nutritions 4800 Kilogram 5,000 24,000,000
food chicken ratio 1 : 3kg , until finished
3 electricity bills 3 per month 300,000 900,000
estimated 300.000 / month
4 Waters bills 3 per month 300,000 900,000
estimated 300.000 / month
5 garbage retribution 3 per month 50,000 150,000
estimated 50.000 / month
6 security retribution 3 per month 50,000 150,000
estimated 50.000 / month
TOTAL 38,100,000

noted :
with the assumption using factory feed
if the mortality rate is 5%, the remaining number of chickens is 1550
if the minimum selling price of chicken is IDR. 35,000, then the estimated yield is IDR. 54.250.000
if the maximum selling price of chicken is IDR. 40,000, then the estimated yield is IDR. 62.000.000
if the averege selling price of chicken is IDR. 37,500, then the estimated yield is IDR. 58.125.000
so the estimated average profit margin is IDR. 20.025.000 / 2 months and 1 week
harvest target of 1 kg - 1.2 kg in 2 months and 1 week

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