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Rayhan Ariq
Charistika Lonika
Tania Ramadhanty
We appreciate your presentation. There is a lot of new information and
knowledge that we can get from this presentation.
From our point of view, the usage of iot (internet of things) in smart farming can
really help our crop production in a huge number. Many of the new technologies
seem really useful for developing country. For example, Optical sensors, we agree
with that because we can know the quality of the soil, and chat group used by the
However, we have some questions regarding to this topic. Here are some
question that is found
Questions :
- If we want to apply this technology in our country we’ll need a lot of budget
right? So who will responsible for taking over this, the government or the farmers,
because if government has to take over it for all parts of country, it needs amount
of dollars. Moreover, farmer do not have budget to buy the robot.
- What if there are other thing that can affect the performance of the robot? for
example animal attack and natural effects(wind, earthquake, etc) can affect the
position of the robots.
- If we are not mistaken, it is stated about robotic labor. As we know that robot is
a machine and it is posible to get trouble. So how if the machine doesn’t work
maximally or the farmer can not operate it maximally?
- If we use this technology in indonesia, there will be another problem that is
faced before this technology can be used, Its about people’s tradition. Java people
will pray or held a party before or after the day they farm, this culture will slowly
dissapear after the technology applies.
- Some of countries have 2 or 4 season a year, do the robot does the same
method and strategy to farm ?
- It’s good to developed countries, but if we want to fully replace human labor
with robot labor in developing countries that’s make a lot of people doesn’t have
an occupation isn’t it? How we can solve this problem?
- About location sensors, GPS isn’t always accurate even in the big city. Then, GPS
does not cover all the parts of world has been inputted in GPS. What makes you
sure GPS must be work and reach all over the world? How to connect GPS if there
is not good connection in the village?
- it is said before, about agricultural weather stasions and we agree about that
because we can know the information about variable environmental elements
That’s all from us also we want to apologize if we make any mistake and
Thank you very much

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