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Teacher Livia

1. Circle the correct Simple Present or Present Continuous answer.

a. I do call / call / am calling my grandmother every Saturday.
b. She is read / is reading / reads a lot in the evenings.
c. They don’t listen / aren’t listening / not listen to the teacher right now!
d. He is walking / walks / walk the dog at the moment.
e. We don’t get / don’t gets / aren’t getting up early at the weekend.
f. What you do / do you do / are you doing every weekend?
g. What you doing / do you do / are you doing right now?

2. Use the correct verb tense. Simple Present or Present Continuous.

a. A: ____________________________________? (you / smoke)
B: No, never.
b. A: What ____________________________________? (you / eat)
B: A ham sandwich.
c. A: Where _______________________________ (she / work) these days?
B: At a bank.
d. A: Bonjour
B: Sorry, _______________________________ (I / not / speak) French
e. A: _______________________________ (it / rain) here in the summer?
B: Not very often
f. A: Your English _______________________________ (get) better.
B: Thank you. I study a lot,
g. A: ____________________________________ golf? (he / play)
B: Yes, but not very well.
h. A: Who ____________________________________ to? (you / write)
B: My boyfriend.
i. A: Where’s Susan?
B: _______________________________ (she / come) now.
j. Goodnight, _______________________________ (I / go) to bed.
k. Water _______________________________ (boil) at 100ºC.
l. Hurry up, the water ________already_______________________ (boil).

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