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One fine afternoon, I was walking in the park and I sat on the bench to

take some rest. Suddenly I saw a small animal in the bushes. I was
scared that what is it? I went closer to the bush and I xfsaw it was a
Persian cat. I felt was relaxed. She was so cute and her hairs were
white. She was sitting relaxed and she was taking a nap, I also didn’t
disturb her. Then I realize that I have a project on cats so I decided to
work on the project by the help of this cat but I suddenly realize that I
didn’t bring my camera, so I decided to write some important points
about her. Persian cats mostly live in Iran. The average life of these cats
is 13.5 years. They like to eat chicken, turkey, fish, and other types of
seafood. We have to feed them two times a day. These cats are of
medium size usually weighed between 7 and 12 pounds. They have big
eyes and chubby cheeks. These cats have low intelligence because they
are slow learners. Finally, she woke up and looked at me, she felt
scared and ran away from me. I was so happy that day that I saw a
Persian cat and my project was also completed, then I returned back to
my home.

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