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Practicing Dialogues for the Doctor’s office

1) Dialogue between Martin and the doctor:

*Martin: Hello Doctor, good day!

*Doctor: Hello Martin, What’s the matter?

*Martin: My leg hurts and I can’t move my knee. Yesterday I fell off my bicycle and injured my

*Doctor: ok, let me take a look… Ah, yes I’ll cover the cut with a plaster, and give you some pills
for the pain. Also, you have to rub ointment on your leg.

*Martin: Is it dangerous, Doctor?

*Doctor: No, it’s not dangerous at all.

*Martin: Can I go to school?

*Doctor: No, stay in bed for 3 days. You must clean the cut, and you must change the plaster
every day.

*Martin: Thank you very much, Doctor.

Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Plaster – dangerous – stay in bed – cover – fell – matter – pills - safe – injured - ointment

*Doctor: what’s the _______ Martin?

*Martin: My leg hurts and I can’t move my knee. Yesterday I ______ off my bicycle and _______
my leg .

*Doctor: Ok, let me take a look. Ah, yes I’ll ________ the cut with a ___________, and give you
some _________ for the pain. Also, you have to rub ___________ on your leg.

*Martin: Is it _____________, Doctor?

*Doctor: No, it’s not dangerous at all.

*Martin: Can I go to school?

*Doctor: No, ______________ for 3 days. You must clean the cut and you must change the
plaster every day.

*Martin: Thank you very much, Doctor.

2) Dialogue between a patient and the receptionist:
*Patient: Hello miss, excuse me, I would like to see the doctor please.

* Reception: Yes, sir, and do you have an appointment?

*Patient: No. But it is urgent, I have chest pain and it’s hard for me to breathe.

*Reception: Alright sir, do you have medical insurance?

*Patient: No, I don’t.

*Reception: Okay, take a seat I will arrange for you to see the doctor.

*Patient: Thank you very much. Please hurry!

Answer the questions bellow based on the above dialogue.

a) What does the patient want to do?
b) Does the patient have an appointment?
c) What are the patient’s symptoms?
d) The patient doesn’t have ________________.
e) Is the patient in a hurry?

3) Dialogue Lily, Dr.Phil and the reception:

*Lily: Hello sir, I had an appointment with Dr. Phil at 6 o’clock.

*Reception: What’s your full name?

*Lily: Lily Davidson.

*Reception: Ah, yes. There you are! Please, have a seat while you wait for your turn. The doctor
will be with you shortly.

*Lily: Thank you.

(after 15 minutes it is Lily’s turn to go in) (Lily knocks on the door)

*Doctor: Come in, please.

*Lily: Hi Doctor.

*Doctor: Hello, have a seat. What’s the problem?

*Lily: I think I have caught a cold.

*Doctor: What are your symptoms?

*Lily: I’ve been having headaches, I have a runny nose and I can’t stop coughing.

*Doctor: Let me take your temperature… Ah, yes. You have a fever, as well.

*Lily: I also have a bad stomach ache, and diarrhea, too. Also, it hurts when I cough.

*Doctor: Please lie down, let me examine your stomach…. Does it hurt here?... Okay, sit up
please. I’m going to take your blood pressure….Ok. Do you have any allergies?

*Lily: No, I don’t.

*Doctor: Okay, so I’m going to write a prescription for you. You have to take your pills, twice
every day. Once, before lunch and once before dinner. I’m giving you a syrup; you have to
drink 1 spoon of the syrup, every 8 hours and I’m going to write an injection for your fever.

*Lily: Thank you. Goodbye

*Doctor: Bye, I hope you feel better.

Write T(true) or F(false) and write the correct sentence if false.

1. Lily has hurt her leg ( )
Correct: __________________________________________________________________
2. Lily had an appointment to see the doctor ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
3. The doctor checked her throat ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
4. The doctor asked her “What is your name?” ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
5. The doctor writes a prescription for Lily ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
6. She has to take her pills every 8 hours ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
7. She has allergies to some medicines. ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
8. She thinks she has AIDS ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
9. She can’t stop coughing. ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________
10. Her symptoms are: headache, couching, diarrhea, fever, stomach ache and vomiting. ( )
Correct: ___________________________________________________________________

Answer the following questions based on all 3 dialogues:

a) Write 4 common expressions a doctor uses:

Write a list of 6 symptoms from the dialogues above:

b) Write 2 questions a receptionist asks:

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