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light dark

# Single-line comments are written using hash symbol.


# Script file is a class in itself and you can optionally define a

name for it.
class_name MyClass

# Inheritance
extends Node2D

# Member variables
var x = 8 # int
var y = 1.2 # float
var b = true # bool
var s = "Hello World!" # String
var a = [1, false, "brown fox"] # Array - similar to list in
# it can hold different types
# of variables at once.
var d = {
"key" : "value",
42 : true
} # Dictionary holds key-value pairs.
var p_arr = PoolStringArray(["Hi", "there", "!"]) # Pool arrays can
# only hold a
certain type.

# Built-in vector types:

var v2 = Vector2(1, 2)
var v3 = Vector3(1, 2, 3)

# Constants
const BREAKFAST = "Spam and eggs!"
# Enums
enum { ZERO, ONE , TWO, THREE }
enum NamedEnum { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE }

# Exported variables are visible in the inspector.

export(int) var age
export(float) var height
export var person_name = "Bob" # Export type hints are unnecessary
# if you set a default value.

# Functions
func foo():
pass # pass keyword is a placeholder for future code

func add(first, second):

return first + second

# Printing values
func printing():
print("GDScript ", "is ", " awesome.")
prints("These", "words", "are", "divided", "by", "spaces.")
printt("These", "words", "are", "divided", "by", "tabs.")
printraw("This gets printed to system console.")

# Math
func doing_math():
var first = 8
var second = 4
print(first + second) # 12
print(first - second) # 4
print(first * second) # 32
print(first / second) # 2
print(first % second) # 0
# There are also +=, -=, *=, /=, %= etc.,
# however no ++ or -- operators.
print(pow(first, 2)) # 64
print(sqrt(second)) # 2
printt(PI, TAU, INF, NAN) # built-in constants

# Control flow
func control_flow():
x = 8
y = 2 # y was originally a float,
# but we can change it's type to int
# using the power of dynamic typing!

if x < y:
print("x is smaller than y")
elif x > y:
print("x is bigger than y")
print("x and y are equal")

var a = true
var b = false
var c = false
if a and b or not c: # alternatively you can use &&, || and !
print("This is true!")

for i in range(20): # GDScript's range is similar to Python's

print(i) # so this will print numbers from 0 to 19

for i in ["two", 3, 1.0]: # iterating over an array


while x > y:
printt(x, y)
y += 1

x = 2
y = 10
while x < y:
x += 1
if x == 6:
continue # 6 won't get printed because of continue statement
prints("x is equal to:", x)
if x == 7:
break # loop will break on 7, so 8, 9 and 10 won't get

match x:
print("Match is similar to switch.")
print("However you don't need to put cases before each
print("Furthermore each case breaks on default.")
break # ERROR! Break statement is unnecessary!
print("If you need fallthrough use continue.")
print("Underscore is a default case.")

# ternary operator (one line if-else statement)

prints("x is", "positive" if x >= 0 else "negative")

# Casting
func casting_examples():
var i = 42
var f = float(42) # cast using variables constructor
var b = i as bool # or using "as" keyword

# Override functions
# By a convention built-in overridable functions start with an
# but in practice you can override virtually any function.

# _init is called when object gets initialized

# This is the object's constructor.
func _init():
# Initialize object's internal stuff here.

# _ready gets called when script's node and

# its children have entered the scene tree.
func _ready():

# _process gets called on every frame.

func _process(delta):
# The delta argument passed to this function is a number of
# which passed between the last frame and the current one.
print("Delta time equals: ", delta)

# _physics_process gets called on every physics frame.

# That means delta should be constant.
func _physics_process(delta):
# Simple movement using vector addition and multiplication.
var direction = Vector2(1, 0) # or Vector2.RIGHT
var speed = 100.0
self.global_position += direction * speed * delta
# self refers to current class instance

# When overriding you can call parent's function using the dot
# like here:
func get_children():
# Do some additional things here.
var r = .get_children() # call parent's implementation
return r

# Inner class
class InnerClass:
extends Object

func hello():
print("Hello from inner class!")

func use_inner_class():
var ic =
ic.hello() # use free for memory cleanup
extends Node2D

var sprite # This variable will hold the reference.

# You can get references to other nodes in _ready.

func _ready() -> void:
# NodePath is useful for accessing nodes.
# Create NodePath by passing String to its constructor:
var path1 = NodePath("path/to/something")
# Or by using NodePath literal:
var path2 = @"path/to/something"
# NodePath examples:
var path3 = @"Sprite" # relative path, immediate child of the
current node
var path4 = @"Timers/Firerate" # relative path, child of the
var path5 = @".." # current node's parent
var path6 = @"../Enemy" # current node's sibling
var path7 = @"/root" # absolute path, equivalent to
var path8 = @"/root/Main/Player/Sprite" # absolute path to
Player's Sprite
var path9 = @"Timers/Firerate:wait_time" # accessing properties
var path10 = @"Player:position:x" # accessing subproperties

# Finally, to get a reference use one of these:

sprite = get_node(@"Sprite") as Sprite # always cast to the type
you expect
sprite = get_node("Sprite") as Sprite # here String gets
# implicitly casted to
sprite = get_node(path3) as Sprite
sprite = get_node_or_null("Sprite") as Sprite
sprite = $Sprite as Sprite

func _process(delta):
# Now we can reuse the reference in other places.
prints("Sprite has global_position of", sprite.global_position)

# Use onready keyword to assign a value to

# a variable just before _ready executes.
# This is a commonly used syntax sugar.
onready var tween = $Tween as Tween

# You can export NodePath, so you can assign it within the

export var nodepath = @""
onready var reference = get_node(nodepath) as Node

class_name Player extends Node2D

var hp = 10

signal died() # define signal

signal hurt(hp_old, hp_new) # signals can take arguments

func apply_damage(dmg):
var hp_old = hp
hp -= dmg
emit_signal("hurt", hp_old, hp) # emit signal and pass arguments
if hp <= 0:

func _ready():
# connect signal "died" to function "_on_death" defined in self
self.connect("died", self, "_on_death")

func _on_death():
self.queue_free() # destroy Player on death
extends Node

var x: int # define typed variable

var y: float = 4.2
var z := 1.0 # infer type based on default value using := operator

onready var node_ref_typed := $Child as Node

export var speed := 50.0

const CONSTANT := "Typed constant."

func _ready() -> void:

# function returns nothing
x = "string" # ERROR! Type can't be changed!

func join(arg1: String, arg2: String) -> String:

# function takes two Strings and returns a String
return arg1 + arg2

func get_child_at(index: int) -> Node:

# function takes an int and returns a Node
return get_children()[index]

signal example(arg: int) # ERROR! Signals can't take typed


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