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Some of the key elements typically included in a scope of work document are:

 Produtos
»» Vender serviços de internet

»»» Serviços corporativos

Pequenas empresas (Armazens, cyber café, restaurantes, hospedarias, centro

medico pequenas)

-- 12 M down / 6 Up

-- 14 M down / 7 UP

-- 16 M down / 8 Up


Medias e grandes empresas

-- 200 M UP/Down

-- 400 M UP/down

-- 600M up/down

-- 800 M up/down

-- 1G UP/down

»» serviços residenciais

-- 4M down / 2M up

-- 6M down/ 3M up

--8M down/ 4Mup

-- 10M down/ 5M up

»» Hospedagem de websites e serviços cloud

»» Vender serviços de Televisão
»» Vender telefonia

Here are some general steps that can be included in a feasibility study:

1. Introduction: Introduce the project and its objectives.

2. Market Analysis: Conduct a market analysis to determine the demand and
potential for the product or service.

»»» Questionario

- Nome
- Idade
- Número de telefone
- Profissão
- Localidade
- Na tua localidade a internet corresponde a sua expetativa?
- Mensalmente quanto gastas usando internet?
- Quanto gostarias de pagar por serviço de internet ilimitado na sua casa?
- Se este serviço de internet ilimitado chegar na sua localidade hoje,
estarias disposto a pagar este preço mensalmente?
3. Technical Feasibility: Evaluate the technical requirements, resources, and
constraints involved in the project.
4. Financial Analysis: Analyze the financial costs and benefits associated with
the project, including projected revenues and expenses, return on
investment, and break-even analysis.
5. Risk Assessment: Identify and assess potential risks that may impact the
success of the project.
6. Environmental Impact: Determine the environmental impact of the project
and assess the potential risks and mitigation strategies.
7. Conclusion and Recommendation: Summarize the findings of the study
and make a recommendation regarding the feasibility of the project.

Remember that a feasibility study is tailored to the specific project, so the

content and format may vary depending on the nature of the project. It is
important to consult with stakeholders and experts in the field to ensure that
the study is comprehensive and accurate.


Market size and growth potential: According to industry research reports, the
current market size for the proposed product is approximately $XX million, with
a projected growth rate of XX% over the next five years. This indicates that the
market for the proposed product is growing and has significant potential for

Target market: Our primary target market is individuals between the ages of 18
and 35 who are interested in health and wellness products. This demographic
represents the largest segment of the market and is projected to continue to
grow over the next few years.

Competitive landscape: There are currently several competitors in the market

that offer similar products. The largest competitor holds approximately 50% of
the market share, with several smaller competitors holding the remaining share.
However, none of the competitors offer the same unique features and benefits
as the proposed product, which we believe will give us a competitive advantage.

Consumer demand: We conducted a survey of potential customers and found

that XX% of respondents expressed interest in the proposed product, with XX%
indicating they would be likely to purchase the product within the next six
months. This suggests that there is significant consumer demand for the

Barriers to entry: There are several barriers to entry in this market, including the
need for significant start-up capital, strong brand recognition, and the ability to
secure distribution channels. However, we believe that with our unique product
features and benefits, we will be able to overcome these barriers and establish a
strong presence in the market.


Technical Feasibility:

In order to determine the technical feasibility of the proposed project, we

conducted a comprehensive assessment of the technical requirements,
resources, and constraints involved. The following are the key findings from our

Technical Requirements: The proposed project requires the development of a

new software application to support the product. The application will be built on
a cloud-based platform and will need to be compatible with multiple devices,
including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. We conducted a thorough review
of the technical specifications and determined that the requirements are
feasible and can be met using available technologies.

Resources: The development of the software application will require a team of

experienced software developers and engineers. We conducted a review of the
current team's skills and determined that we have the necessary resources to
complete the project within the proposed timeline. However, we may need to
hire additional resources to ensure that the project is completed on time and
within budget.

Constraints: One of the primary constraints is the need to ensure that the
software application is secure and reliable. We conducted a thorough review of
the security requirements and determined that we will need to implement
several security measures to ensure that the application is secure. We also
identified potential technical constraints, including the need to ensure
compatibility with multiple devices and operating systems.

Based on our technical feasibility assessment, we believe that the proposed

project is technically feasible, and that we have the necessary resources and
expertise to complete the project. However, we will need to carefully manage
the technical constraints to ensure that the project is completed on time and
within budget.

Financial Analysis:

The financial analysis is a critical component of the feasibility study. It is

important to evaluate the costs and benefits associated with the project, and to
determine the financial feasibility of the proposed venture. In this section, we
will conduct a financial analysis for the proposed project.

Projected Revenues: Our projections indicate that the product will generate total
revenues of $XX million in the first year, with an average annual growth rate of
XX% over the next five years. The projected revenues are based on our analysis
of the market size, consumer demand, and competitive landscape, as well as our
pricing strategy.

Projected Costs: The development costs for the software application and other
associated expenses are expected to be $XX million. Ongoing operational costs,
including marketing, sales, and overhead, are projected to be $XX million per
year. We conducted a thorough review of the cost projections, and we believe
that they are reasonable and achievable.

Break-even Analysis: Our break-even analysis indicates that we will need to sell
approximately XX units of the product in the first year to cover our costs. We
project that we will be able to achieve this goal based on our market research
and projected sales.

Return on Investment (ROI): Our projected ROI for the first year is XX%, with an
average annual ROI of XX% over the next five years. We believe that the ROI
projections are achievable based on our revenue projections and cost estimates.

Risk Assessment: Our risk assessment identified several potential risks that may
impact the financial feasibility of the project, including changes in the market
conditions, regulatory changes, and unforeseen expenses. We developed
contingency plans and risk management strategies to mitigate these risks.


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