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can - for abilities, possibility
could - past of can

may - present for saying a possibility

might - possibilities not very (amb poques possiblitiats) / past tense of may /

will - future
would - will past

must - obligation

shall - suggestion (future), offer (question)

should - for giving advice, regret something,

ought to - moral obligation (not negative), to say something that is right or correct, objective

● Can/could (=be able to)

can + infinitive / could + infinitive
Example: Pol can play basketball very well.
I could swim when I was 5.
2-Asking for permission: can (informal), could/may (formal)
Example: Can I go to the toilet please?
● May/might
may + infinitive // might + infinitive
1- possibility (I may come/ I might come)
may: 50%yes 50% no. maybe: 75%no 25%yes.
● Should/ought to
should + infinitive // ought to + infinitive
1-giving advice
You should listen to me
You ought to speak English

● Must=(more or less the same)have to (semi-modal)

must + infinitive
1- obligation: You must study. (must only present, have to for all times)
Mustn’t→ prohibition
Don’t have to→ it’s not necessary.
examples: He had to study very hard
I will have to cook.
*They don’t need auxiliars.
*Model + infinitive
*No “s”--> 3rdn person singular

Relative clauses:
who (people), which
(objects/animals), when
(time), where (places), why,
whose (possession)(whose +
noun), that
1st sentence + relative pronoun + 2nd sentence

Relative clauses: two sentences connected with relative pronouns. Can be extra
information or not.


passive → was or were + participle // is or are + participate

- own: ser-ne el propietari, that you’re the proprietary of something
- sued: denunciat, that he or she has been denounced
- earning: to receive money as payment for work that you do
- reached: you have achieved something
- raised:elevated to a higher position or level
verb noun (artist) noun (type of art)

paint painter painting

sculpt sculptor sculpture

design designer designing

throw a pot potter pottery

take a photo photographer photography

make a print printmaker printmaking

- graffiti art, installation art, graphic design, drawing, fashion design

Nouns for photogenic equipment - selfie-stick, tripod, lens

other nouns - self-portrait, selfie, photo shoot
verbs for editing photos - add filters, edit, retouch
other verbs - press the shutter, go viral, share
adjectives - close-up, photogenic, in/out of focus

Adjectives for art:

- Neutral opinions: traditional, abstract, colourful, realistic
- Positive opinions: brilliant, funny, original
- Negative opinions: boring, ugly, shocking

TRAVEL BY LAND: coach, bus, camel, train, pedicab, underground, tram, moped
TRAVEL BY AIR OR CABLE: cable car, hot air balloon, plane
TRAVEL BY WATER: canoe, ferry, ship

vibrant culture →
set off → causes it to start happening.
spare time → time during which you do not have to work and you can do whatever you like.
archeological sites → place in which evidence of past activities preserve
must-see places → lloc més vistos
like-minded people → having similar tastes or opinions.
favorite subjects → matèries preferides
- USED TO/ DIDN’T USE TO → past habits


- amazing - nice - fantastic - good

- ancient - old - filthy - dirty
- awful - bad - gorgeous - pretty
- delicious - tasty - hideous - ugly
- delighted - happy - astounding - surprising
- exhausted - tired - spotless - clean
- freezing - cold - hilarious - funny
- huge or gigantic - big - furious - angry
- tiny - small - boiling - hot
- unforgettable - memorable - starving - hungry

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